// tuxie.c.inc void play_penguin_walking_sound(s32 walk) { s32 sound; if (o->oSoundStateID == 0) { if (walk == PENGUIN_WALK_BABY) sound = SOUND_OBJ_BABY_PENGUIN_WALK; else // PENGUIN_WALK_BIG sound = SOUND_OBJ_BIG_PENGUIN_WALK; set_obj_anim_with_accel_and_sound(1, 11, sound); } } void tuxies_mother_act_2(void) { f32 sp24; UNUSED s32 unused; struct Object *sp1C = cur_obj_find_nearest_object_with_behavior(bhvSmallPenguin, &sp24); if (cur_obj_find_nearby_held_actor(bhvUnused20E0, 1000.0f) != NULL) { if (o->oSubAction == 0) { cur_obj_init_animation_with_sound(0); o->oForwardVel = 10.0f; if (800.0f < cur_obj_lateral_dist_from_mario_to_home()) o->oSubAction = 1; cur_obj_rotate_yaw_toward(o->oAngleToMario, 0x400); } else { o->oForwardVel = 0.0f; cur_obj_init_animation_with_sound(3); if (cur_obj_lateral_dist_from_mario_to_home() < 700.0f) o->oSubAction = 0; } } else { o->oForwardVel = 0.0f; cur_obj_init_animation_with_sound(3); } if (sp1C != NULL && sp24 < 300.0f && sp1C->oHeldState != HELD_FREE) { o->oAction = 1; sp1C->oSmallPenguinUnk88 = 1; o->prevObj = sp1C; } } void tuxies_mother_act_1(void) { s32 sp2C; s32 sp28; s32 dialogID; switch (o->oSubAction) { case 0: cur_obj_init_animation_with_sound(3); if (!cur_obj_is_mario_on_platform()) { sp2C = (o->oBehParams >> 0x10) & 0xFF; sp28 = (o->prevObj->oBehParams >> 0x10) & 0xFF; if (sp2C == sp28) dialogID = DIALOG_058; else dialogID = DIALOG_059; if (cur_obj_update_dialog_with_cutscene(2, 1, CUTSCENE_DIALOG, dialogID)) { if (dialogID == DIALOG_058) o->oSubAction = 1; else o->oSubAction = 2; o->prevObj->oInteractionSubtype |= INT_SUBTYPE_DROP_IMMEDIATELY; } } else cur_obj_init_animation_with_sound(0); break; case 1: if (o->prevObj->oHeldState == HELD_FREE) { //! This line is was almost certainly supposed to be something // like o->prevObj->oInteractionSubtype &= ~INT_SUBTYPE_DROP_IMMEDIATELY; // however, this code uses the value of o->oInteractionSubtype // rather than its offset to rawData. For this object, // o->oInteractionSubtype is always 0, so the result is this: // o->prevObj->oUnknownUnk88 &= ~INT_SUBTYPE_DROP_IMMEDIATELY // which has no effect as o->prevObj->oUnknownUnk88 is always 0 // or 1, which is not affected by the bitwise AND. o->prevObj->OBJECT_FIELD_S32(o->oInteractionSubtype) &= ~INT_SUBTYPE_DROP_IMMEDIATELY; obj_set_behavior(o->prevObj, bhvUnused20E0); #ifndef VERSION_JP cur_obj_spawn_star_at_y_offset(3167.0f, -4300.0f, 5108.0f, 200.0f); #else spawn_default_star(3500.0f, -4300.0f, 4650.0f); #endif o->oAction = 2; } break; case 2: if (o->prevObj->oHeldState == HELD_FREE) { //! Same bug as above o->prevObj->OBJECT_FIELD_S32(o->oInteractionSubtype) &= ~INT_SUBTYPE_DROP_IMMEDIATELY; obj_set_behavior(o->prevObj, bhvPenguinBaby); o->oAction = 2; } break; } } void tuxies_mother_act_0(void) { s32 sp2C; f32 sp28; struct Object *sp24; sp2C = 