/** * Behavior for bhvTTCCog. This includes both the hexagonal cogs and the * triangular prisms that rotate around the y axis. */ /** * Collision model for hexagon and triangle, respectively. */ static void *sTTCCogCollisionModels[] = { ttc_seg7_collision_07015584, ttc_seg7_collision_07015650, }; /** * The direction that the cog moves on non-random settings. */ static s8 sTTCCogDirections[] = { 1, -1 }; /** * The speed that the cog moves on the slow and fast settings, respectively. */ static s16 sTTCCogNormalSpeeds[] = { 200, 400 }; /** * Init function for bhvTTCCog. */ void bhv_ttc_cog_init(void) { o->collisionData = segmented_to_virtual( sTTCCogCollisionModels[(o->oBehParams2ndByte & TTC_COG_BP_SHAPE_MASK) >> 1]); o->oTTCCogDir = sTTCCogDirections[o->oBehParams2ndByte & TTC_COG_BP_DIR_MASK]; } /** * Update function for bhvTTCCog. */ void bhv_ttc_cog_update(void) { switch (gTTCSpeedSetting) { case TTC_SPEED_SLOW: case TTC_SPEED_FAST: o->oTTCCogSpeed = sTTCCogNormalSpeeds[gTTCSpeedSetting]; break; case TTC_SPEED_RANDOM: if (approach_f32_ptr(&o->oTTCCogSpeed, o->oTTCCogTargetVel, 50.0f)) { o->oTTCCogTargetVel = 200.0f * (RandomU16() % 7) * RandomSign(); } case TTC_SPEED_STOPPED: break; } o->oAngleVelYaw = (s32)(o->oTTCCogSpeed * o->oTTCCogDir); o->oFaceAngleYaw += o->oAngleVelYaw; }