// This file only has a collision entry and no model. It may have been some sort of // collision hitbox for an object that didn't have a model. // TODO: this appears to be a lid for an unused box // 0x0700D1DC - 0x0700D20C const Collision jrb_seg7_collision_0700D1DC[] = { COL_INIT(), COL_VERTEX_INIT(0x4), COL_VERTEX(123, 0, -122), COL_VERTEX(-122, 0, -122), COL_VERTEX(-122, 0, 123), COL_VERTEX(123, 0, 123), COL_TRI_INIT(SURFACE_DEFAULT, 2), COL_TRI(0, 1, 2), COL_TRI(0, 2, 3), COL_TRI_STOP(), COL_END(), };