/** * Behavior for MIPS (everyone's favorite yellow rabbit). */ /** * Initializes MIPS' physics parameters and checks if he should be active, * hiding him if necessary. */ void bhv_mips_init(void) { // Retrieve star flags for Castle Secret Stars on current save file. u8 starFlags; starFlags = save_file_get_star_flags(gCurrSaveFileNum - 1, -1); // If the player has >= 15 stars and hasn't collected first MIPS star... if (save_file_get_total_star_count(gCurrSaveFileNum - 1, 0, 24) >= 15 && (starFlags & 0x08) == 0) { o->oBehParams2ndByte = 0; #ifndef VERSION_JP o->oMipsForwardVelocity = 40.0f; #endif } // If the player has >= 50 stars and hasn't collected second MIPS star... else if (save_file_get_total_star_count(gCurrSaveFileNum - 1, 0, 24) >= 50 && (starFlags & 0x10) == 0) { o->oBehParams2ndByte = 1; #ifndef VERSION_JP o->oMipsForwardVelocity = 45.0f; #endif } else { // No MIPS stars are available, hide MIPS. o->activeFlags = 0; } // This flag seems to make MIPS fall straight down when thrown. o->oUnk190 = 0x10; #ifndef VERSION_JP o->oGravity = 15.0f; #else o->oGravity = 2.5f; #endif o->oFriction = 0.89f; o->oBuoyancy = 1.2f; SetObjAnimation(0); } /** * Helper function that finds the waypoint that is both within 800 units of MIPS * and furthest from Mario's current location. */ s16 bhv_mips_find_furthest_waypoint_to_mario(void) { s8 i; s16 x, y, z; s16 furthestWaypointIndex = -1; f32 furthestWaypointDistance = -10000.0f; f32 distanceToMario; void **pathBase; struct Waypoint *waypoint; pathBase = segmented_to_virtual(&inside_castle_seg7_trajectory_mips); // For each waypoint in MIPS path... for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { waypoint = (struct Waypoint *) segmented_to_virtual(*(pathBase + i)); x = waypoint->pos[0]; y = waypoint->pos[1]; z = waypoint->pos[2]; // Is the waypoint within 800 units of MIPS? if (IsPointCloseToObject(o, x, y, z, 800)) { // Is this further from Mario than the last waypoint? distanceToMario = sqr(x - gMarioObject->header.gfx.pos[0]) + sqr(z - gMarioObject->header.gfx.pos[2]); if (furthestWaypointDistance < distanceToMario) { furthestWaypointIndex = i; furthestWaypointDistance = distanceToMario; } } } // Set MIPS' next waypoint to be the closest waypoint to Mario. o->oMipsStartWaypointIndex = furthestWaypointIndex; return (s16) o->oMipsStartWaypointIndex; } /** * Wait until Mario comes close, then resume following our path. */ void bhv_mips_act_wait_for_nearby_mario(void) { UNUSED s16 collisionFlags = 0; o->oForwardVel = 0.0f; collisionFlags = ObjectStep(); // If Mario is within 500 units... if (is_point_within_radius_of_mario(o->oPosX, o->oPosY, o->oPosZ, 500)) { // If we fail to find a suitable waypoint... if (bhv_mips_find_furthest_waypoint_to_mario() == -1) { // Call it quits. o->oAction = MIPS_ACT_WAIT_FOR_ANIMATION_DONE; } else { // Resume path following. SetObjAnimation(1); o->oAction = MIPS_ACT_FOLLOW_PATH; } } } /** * Continue to follow our path around the basement area. */ void bhv_mips_act_follow_path(void) { s16 collisionFlags = 0; s32 followStatus; void **pathBase; struct Waypoint *waypoint; // Retrieve current waypoint. pathBase = segmented_to_virtual(&inside_castle_seg7_trajectory_mips); waypoint = (struct Waypoint *) segmented_to_virtual(*(pathBase + o->oMipsStartWaypointIndex)); // Set start waypoint and follow the path from there. o->oPathedStartWaypoint = waypoint; followStatus = obj_follow_path(followStatus); // Update velocity and angle and do movement. #ifndef VERSION_JP o->oForwardVel = o->oMipsForwardVelocity; #else o->oForwardVel = 45.0f; #endif o->oMoveAngleYaw = o->oPathedTargetYaw; collisionFlags = ObjectStep(); // If we are at the end