#include #include #include "memory.h" #include "data.h" #include "load.h" #include "synthesis.h" #include "seqplayer.h" #include "effects.h" #define ALIGN16(val) (((val) + 0xF) & ~0xF) struct Struct803161E0 { u32 wantSeq; u32 wantBank; u32 wantUnused; u32 wantCustom; }; // size = 0x10 struct U32Pair { u32 wantPersistent; u32 wantTemporary; }; // size = 0x8 s16 D_802212A0; s8 D_802212A2; u8 D_802212A3; struct SoundAllocPool D_802212A8; struct SoundAllocPool gSoundPool; struct SoundAllocPool D_802212C8; u8 sAudioMemoryPad[0x20]; // probably two unused pools struct SoundAllocPool D_802212F8; struct SoundAllocPool D_80221308; struct SoundAllocPool D_80221318; struct SoundMultiPool gSeqLoadedPool; struct SoundMultiPool gBankLoadedPool; struct SoundMultiPool gUnusedLoadedPool; struct Struct803161E0 D_80221898; struct U32Pair D_802218A8; struct Struct803161E0 D_802218B0; struct Struct803161E0 D_802218C0; u8 gBankLoadStatus[0x40]; u8 gSeqLoadStatus[0x100]; u8 gAudioUnusedBuffer[0x1000]; extern s32 D_80226D6C; void reset_bank_and_seq_load_status(void) { s32 i; for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) { gBankLoadStatus[i] = SOUND_LOAD_STATUS_NOT_LOADED; } for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { gSeqLoadStatus[i] = SOUND_LOAD_STATUS_NOT_LOADED; } } void discard_bank(s32 bankId) { s32 i; for (i = 0; i < gMaxSimultaneousNotes; i++) { struct Note *note = &gNotes[i]; if (note->bankId == bankId) { if (note->priority >= NOTE_PRIORITY_MIN) { note->parentLayer->enabled = FALSE; note->parentLayer->finished = TRUE; } note_disable(note); audio_list_remove(¬e->listItem); audio_list_push_back(&gNoteFreeLists.disabled, ¬e->listItem); } } } void discard_sequence(s32 seqId) { s32 i; for (i = 0; i < SEQUENCE_PLAYERS; i++) { if (gSequencePlayers[i].enabled && gSequencePlayers[i].seqId == seqId) sequence_player_disable(gSequencePlayers + i); } } void *soundAlloc(struct SoundAllocPool *pool, u32 size) { s32 last; s32 i; u8 *start; if ((pool->cur + ALIGN16(size) <= pool->size + pool->start)) { start = pool->cur; pool->cur += ALIGN16(size); last = pool->cur - start - 1; for (i = 0; i <= last; i++) start[i] = 0; } else { return NULL; } return start; } void func_80316094(struct SoundAllocPool *pool, void *arg1, u32 arg2) { pool->cur = pool->start = (u8 *) (((u32) arg1 + 0xf) & -0x10); pool->size = arg2; pool->unused = 0; } void func_803160B4(struct PersistentPool *persistent) { persistent->pool.unused = 0; persistent->pool.cur = persistent->pool.start; persistent->numEntries = 0; } void func_803160C8(struct TemporaryPool *temporary) { temporary->pool.unused = 0; temporary->pool.cur = temporary->pool.start; temporary->nextSide = 0; temporary->entries[0].ptr = temporary->pool.start; temporary->entries[1].ptr = temporary->pool.size + temporary->pool.start; temporary->entries[0].id = -1; temporary->entries[1].id = -1; } void unused_803160F8(struct SoundAllocPool *pool) { pool->unused = 0; pool->cur = pool->start; } void func_80316108(s32 arg0) { func_80316094(&gSoundPool, gAudioHeap, arg0); func_80316094(&D_802212A8, gAudioHeap + arg0, gAudioHeapSize - arg0); } void func_80316164(struct Struct803161E0 *a) { D_802212A8.cur = D_802212A8.start; func_80316094(&D_802212C8, soundAlloc(&D_802212A8, a->wantSeq), a->wantSeq); func_80316094(&D_802212F8, soundAlloc(&D_802212A8, a->wantCustom), a->wantCustom); } void func_803161E0(struct U32Pair *a) { D_802212F8.cur = D_802212F8.start; func_80316094(&D_80221308, soundAlloc(&D_802212F8, a->wantPersistent), a->wantPersistent); func_80316094(&D_80221318, soundAlloc(&D_802212F8, a->wantTemporary), a->wantTemporary); } void