// yoshi.c.inc // X/Z coordinates of Yoshi's homes that he switches between. // Note that this doesn't contain the Y coordinate since the castle roof is flat, // so o->oHomeY is never updated. static s16 sYoshiHomeLocations[] = { 0, -5625, -1364, -5912, -1403, -4609, -1004, -5308 }; void bhv_yoshi_init(void) { o->oGravity = 2.0f; o->oFriction = 0.9f; o->oBuoyancy = 1.3f; o->oInteractionSubtype = INT_SUBTYPE_NPC; if (save_file_get_total_star_count(gCurrSaveFileNum - 1, 0, 24) < 120 || D_80331508 == 1) { o->activeFlags = 0; } } void yoshi_walk_loop(void) { UNUSED s16 sp26; s16 sp24 = o->header.gfx.unk38.animFrame; o->oForwardVel = 10.0f; sp26 = ObjectStep(); o->oMoveAngleYaw = approach_s16_symmetric(o->oMoveAngleYaw, o->oYoshiTargetYaw, 0x500); if (IsPointCloseToObject(o, o->oHomeX, 3174.0f, o->oHomeZ, 200)) o->oAction = YOSHI_ACT_IDLE; SetObjAnimation(1); if (sp24 == 0 || sp24 == 15) PlaySound2(SOUND_GENERAL_YOSHI_WALK); if (o->oInteractStatus == INT_STATUS_INTERACTED) o->oAction = YOSHI_ACT_TALK; if (o->oPosY < 2100.0f) { create_respawner(MODEL_YOSHI, bhvYoshi, 3000); o->activeFlags = 0; } } void yoshi_idle_loop(void) { s16 chosenHome; UNUSED s16 sp1C = o->header.gfx.unk38.animFrame; if (o->oTimer > 90) { chosenHome = RandomFloat() * 3.99; if (o->oYoshiChosenHome == chosenHome) { return; } else { o->oYoshiChosenHome = chosenHome; } o->oHomeX = sYoshiHomeLocations[o->oYoshiChosenHome * 2]; o->oHomeZ = sYoshiHomeLocations[o->oYoshiChosenHome * 2 + 1]; o->oYoshiTargetYaw = atan2s(o->oHomeZ - o->oPosZ, o->oHomeX - o->oPosX); o->oAction = YOSHI_ACT_WALK; } SetObjAnimation(0); if (o->oInteractStatus == INT_STATUS_INTERACTED) o->oAction = YOSHI_ACT_TALK; // Credits; Yoshi appears at this position overlooking the castle near the end of the credits if (gPlayerStatusForCamera->unk1C[1] == 11 || gPlayerStatusForCamera->unk1C[1] == 12) { o->oAction = YOSHI_ACT_CREDITS; o->oPosX = -1798.0f; o->oPosY = 3174.0f; o->oPosZ = -3644.0f; } } void yoshi_talk_loop(void) { if ((s16) o->oMoveAngleYaw == (s16) o->oAngleToMario) { SetObjAnimation(0); if (set_mario_npc_dialog(1) == 2) { o->activeFlags |= 0x20; if (cutscene_object_with_dialog(CUTSCENE_DIALOG_1, o, 161)) { o->activeFlags &= ~0x20; o->oInteractStatus = 0; o->oHomeX = sYoshiHomeLocations[2]; o->oHomeZ = sYoshiHomeLocations[3]; o->oYoshiTargetYaw = atan2s(o->oHomeZ - o->oPosZ, o->oHomeX - o->oPosX); o->oAction = YOSHI_ACT_GIVE_PRESENT; } } } else { SetObjAnimation(1); play_puzzle_jingle(); o->oMoveAngleYaw = approach_s16_symmetric(o->oMoveAngleYaw, o->oAngleToMario, 0x500); } } void yoshi_walk_and_jump_off_roof_loop(void) { s16 sp26 = o->header.gfx.unk38.animFrame; o->oForwardVel = 10.0f; ObjectStep(); SetObjAnimation(1); if (o->oTimer == 0) cutscene_object(CUTSCENE_STAR_SPAWN, o); o->oMoveAngleYaw = approach_s16_symmetric(o->oMoveAngleYaw, o->oYoshiTargetYaw, 0x500); if (IsPointCloseToObject(o, o->oHomeX, 3174.0f, o->oHomeZ, 200)) { SetObjAnimation(2); PlaySound2(SOUND_GENERAL_ENEMY_ALERT1); o->oForwardVel = 50.0f; o->oVelY = 40.0f; o->oMoveAngleYaw = -0x3FFF; o->oAction = YOSHI_ACT_FINISH_JUMPING_AND_DESPAWN; } if (sp26 == 0 || sp26 == 15) { PlaySound2(SOUND_GENERAL_YOSHI_WALK); } } void yoshi_finish_jumping_and_despawn_loop(void) { func_8029F728(); obj_move_xyz_using_fvel_and_yaw(o); o->oVelY -= 2.0; if (o->oPosY < 2100.0f) { set_mario_npc_dialog(0); gCutsceneActive = 1; D_80331508 = 1; o->activeFlags = 0; } } void yoshi_give_present_loop(void) { s32 sp1C = gGlobalTimer; if (gHudDisplay.lives == 100) { play_sound(SOUND_GENERAL_COLLECT_1UP, gDefaultSoundArgs); gSpecialTripleJump = 1; o->oAction = YOSHI_ACT_WALK_JUMP_OFF_ROOF; return; } if ((sp1C & 0x03) == 0) { play_sound(SOUND_MENU_YOSHI_GAIN_LIVES, gDefaultSoundArgs); gMarioState->numLives++; } } void BehYoshiLoop(void) { switch (o->oAction) { case YOSHI_ACT_IDLE: yoshi_idle_loop(); break; case YOSHI_ACT_WALK: yoshi_walk_loop(); break; case YOSHI_ACT_TALK: yoshi_talk_loop(); break; case YOSHI_ACT_WALK_JUMP_OFF_ROOF: yoshi_walk_and_jump_off_roof_loop(); break; case YOSHI_ACT_FINISH_JUMPING_AND_DESPAWN: yoshi_finish_jumping_and_despawn_loop(); break; case YOSHI_ACT_GIVE_PRESENT: yoshi_give_present_loop(); break; case YOSHI_ACT_CREDITS: SetObjAnimation(0); break; } ObjRandomBlink(&o->oYoshiUnkF4); }