of the path, do idle animation and wait for Mario. if (followStatus == PATH_REACHED_END) { SetObjAnimation(0); o->oAction = MIPS_ACT_WAIT_FOR_NEARBY_MARIO; } // Play sounds during walk animation. if (func_8029F788() == 1 && (collisionFlags & OBJ_COL_FLAG_UNDERWATER)) { PlaySound2(SOUND_OBJECT_MIPSRABBITWATER); spawn_object(o, MODEL_NONE, bhvSurfaceWaveShrinking); } else if (func_8029F788() == 1) { PlaySound2(SOUND_OBJECT_MIPSRABBIT); } } /** * Seems to wait until the current animation is done, then go idle. */ void bhv_mips_act_wait_for_animation_done(void) { if (func_8029F788() == 1) { SetObjAnimation(0); o->oAction = MIPS_ACT_IDLE; } } /** * Handles MIPS falling down after being thrown. */ void bhv_mips_act_fall_down(void) { s16 collisionFlags = 0; collisionFlags = ObjectStep(); o->header.gfx.unk38.animFrame = 0; if ((collisionFlags & OBJ_COL_FLAG_GROUNDED) == 1) { o->oAction = MIPS_ACT_WAIT_FOR_ANIMATION_DONE; o->oFlags |= OBJ_FLAG_SET_FACE_YAW_TO_MOVE_YAW; o->oMoveAngleYaw = o->oFaceAngleYaw; if (collisionFlags & OBJ_COL_FLAG_UNDERWATER) spawn_object(o, MODEL_NONE, bhvSurfaceWaveShrinking); } } /** * Idle loop, after you catch MIPS and put him down. */ void bhv_mips_act_idle(void) { UNUSED s16 collisionFlags = 0; o->oForwardVel = 0; collisionFlags = ObjectStep(); // Spawn a star if he was just picked up for the first time. if (o->oMipsStarStatus == MIPS_STAR_STATUS_SHOULD_SPAWN_STAR) { bhv_spawn_star_objects(o->oBehParams2ndByte + 3); o->oMipsStarStatus = MIPS_STAR_STATUS_ALREADY_SPAWNED_STAR; } } /** * Handles all the actions MIPS does when he is not held. */ void bhv_mips_free(void) { switch (o->oAction) { case MIPS_ACT_WAIT_FOR_NEARBY_MARIO: bhv_mips_act_wait_for_nearby_mario(); break; case MIPS_ACT_FOLLOW_PATH: bhv_mips_act_follow_path(); break; case MIPS_ACT_WAIT_FOR_ANIMATION_DONE: bhv_mips_act_wait_for_animation_done(); break; case MIPS_ACT_FALL_DOWN: bhv_mips_act_fall_down(); break; case MIPS_ACT_IDLE: bhv_mips_act_idle(); break; } } /** * Handles MIPS being held by Mario. */ void bhv_mips_held(void) { s16 dialogId; o->header.gfx.node.flags |= GRAPH_RENDER_INVISIBLE; SetObjAnimation(4); // Held animation. obj_set_pos_relative(gMarioObject, 0, 60.0f, 100.0f); obj_become_intangible(); // If MIPS hasn't spawned his star yet... if (o->oMipsStarStatus == MIPS_STAR_STATUS_HAVENT_SPAWNED_STAR) { // Choose dialog based on which MIPS encounter this is. if (o->oBehParams2ndByte == 0) dialogId = 84; else dialogId = 162; if (set_mario_npc_dialog(1) == 2) { o->activeFlags |= ACTIVE_FLAG_INITIATED_TIME_STOP; if (func_8028F8E0(162, o, dialogId)) { o->oUnk190 |= 0x40; o->activeFlags &= ~ACTIVE_FLAG_INITIATED_TIME_STOP; o->oMipsStarStatus = MIPS_STAR_STATUS_SHOULD_SPAWN_STAR; set_mario_npc_dialog(0); } } } } /** * Handles MIPS being dropped by Mario. */ void bhv_mips_dropped(void) { obj_get_dropped(); o->header.gfx.node.flags &= ~GRAPH_RENDER_INVISIBLE; SetObjAnimation(0); o->oHeldState = HELD_FREE; obj_become_tangible(); o->oForwardVel = 3.0f; o->oAction = MIPS_ACT_IDLE; } /** * Handles MIPS being thrown by Mario. */ void bhv_mips_thrown(void) { obj_enable_rendering_2(); o->header.gfx.node.flags &= ~GRAPH_RENDER_INVISIBLE; o->oHeldState = HELD_FREE; o->oFlags &= ~OBJ_FLAG_SET_FACE_YAW_TO_MOVE_YAW; SetObjAnimation(2); obj_become_tangible(); o->oForwardVel = 25.0f; o->oVelY = 20.0f; o->oAction = MIPS_ACT_FALL_DOWN; } /** * MIPS' main loop. */ void bhv_mips_loop(void) { // Determine what to do based on MIPS' held status. switch (o->oHeldState) { case HELD_FREE: bhv_mips_free(); break; case HELD_HELD: bhv_mips_held(); break; case HELD_THROWN: bhv_mips_thrown(); break; case HELD_DROPPED: bhv_mips_dropped(); break; } }