#include #include "sm64.h" #include "geo_layout.h" #include "math_util.h" #include "game/memory.h" #include "graph_node.h" typedef void (*GeoLayoutCommandProc)(void); GeoLayoutCommandProc GeoLayoutJumpTable[] = { geo_layout_cmd_branch_and_link, geo_layout_cmd_end, geo_layout_cmd_branch, geo_layout_cmd_return, geo_layout_cmd_open_node, geo_layout_cmd_close_node, geo_layout_cmd_assign_as_view, geo_layout_cmd_update_node_flags, geo_layout_cmd_node_root, geo_layout_cmd_node_ortho_projection, geo_layout_cmd_node_perspective, geo_layout_cmd_node_start, geo_layout_cmd_node_master_list, geo_layout_cmd_node_level_of_detail, geo_layout_cmd_node_switch_case, geo_layout_cmd_node_camera, geo_layout_cmd_node_translation_rotation, geo_layout_cmd_node_translation, geo_layout_cmd_node_rotation, geo_layout_cmd_node_animated_part, geo_layout_cmd_node_billboard, geo_layout_cmd_node_display_list, geo_layout_cmd_node_shadow, geo_layout_cmd_node_object_parent, geo_layout_cmd_node_generated, geo_layout_cmd_node_background, geo_layout_cmd_nop, geo_layout_cmd_copy_view, geo_layout_cmd_node_held_obj, geo_layout_cmd_node_scale, geo_layout_cmd_nop2, geo_layout_cmd_nop3, geo_layout_cmd_node_culling_radius, }; struct AllocOnlyPool *gGraphNodePool; struct GraphNode *gCurRootGraphNode; UNUSED s32 D_8038BCA8; /* The gGeoViews array is a mysterious one. Some background: * * If there are e.g. multiple Goombas, the multiple Goomba objects share one * Geo node tree describing the goomba 3D model. Since every node has a single * parent field and not a parent array, the parent is dynamically rebinded to * each goomba instance just before rendering and set to null afterwards. * The same happens for ObjectParentNode, which has as his sharedChild a group * of all 240 object nodes. Why does the ObjectParentNode exist at all, if its * only purpose is to temporarily bind the actual group with objects? This might * be another remnant to Luigi. * * When creating a root node, room for (2 + cmd+0x02) pointers is allocated in * gGeoViews. Except for the title screen, cmd+0x02 is 10. The 2 default ones * might be for Mario and Luigi, and the other 10 could be different cameras for * different rooms / boss fights. An area might be structured like this: * * geo_camera preset_player //Mario cam * geo_open_node * geo_render_obj * geo_assign_as_view 1 // currently unused geo command * geo_close_node * * geo_camera preset_player //Luigi cam * geo_open_node * geo_render_obj * geo_copy_view 1 // currently unused geo command * geo_assign_as_view 2 * geo_close_node * * geo_camera preset_boss //boss fight cam * geo_assign_as_view 3 * ... * * There might also be specific geo nodes for Mario or Luigi only. Or a fixed camera * might not have display list nodes of parts of the level that are out of view. * In the end Luigi got scrapped and the multiple-camera design did not pan out, * so everything was reduced to a single ObjectParent with a single group, and * camera switching was all done in one node. End of speculation. */ struct GraphNode **gGeoViews; u16 gGeoNumViews; // length