func_8031625C(struct Struct803161E0 *a) { D_80221308.cur = D_80221308.start; func_80316094(&gSeqLoadedPool.persistent.pool, soundAlloc(&D_80221308, a->wantSeq), a->wantSeq); func_80316094(&gBankLoadedPool.persistent.pool, soundAlloc(&D_80221308, a->wantBank), a->wantBank); func_80316094(&gUnusedLoadedPool.persistent.pool, soundAlloc(&D_80221308, a->wantUnused), a->wantUnused); func_803160B4(&gSeqLoadedPool.persistent); func_803160B4(&gBankLoadedPool.persistent); func_803160B4(&gUnusedLoadedPool.persistent); } void func_80316318(struct Struct803161E0 *a) { D_80221318.cur = D_80221318.start; func_80316094(&gSeqLoadedPool.temporary.pool, soundAlloc(&D_80221318, a->wantSeq), a->wantSeq); func_80316094(&gBankLoadedPool.temporary.pool, soundAlloc(&D_80221318, a->wantBank), a->wantBank); func_80316094(&gUnusedLoadedPool.temporary.pool, soundAlloc(&D_80221318, a->wantUnused), a->wantUnused); func_803160C8(&gSeqLoadedPool.temporary); func_803160C8(&gBankLoadedPool.temporary); func_803160C8(&gUnusedLoadedPool.temporary); } static void unused_803163D4() { } #ifdef NON_MATCHING void *alloc_bank_or_seq(struct SoundMultiPool *arg0, s32 arg1, s32 size, s32 arg3, s32 id) { // arg3 = 0, 1 or 2? u8 *table; // sp5C u8 isSound; // sp5B struct SoundAllocPool *pool; void *ret; u32 firstVal; u32 secondVal; u32 bothDiscardable; u32 leftDiscardable, rightDiscardable; u32 leftNotLoaded, rightNotLoaded; u32 leftAvail, rightAvail; UNUSED s32 temp; struct TemporaryPool *v1; // sp30 struct PersistentPool *persistent = &arg0->persistent; if (arg3 == 0) { v1 = &arg0->temporary; if (arg0 == &gSeqLoadedPool) { table = gSeqLoadStatus; isSound = FALSE; } else if (arg0 == &gBankLoadedPool) { table = gBankLoadStatus; isSound = TRUE; } firstVal = (v1->entries[0].id == -1 ? SOUND_LOAD_STATUS_NOT_LOADED : table[v1->entries[0].id]); // a3, a2 secondVal = (v1->entries[1].id == -1 ? SOUND_LOAD_STATUS_NOT_LOADED : table[v1->entries[1].id]); // a1 leftNotLoaded = (firstVal == SOUND_LOAD_STATUS_NOT_LOADED); leftDiscardable = (firstVal == SOUND_LOAD_STATUS_DISCARDABLE); // t0 leftAvail = (firstVal != SOUND_LOAD_STATUS_IN_PROGRESS); rightNotLoaded = (secondVal == SOUND_LOAD_STATUS_NOT_LOADED); rightDiscardable = (secondVal == SOUND_LOAD_STATUS_DISCARDABLE); rightAvail = (secondVal != SOUND_LOAD_STATUS_IN_PROGRESS); bothDiscardable = (leftDiscardable && rightDiscardable); // a0 if (leftNotLoaded) { v1->nextSide = 0; } else if (rightNotLoaded) { v1->nextSide = 1; } else if (bothDiscardable) { // Use the opposite side from last time. } else if (leftDiscardable) { v1->nextSide = 0; } else if (rightDiscardable) { v1->nextSide = 1; } else if (leftAvail) { v1->nextSide = 0; } else if (rightAvail) { v1->nextSide = 1; } else { // Both left and right sides are being loaded into. return NULL; } if (v1->entries[v1->nextSide].id != -1) { table[v1->entries[v1->nextSide].id] = SOUND_LOAD_STATUS_NOT_LOADED; if (isSound == TRUE) { discard_bank(v1->entries[v1->nextSide].id); } } pool = &arg0->temporary.pool; // a1 switch (v1->nextSide) { case 0: v1->entries[0].ptr = pool->start; v1->entries[0].id = id; v1->entries[0].size = size; pool->cur = pool->start + size; if (v1->entries[1].ptr < pool->cur) { // Throw out the entry on the other side if it doesn't fit. // (possible @bug: what if it's currently being loaded?) table[v1->entries[1].id] = SOUND_LOAD_STATUS_NOT_LOADED; switch (isSound) { case FALSE: discard_sequence(v1->entries[1].id); break; case