#include #include #include "gd_main.h" #include "gd_memory.h" #include "objects.h" #include "debug_utils.h" #include "renderer.h" /* This file was spilt out of debug_memory.asm based on rodata. * The rodata for functions after this "__main__" function have string literals following * f32 literal, which implies that this is its own file */ // data s32 gGdMoveScene = TRUE; // @ 801A8050 static s32 sUnref801A8054 = TRUE; f32 D_801A8058 = -600.0f; s32 gGdUseVtxNormal = TRUE; // @ 801A805C; instead of face normals static s32 sUnrefScnWidth = 320; static s32 sUnrefScnHeight = 240; // bss struct GdControl gGdCtrl; // @ 801B9920; processed controller info struct GdControl gGdCtrlPrev; // @ 801B9A18; previous frame's controller info /* @ 225DA0 for 0x110 */ u32 __main__(void) { UNUSED u32 pad1C; gd_printf("%x, %x\n", (u32) &D_801A8058, (u32) &gGdMoveScene); add_to_stacktrace("main"); gd_init(); gGdCtrl.unk88 = 0.46799f; gGdCtrl.unkA0 = -34.0f; gGdCtrl.unkAC = 34.0f; gGdCtrl.unk00 = 2; gGdCtrl.newStartPress = FALSE; gGdCtrl.prevFrame = &gGdCtrlPrev; add_to_stacktrace("main - make_scene"); // TODO: rename to "make_scene"?; called function does nothing, though func_8017E20C(); imout(); gd_init_controllers(); print_all_memtrackers(); start_timer("dlgen"); stop_timer("dlgen"); mem_stats(); while (TRUE) func_801A520C(); imout(); return 0; }