of gGeoViews array uintptr_t gGeoLayoutStack[16]; struct GraphNode *gCurGraphNodeList[32]; s16 gCurGraphNodeIndex; s16 gGeoLayoutStackIndex; // similar to SP register in MIPS UNUSED s16 D_8038BD7C; s16 gGeoLayoutReturnIndex; // similar to RA register in MIPS u8 *gGeoLayoutCommand; struct GraphNode gObjParentGraphNode; u32 unused_8038B894[3] = { 0 }; /* 0x00: Branch and store return address cmd+0x04: void *branchTarget */ void geo_layout_cmd_branch_and_link(void) { gGeoLayoutStack[gGeoLayoutStackIndex++] = (uintptr_t) (gGeoLayoutCommand + 4 + sizeof(void *)); gGeoLayoutStack[gGeoLayoutStackIndex++] = (gCurGraphNodeIndex << 16) + gGeoLayoutReturnIndex; gGeoLayoutReturnIndex = gGeoLayoutStackIndex; gGeoLayoutCommand = segmented_to_virtual(cur_geo_cmd_ptr(0x04)); } // 0x01: Terminate geo layout void geo_layout_cmd_end(void) { gGeoLayoutStackIndex = gGeoLayoutReturnIndex; gGeoLayoutReturnIndex = gGeoLayoutStack[--gGeoLayoutStackIndex] & 0xFFFF; gCurGraphNodeIndex = gGeoLayoutStack[gGeoLayoutStackIndex] >> 16; gGeoLayoutCommand = (u8 *) gGeoLayoutStack[--gGeoLayoutStackIndex]; } /* 0x02: Branch cmd+0x04: void *branchTarget */ void geo_layout_cmd_branch(void) { if (cur_geo_cmd_u8(0x01) == 1) { gGeoLayoutStack[gGeoLayoutStackIndex++] = (uintptr_t) (gGeoLayoutCommand + 4 + sizeof(void *)); } gGeoLayoutCommand = segmented_to_virtual(cur_geo_cmd_ptr(0x04)); } // 0x03: Return from branch void geo_layout_cmd_return(void) { gGeoLayoutCommand = (u8 *) gGeoLayoutStack[--gGeoLayoutStackIndex]; } // 0x04: Open node void geo_layout_cmd_open_node(void) { gCurGraphNodeList[gCurGraphNodeIndex + 1] = gCurGraphNodeList[gCurGraphNodeIndex]; gCurGraphNodeIndex++; gGeoLayoutCommand += 0x04; } // 0x05: Close node void geo_layout_cmd_close_node(void) { gCurGraphNodeIndex--; gGeoLayoutCommand += 0x04; } /* 0x06: Register the current node as a view cmd+0x02: index Register the current node in the gGeoViews array at the given index */ void geo_layout_cmd_assign_as_view(void) { u16 index = cur_geo_cmd_s16(0x02); if (index < gGeoNumViews) { gGeoViews[index] = gCurGraphNodeList[gCurGraphNodeIndex]; } gGeoLayoutCommand += 0x04; } /* 0x07: Update current scene graph node flags cmd+0x01: u8 operation (0 = reset, 1 = set, 2 = clear) cmd+0x02: s16 bits */ void geo_layout_cmd_update_node_flags(void) { u16 operation = cur_geo_cmd_u8(0x01); u16 flagBits = cur_geo_cmd_s16(0x02); switch (operation) { case GEO_CMD_FLAGS_RESET: gCurGraphNodeList[gCurGraphNodeIndex]->flags = flagBits; break; case GEO_CMD_FLAGS_SET: gCurGraphNodeList[gCurGraphNodeIndex]->flags |= flagBits; break; case GEO_CMD_FLAGS_CLEAR: gCurGraphNodeList[gCurGraphNodeIndex]->flags &= ~flagBits; break; } gGeoLayoutCommand += 0x04; } /* 0x08: Create a scene graph root node that specifies the viewport cmd+0x02: s16 num entries (+2) to allocate for gGeoViews cmd+0x04: s16 x cmd+0x06: s16 y cmd+0x08: s16 width cmd+0x0A: s16 height */ void geo_layout_cmd_node_root(void) { s32 i; struct GraphNodeRoot *graphNode; s16 x = cur_geo_cmd_s16(0x04); s16 y = cur_geo_cmd_s16(0x06); s16 width = cur_geo_cmd_s16(0x08); s16 