0; sp24 = cur_obj_find_nearest_object_with_behavior(bhvSmallPenguin, &sp28); cur_obj_scale(4.0f); cur_obj_init_animation_with_sound(3); if (sp28 < 500.0f) sp2C = 1; if (sp24 != NULL && sp28 < 300.0f && sp24->oHeldState != HELD_FREE) { o->oAction = 1; sp24->oSmallPenguinUnk88 = 1; o->prevObj = sp24; } else { switch (o->oSubAction) { case 0: if (cur_obj_can_mario_activate_textbox_2(300.0f, 100.0f)) if (sp2C == 0) o->oSubAction++; break; case 1: if (cur_obj_update_dialog_with_cutscene(2, 1, CUTSCENE_DIALOG, DIALOG_057)) o->oSubAction++; break; case 2: if (o->oDistanceToMario > 450.0f) o->oSubAction = 0; break; } } if (cur_obj_check_anim_frame(1)) cur_obj_play_sound_2(SOUND_OBJ_BIG_PENGUIN_YELL); } void (*sTuxiesMotherActions[])(void) = { tuxies_mother_act_0, tuxies_mother_act_1, tuxies_mother_act_2 }; void bhv_tuxies_mother_loop(void) { o->activeFlags |= 0x400; cur_obj_update_floor_and_walls(); cur_obj_call_action_function(sTuxiesMotherActions); cur_obj_move_standard(-78); play_penguin_walking_sound(PENGUIN_WALK_BIG); o->oInteractStatus = 0; } void small_penguin_dive_with_mario(void) { if (mario_is_dive_sliding()) { o->oSmallPenguinUnk100 = o->oAction; o->oAction = 3; } } void small_penguin_act_2(void) { s32 sp1C = 0; if (o->oTimer == 0) if (cur_obj_dist_to_nearest_object_with_behavior(bhvTuxiesMother) < 1000.0f) sp1C = 1; cur_obj_init_animation_with_sound(0); o->oForwardVel = o->oSmallPenguinUnk104 + 3.0f; cur_obj_rotate_yaw_toward(o->oAngleToMario + 0x8000, o->oSmallPenguinUnk110 + 0x600); if (o->oDistanceToMario > o->oSmallPenguinUnk108 + 500.0f) o->oAction = 0; small_penguin_dive_with_mario(); if (sp1C) o->oAction = 5; } void small_penguin_act_1(void) { cur_obj_init_animation_with_sound(0); o->oForwardVel = o->oSmallPenguinUnk104 + 3.0f; cur_obj_rotate_yaw_toward(o->oAngleToMario, o->oSmallPenguinUnk110 + 0x600); if (o->oDistanceToMario < o->oSmallPenguinUnk108 + 300.0f) o->oAction = 0; if (o->oDistanceToMario > 1100.0f) o->oAction = 0; small_penguin_dive_with_mario(); } void small_penguin_act_3(void) { if (o->oTimer > 5) { if (o->oTimer == 6) cur_obj_play_sound_2(SOUND_OBJ_BABY_PENGUIN_DIVE); cur_obj_init_animation_with_sound(1); if (o->oTimer > 25) if (!mario_is_dive_sliding()) o->oAction = 4; } } void small_penguin_act_4(void) { if (o->oTimer > 20) { o->oForwardVel = 0.0f; cur_obj_init_animation_with_sound(2); if (o->oTimer > 40) o->oAction = o->oSmallPenguinUnk100; } } void small_penguin_act_0(void) { s32 sp1C; sp1C = 0; cur_obj_init_animation_with_sound(3); if (o->oTimer == 0) { o->oSmallPenguinUnk110 = (s32)(random_float() * 0x400); o->oSmallPenguinUnk108 = random_float() * 100.0f; o->oSmallPenguinUnk104 = random_float(); o->oForwardVel = 0.0f; if (cur_obj_dist_to_nearest_object_with_behavior(bhvTuxiesMother) < 1000.0f) sp1C = 1; } if (o->oDistanceToMario < 1000.0f && o->oSmallPenguinUnk108 + 600.0f < o->oDistanceToMario) o->oAction = 1; else if (o->oDistanceToMario < o->oSmallPenguinUnk108 + 300.0f) o->oAction = 2; if (sp1C) o->oAction = 5; if (cur_obj_mario_far_away()) cur_obj_set_pos_to_home(); } void small_penguin_act_5(void) { f32 sp24; s16 sp22; struct Object *sp1C = cur_obj_nearest_object_with_behavior(bhvTuxiesMother); if (sp1C != NULL) { if (o->oDistanceToMario < 1000.0f) o->oForwardVel = 2.0f; else o->oForwardVel = 0.0f; sp24 = dist_between_objects(o, sp1C); sp22 = obj_angle_to_object(o, sp1C); if (sp24 > 200.0f) cur_obj_rotate_yaw_toward(sp22, 0x400); else cur_obj_rotate_yaw_toward(sp22 + 0x8000, 0x400); cur_obj_init_animation_with_sound(0); } small_penguin_dive_with_mario(); } void (*sSmallPenguinActions[])(void) = { small_penguin_act_0, small_penguin_act_1, small_penguin_act_2, small_penguin_act_3, small_penguin_act_4, small_penguin_act_5 }; void small_penguin_free_actions(void) { if (o->oSmallPenguinUnk88 != 0) { o->oAction = 5; o->oSmallPenguinUnk88 = 0; } cur_obj_update_floor_and_walls(); cur_obj_call_action_function(sSmallPenguinActions); cur_obj_move_standard(-78); play_penguin_walking_sound(PENGUIN_WALK_BABY); } void bhv_small_penguin_loop(void) { switch (o->oHeldState) { case HELD_FREE: small_penguin_free_actions(); break; case HELD_HELD: cur_obj_unrender_and_reset_state(0, 0); if (cur_obj_has_behavior(bhvPenguinBaby)) obj_set_behavior(o, bhvSmallPenguin); obj_copy_pos(o, gMarioObject); if (gGlobalTimer % 30 == 0) #ifndef VERSION_JP play_sound(SOUND_OBJ2_BABY_PENGUIN_YELL, gMarioObject->header.gfx.cameraToObject); #else play_sound(SOUND_OBJ2_BABY_PENGUIN_YELL, o->header.gfx.cameraToObject); #endif break; case HELD_THROWN: cur_obj_get_thrown_or_placed(0, 0, 0); break; case HELD_DROPPED: cur_obj_get_dropped(); break; } } /** Geo switch logic for Tuxie's mother's eyes. Cases 0-4. Interestingly, case * 4 is unused, and is the eye state seen in Shoshinkai 1995 footage. */ Gfx *geo_switch_tuxie_mother_eyes(s32 run, struct GraphNode *node, UNUSED Mat4 *mtx) { struct Object *obj; struct GraphNodeSwitchCase *switchCase; s32 timer; if (run == TRUE) { obj = (struct Object *) gCurGraphNodeObject; switchCase = (struct GraphNodeSwitchCase *) node; switchCase->selectedCase = 0; // timer logic for blinking. uses cases 0-2. timer = gGlobalTimer % 50; if (timer < 43) switchCase->selectedCase = 0; else if (timer < 45) switchCase->selectedCase = 1; else if (timer < 47) switchCase->selectedCase = 2; else switchCase->selectedCase = 1; /** make Tuxie's Mother have angry eyes if Mario takes the correct baby * after giving it back. The easiest way to check this is to see if she's * moving, since she only does when she's chasing Mario. */ if (segmented_to_virtual(bhvTuxiesMother) == obj->behavior) if (obj->oForwardVel > 5.0f) switchCase->selectedCase = 3; } return NULL; }