TRUE: discard_bank(v1->entries[1].id); break; } v1->entries[1].id = -1; v1->entries[1].ptr = pool->size + pool->start; } ret = v1->entries[0].ptr; break; case 1: v1->entries[1].ptr = pool->size + pool->start - size - 0x10; v1->entries[1].id = id; v1->entries[1].size = size; if (v1->entries[1].ptr < pool->cur) { table[v1->entries[0].id] = SOUND_LOAD_STATUS_NOT_LOADED; switch (isSound) { case FALSE: discard_sequence(v1->entries[0].id); break; case TRUE: discard_bank(v1->entries[0].id); break; } v1->entries[0].id = -1; pool->cur = pool->start; } ret = v1->entries[1].ptr; break; default: return NULL; } // Switch sides for next time in case both entries are // SOUND_LOAD_STATUS_DISCARDABLE. v1->nextSide ^= 1; return ret; } persistent->entries[persistent->numEntries].ptr = soundAlloc(&persistent->pool, arg1 * size); if (persistent->entries[persistent->numEntries].ptr == NULL) { switch (arg3) { case 2: // Prevent tail call optimization. ret = alloc_bank_or_seq(arg0, arg1, size, 0, id); return ret; case 1: return NULL; } } // TODO: why is this guaranteed to write <= 32 entries...? // Because the buffer is small enough that more don't fit? persistent->entries[persistent->numEntries].id = id; persistent->entries[persistent->numEntries].size = size; persistent->numEntries++; return persistent->entries[persistent->numEntries - 1].ptr; } #else GLOBAL_ASM("asm/non_matchings/alloc_bank_or_seq.s") #endif void *get_bank_or_seq(struct SoundMultiPool *arg0, s32 arg1, s32 id) { u32 i; void *ret; struct TemporaryPool *temporary = &arg0->temporary; if (arg1 == 0) { // Try not to overwrite sound that we have just accessed, by setting nextSide appropriately. if (temporary->entries[0].id == id) { temporary->nextSide = 1; return temporary->entries[0].ptr; } else if (temporary->entries[1].id == id) { temporary->nextSide = 0; return temporary->entries[1].ptr; } return NULL; } else { struct PersistentPool *persistent = &arg0->persistent; for (i = 0; i < persistent->numEntries; i++) { if (id == persistent->entries[i].id) { return persistent->entries[i].ptr; } } if (arg1 == 2) { // Prevent tail call optimization by using a temporary. // (Did they compile with -Wo,-notail?) ret = get_bank_or_seq(arg0, 0, id); return ret; } return NULL; } } void func_803168CC(void) { D_802211B0.unk4 -= D_802211B0.unk4 / 4; } /** * Waits until a specified number of audio frames have been created */ void wait_for_audio_frames(s32 frames) { gActiveAudioFrames = 0; // Sound thread will update gActiveAudioFrames while (gActiveAudioFrames < frames) { /* spin */ } } #ifdef NON_MATCHING #define frames s1 void func_80316928(struct Struct80332190 *arg0) { // Wrong regalloc, and a lui which is too far up. s32 sp2C; s16 *mem; s32 i; // s0 s32 j; s32 k; s32 persistentMem; s32 temporaryMem; s32 totalMem; s32 wantMisc; s32 s1; s8 temp8; s32 size; UNUSED s32 temp; if (gAudioLoadLock != AUDIO_LOCK_UNINITIALIZED) { func_803168CC(); for (i = 0; i < gMaxSimultaneousNotes; i++) { if (gNotes[i].enabled && gNotes[i].adsr.state != ADSR_STATE_DISABLED) { gNotes[i].adsr.fadeOutVel = 0x8000 / gAudioUpdatesPerFrame; gNotes[i].adsr.action |= ADSR_ACTION_RELEASE; } } // Wait for all notes to stop playing frames = 0; for (;;) { wait_for_audio_frames(1); frames++; if (frames > 8 * 30) { // Break after 4 seconds break; } for (i = 0; i < gMaxSimultaneousNotes; i++) { if (gNotes[i].enabled) break; } if (i == gMaxSimultaneousNotes) { // All zero, break early break; } } func_803168CC(); wait_for_audio_frames(3); gAudioLoadLock = AUDIO_LOCK_LOADING; wait_for_audio_frames(3); s1 = gCurrAudioFrameDmaCount; while (s1 > 0) { for (i = 0; i < gCurrAudioFrameDmaCount; i++) { if (osRecvMesg(&gCurrAudioFrameDmaQueue, NULL, OS_MESG_NOBLOCK) == 0) s1--; } } gCurrAudioFrameDmaCount = 0; for (j = 0; j < NUMAIBUFFERS; j++) { for (k = 0; k < 0x500; k++) { gAiBuffers[j][k] = 0; } } } gSampleDmaNumListItems = 0; sp2C = arg0->unk6; gAiFrequency = osAiSetFrequency(arg0->frequency); gMaxSimultaneousNotes = arg0->maxSimultaneousNotes; size = gAiFrequency / 60; D_80226D74 = ALIGN16(size); D_802212A2 = arg0->unk5; switch (D_802212A2) { case 1: D_802212A3 = 0; break; case 2: D_802212A3 = 1; break; case 4: D_802212A3 = 2; break; case 8: D_802212A3 = 3; break; case 16: D_802212A3 = 4; break; default: D_802212A3 = 0; } D_802212A2 = arg0->unk5; D_802212A0 = arg0->volume; gMinAiBufferLength = D_80226D74 - 0x10; temp8 = D_80226D74 / 160 + 1; gAudioUpdatesPerFrame = temp8; // Compute conversion ratio from the internal unit tatums/tick to the // external beats/minute (JP) or tatums/minute (US). In practice this is // 300 on JP and 14360 on US. #ifdef VERSION_JP gTempoInternalToExternal = temp8 * 3600 / gTatumsPerBeat; #else gTempoInternalToExternal = (u32)(temp8 * 2880000.0f / gTatumsPerBeat / 16.713f); #endif D_80226D6C = gMaxSimultaneousNotes * 20 * temp8 + 320; persistentMem = arg0->persistentBankMem + arg0->persistentSeqMem; temporaryMem = arg0->temporaryBankMem + arg0->temporarySeqMem; totalMem = persistentMem + temporaryMem; // (the address of D_802212A8.size is lui'd too far up) wantMisc = D_802212A8.size - totalMem - 0x100; D_80221898.wantSeq = wantMisc; D_80221898.wantCustom = totalMem; func_80316164(&D_80221898); D_802218A8.wantPersistent = persistentMem; D_802218A8.wantTemporary = temporaryMem; func_803161E0(&D_802218A8); D_802218B0.wantSeq = arg0->persistentSeqMem; D_802218B0.wantBank = arg0->persistentBankMem; D_802218B0.wantUnused = 0; func_8031625C(&D_802218B0); D_802218C0.wantSeq = arg0->temporarySeqMem; D_802218C0.wantBank = arg0->temporaryBankMem; D_802218C0.wantUnused = 0; func_80316318(&D_802218C0); reset_bank_and_seq_load_status(); for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) { gAudioCmdBuffers[j] = soundAlloc(&D_802212C8, D_80226D6C * 8); } gNotes = soundAlloc(&D_802212C8, gMaxSimultaneousNotes * sizeof(struct Note)); note_init_all(); init_note_free_list(); if (sp2C == 0) { D_802211B0.unk1 = 0; } else { D_802211B0.unk1 = 8; D_802211B0.unk14.unk00 = soundAlloc(&D_802212C8, sp2C * 2); D_802211B0.unk14.unk04 = soundAlloc(&D_802212C8, sp2C * 2); D_802211B0.unk8 = 0; D_802211B0.unkC = 0; D_802211B0.unk3 = 0; D_802211B0.unk10 = sp2C; D_802211B0.unk4 = arg0->unk8; D_802211B0.unk2 = 2; if (D_802212A2 != 1) { D_802211B0.unk0 = 1; D_802211B0.unk6 = 0x8000 / D_802212A2; D_802211B0.unk1C = soundAlloc(&D_802212C8, 32); D_802211B0.unk20 = soundAlloc(&D_802212C8, 32); D_802211B0.unk24 = soundAlloc(&D_802212C8, 32); D_802211B0.unk28 = soundAlloc(&D_802212C8, 32); for (i = 0; i < gAudioUpdatesPerFrame; i++) { mem = soundAlloc(&D_802212C8, 0x280); D_802211B0.unk2C[0][i].unk4 = mem; D_802211B0.unk2C[0][i].unk8 = mem + 0xA0; mem = soundAlloc(&D_802212C8, 0x280); D_802211B0.unk2C[1][i].unk4 = mem; D_802211B0.unk2C[1][i].unk8 = mem + 0xA0; } } } func_8031758C(gMaxSimultaneousNotes); osWritebackDCacheAll(); if (gAudioLoadLock != AUDIO_LOCK_UNINITIALIZED) { gAudioLoadLock = AUDIO_LOCK_NOT_LOADING; } } #elif defined(VERSION_JP) GLOBAL_ASM("asm/non_matchings/func_80316928_jp.s") #else GLOBAL_ASM("asm/non_matchings/func_80316928_us.s") #endif