height = cur_geo_cmd_s16(0x0A); // number of entries to allocate for gGeoViews array // at least 2 are allocated by default // cmd+0x02 = 0x00: mario face, 0x0A: all other levels gGeoNumViews = cur_geo_cmd_s16(0x02) + 2; graphNode = init_graph_node_root(gGraphNodePool, NULL, 0, x, y, width, height); // TODO: check type gGeoViews = alloc_only_pool_alloc(gGraphNodePool, gGeoNumViews * sizeof(struct GraphNode *)); graphNode->views = gGeoViews; graphNode->numViews = gGeoNumViews; for (i = 0; i < gGeoNumViews; i++) { gGeoViews[i] = NULL; } register_scene_graph_node(&graphNode->node); gGeoLayoutCommand += 0x0C; } /* 0x09: Create orthographic projection scene graph node cmd+0x02: s16 scale as a percentage (usually it's 100) */ void geo_layout_cmd_node_ortho_projection(void) { struct GraphNodeOrthoProjection *graphNode; f32 scale = (f32) cur_geo_cmd_s16(0x02) / 100.0f; graphNode = init_graph_node_ortho_projection(gGraphNodePool, NULL, scale); register_scene_graph_node(&graphNode->node); gGeoLayoutCommand += 0x04; } /* 0x0A: Create camera frustum scene graph node cmd+0x01: u8 if nonzero, enable frustumFunc field cmd+0x02: s16 field of view cmd+0x04: s16 near cmd+0x06: s16 far [cmd+0x08: GraphNodeFunc frustumFunc] */ void geo_layout_cmd_node_perspective(void) { struct GraphNodePerspective *graphNode; GraphNodeFunc frustumFunc = NULL; s16 fov = cur_geo_cmd_s16(0x02); s16 near = cur_geo_cmd_s16(0x04); s16 far = cur_geo_cmd_s16(0x06); if (cur_geo_cmd_u8(0x01) != 0) { // optional asm function frustumFunc = (GraphNodeFunc) cur_geo_cmd_ptr(0x08); gGeoLayoutCommand += sizeof(void *); } graphNode = init_graph_node_perspective(gGraphNodePool, NULL, (f32) fov, near, far, frustumFunc, 0); register_scene_graph_node(&graphNode->fnNode.node); gGeoLayoutCommand += 0x08; } /* 0x0B: Create a scene graph node that groups other nodes without any additional functionality */ void geo_layout_cmd_node_start(void) { struct GraphNodeStart *graphNode; graphNode = init_graph_node_start(gGraphNodePool, NULL); register_scene_graph_node(&graphNode->node); gGeoLayoutCommand += 0x04; } // 0x1F: No operation void geo_layout_cmd_nop3(void) { gGeoLayoutCommand += 0x10; } /* 0x0C: Create zbuffer-toggling scene graph node cmd+0x01: u8 enableZBuffer (1 = on, 0 = off) */ void geo_layout_cmd_node_master_list(void) { struct GraphNodeMasterList *graphNode; graphNode = init_graph_node_master_list(gGraphNodePool, NULL, cur_geo_cmd_u8(0x01)); register_scene_graph_node(&graphNode->node); gGeoLayoutCommand += 0x04; } /* 0x0D: Create a level of detail graph node, which only renders at a certain distance interval from the camera. cmd+0x04: s16 minDistance cmd+0x06: s16 maxDistance */ void geo_layout_cmd_node_level_of_detail(void) { struct GraphNodeLevelOfDetail *graphNode; s16 minDistance = cur_geo_cmd_s16(0x04); s16 maxDistance = cur_geo_cmd_s16(0x06); graphNode = init_graph_node_render_range(gGraphNodePool, NULL, minDistance, maxDistance); register_scene_graph_node(&graphNode->node); gGeoLayoutCommand += 0x08; } /* 0x0E: Create switch-case scene graph node cmd+0x02: s16 initialSelectedCase cmd+0x04: GraphNodeFunc caseSelectorFunc caseSelectorFunc returns an index which is used to select the child node to render. Used for animating coins, blinking, color selection, etc. */ void geo_layout_cmd_node_switch_case(void) { struct GraphNodeSwitchCase *graphNode; graphNode = init_graph_node_switch_case(gGraphNodePool, NULL, cur_geo_cmd_s16(0x02), // case which is initially selected 0, (GraphNodeFunc) cur_geo_cmd_ptr(0x04), // case update function 0); register_scene_graph_node(&graphNode->fnNode.node); gGeoLayoutCommand += 0x04 + sizeof(void *); } /* 0x0F: Create a camera scene graph node (GraphNodeCamera) cmd+0x02: s16 camera type (changes from course to course) cmd+0x04: s16 fromX cmd+0x06: s16 fromY cmd+0x08: s16 fromZ cmd+0x0A: s16 toX cmd+0x0C: s16 toY cmd+0x0E: s16 toZ cmd+0x10: GraphNodeFunc func */ void geo_layout_cmd_node_camera(void) { struct GraphNodeCamera *graphNode; s16 *cmdPos = (s16 *) &gGeoLayoutCommand[4]; Vec3f fromPos, toPos; cmdPos = read_vec3s_to_vec3f(fromPos, cmdPos); cmdPos = read_vec3s_to_vec3f(toPos, cmdPos); graphNode = init_graph_node_camera(gGraphNodePool, NULL, fromPos, toPos, (GraphNodeFunc) cur_geo_cmd_ptr(0x10), cur_geo_cmd_s16(0x02)); register_scene_graph_node(&graphNode->fnNode.node); gGeoViews[0] = &graphNode->fnNode.node; gGeoLayoutCommand += 0x10 + sizeof(void *); } /* 0x10: Create translation & rotation scene graph node with optional display list cmd+0x01: u8 params (params & 0x80): if set, enable displayList field and drawingLayer ((params & 0x70)>>4): fieldLayout (params & 0x0F): drawingLayer fieldLayout == 0: cmd+0x04: s16 xTranslation cmd+0x06: s16 yTranslation cmd+0x08: s16 zTranslation cmd+0x0A: s16 xRotation cmd+0x0C: s16 yRotation cmd+0x0E: s16 zRotation fieldLayout == 1: cmd+0x02: s16 xTranslation cmd+0x04: s16 yTranslation cmd+0x06: s16 zTranslation (rotation gets copied from gVec3sZero) fieldLayout == 2: cmd+0x02: s16 xRotation cmd+0x04: s16 yRotation cmd+0x06: s16 zRotation (translation gets copied from gVec3sZero) fieldLayout == 3: cmd+0x02: s16 yRotation (translation gets copied from gVec3sZero) (x and z translation are set to 0) [cmd+var: void *displayList] */ void geo_layout_cmd_node_translation_rotation(void) { struct GraphNodeTranslationRotation *graphNode; Vec3s translation, rotation; void *displayList = NULL; s16 drawingLayer = 0; s16 params = cur_geo_cmd_u8(0x01); s16 *cmdPos = (s16 *) gGeoLayoutCommand; switch ((params & 0x70) >> 4) { case 0: cmdPos = read_vec3s(translation, &cmdPos[2]); cmdPos = read_vec3s_angle(rotation, cmdPos); break; case 1: cmdPos = read_vec3s(translation, &cmdPos[1]); vec3s_copy(rotation, gVec3sZero); break; case 2: cmdPos = read_vec3s_angle(rotation, &cmdPos[1]); vec3s_copy(translation, gVec3sZero); break; case 3: vec3s_copy(translation, gVec3sZero); vec3s_set(rotation, 0, (cmdPos[1] << 15) / 180, 0); cmdPos += 2; break; } if (params & 0x80) { displayList = *(void **) &cmdPos[0]; drawingLayer = params & 0x0F; cmdPos += sizeof(void*) / 2; } graphNode = init_graph_node_translation_rotation(gGraphNodePool, NULL, drawingLayer, displayList, translation, rotation); register_scene_graph_node(&graphNode->node); gGeoLayoutCommand = (u8 *) cmdPos; } /* 0x11: Create translation scene graph node with optional display list cmd+0x01: u8 params (params & 0x80): if set, enable displayList field and drawingLayer (params & 0x0F): drawingLayer cmd+0x02: s16 xTranslation cmd+0x04: s16 yTranslation cmd+0x06: s16 zTranslation [cmd+0x08: void *displayList] */ void geo_layout_cmd_node_translation(void) { struct GraphNodeTranslation *graphNode; Vec3s translation; s16 drawingLayer = 0; s16 params = cur_geo_cmd_u8(0x01); s16 *cmdPos = (s16 *) gGeoLayoutCommand; void *displayList = NULL; cmdPos = read_vec3s(translation, &cmdPos[1]); if (params & 0x80) { displayList = *(void **) &cmdPos[0]; drawingLayer = params & 0x0F; cmdPos += sizeof(void*) / 2; } graphNode = init_graph_node_translation(gGraphNodePool, NULL, drawingLayer, displayList, translation); register_scene_graph_node(&graphNode->node); gGeoLayoutCommand = (u8 *) cmdPos; } /* 0x12: Create ? scene graph node cmd+0x01: u8 params (params & 0x80): if set, enable displayList field and drawingLayer (params & 0x0F): drawingLayer cmd+0x02: s16 unkX cmd+0x04: s16 unkY cmd+0x06: s16 unkZ [cmd+0x08: void *displayList] */ void geo_layout_cmd_node_rotation(void) { struct GraphNodeRotation *graphNode; Vec3s sp2c; s16 drawingLayer = 0; s16 params = cur_geo_cmd_u8(0x01); s16 *cmdPos = (s16 *) gGeoLayoutCommand; void *displayList = NULL; cmdPos = read_vec3s_angle(sp2c, &cmdPos[1]); if (params & 0x80) { displayList = *(void **) &cmdPos[0]; drawingLayer = params & 0x0F; cmdPos += sizeof(void*) / 2; } graphNode = init_graph_node_rotation(gGraphNodePool, NULL, drawingLayer, displayList, sp2c); register_scene_graph_node(&graphNode->node); gGeoLayoutCommand = (u8 *) cmdPos; } /* 0x1D: Create scale scene graph node with optional display list cmd+0x01: u8 params (params & 0x80): if set, enable displayList field and drawingLayer (params & 0x0F): drawingLayer cmd+0x04: u32 scale (0x10000 = 1.0) [cmd+0x08: void *displayList] */ void geo_layout_cmd_node_scale(void) { struct GraphNodeScale *graphNode; s16 drawingLayer = 0; s16 params = cur_geo_cmd_u8(0x01); f32 scale = cur_geo_cmd_u32(0x04) / 65536.0f; void *displayList = NULL; if (params & 0x80) { displayList = cur_geo_cmd_ptr(0x08); drawingLayer = params & 0x0F; gGeoLayoutCommand += sizeof(void *); } graphNode = init_graph_node_scale(gGraphNodePool, NULL, drawingLayer, displayList, scale); register_scene_graph_node(&graphNode->node); gGeoLayoutCommand += 0x08; } // 0x1E: No operation void geo_layout_cmd_nop2(void) { gGeoLayoutCommand += 0x08; } /* 0x13: Create a scene graph node that is rotated by the object's animation. cmd+0x01: u8 drawingLayer cmd+0x02: s16 xTranslation cmd+0x04: s16 yTranslation cmd+0x06: s16 zTranslation cmd+0x08: void *displayList */ void geo_layout_cmd_node_animated_part(void) { struct GraphNodeAnimatedPart *graphNode; Vec3s translation; s32 drawingLayer = cur_geo_cmd_u8(0x01); void *displayList = cur_geo_cmd_ptr(0x08); s16 *cmdPos = (s16 *) gGeoLayoutCommand; read_vec3s(translation, &cmdPos[1]); graphNode = init_graph_node_animated_part(gGraphNodePool, NULL, drawingLayer, displayList, translation); register_scene_graph_node(&graphNode->node); gGeoLayoutCommand += 0x08 + sizeof(void *); } /* 0x14: Create billboarding node with optional display list cmd+0x01: u8 params (params & 0x80): if set, enable displayList field and drawingLayer (params & 0x0F): drawingLayer cmd+0x02: s16 xTranslation cmd+0x04: s16 yTranslation cmd+0x06: s16 zTranslation [cmd+0x08: void *displayList] */ void geo_layout_cmd_node_billboard(void) { struct GraphNodeBillboard *graphNode; Vec3s translation; s16 drawingLayer = 0; s16 params = cur_geo_cmd_u8(0x01); s16 *cmdPos = (s16 *) gGeoLayoutCommand; void *displayList = NULL; cmdPos = read_vec3s(translation, &cmdPos[1]); if (params & 0x80) { displayList = *(void **) &cmdPos[0]; drawingLayer = params & 0x0F; cmdPos += sizeof(void*) / 2; } graphNode = init_graph_node_billboard(gGraphNodePool, NULL, drawingLayer, displayList, translation); register_scene_graph_node(&graphNode->node); gGeoLayoutCommand = (u8 *) cmdPos; } /* 0x15: Create plain display list scene graph node cmd+0x01: u8 drawingLayer cmd+0x04: void *displayList */ void geo_layout_cmd_node_display_list(void) { struct GraphNodeDisplayList *graphNode; s32 drawingLayer = cur_geo_cmd_u8(0x01); void *displayList = cur_geo_cmd_ptr(0x04); graphNode = init_graph_node_display_list(gGraphNodePool, NULL, drawingLayer, displayList); register_scene_graph_node(&graphNode->node); gGeoLayoutCommand += 0x04 + sizeof(void *); } /* 0x16: Create shadow scene graph node cmd+0x02: s16 shadowType cmd+0x04: s16 shadowSolidity cmd+0x06: s16 shadowScale */ void geo_layout_cmd_node_shadow(void) { struct GraphNodeShadow *graphNode; u8 shadowType = cur_geo_cmd_s16(0x02); u8 shadowSolidity = cur_geo_cmd_s16(0x04); s16 shadowScale = cur_geo_cmd_s16(0x06); graphNode = init_graph_node_shadow(gGraphNodePool, NULL, shadowScale, shadowSolidity, shadowType); register_scene_graph_node(&graphNode->node); gGeoLayoutCommand += 0x08; } // 0x17: Create scene graph node that manages the group of all object nodes void geo_layout_cmd_node_object_parent(void) { struct GraphNodeObjectParent *graphNode; graphNode = init_graph_node_object_parent(gGraphNodePool, NULL, &gObjParentGraphNode); register_scene_graph_node(&graphNode->node); gGeoLayoutCommand += 0x04; } /* 0x18: Create dynamically generated displaylist scene graph node cmd+0x02: s16 parameter cmd+0x04: GraphNodeFunc func */ void geo_layout_cmd_node_generated(void) { struct GraphNodeGenerated *graphNode; graphNode = init_graph_node_generated(gGraphNodePool, NULL, (GraphNodeFunc) cur_geo_cmd_ptr(0x04), // asm function cur_geo_cmd_s16(0x02)); // parameter register_scene_graph_node(&graphNode->fnNode.node); gGeoLayoutCommand += 0x04 + sizeof(void *); } /* 0x19: Create background scene graph node cmd+0x02: s16 background // background ID, or RGBA5551 color if backgroundFunc is null cmd+0x04: GraphNodeFunc backgroundFunc */ void geo_layout_cmd_node_background(void) { struct GraphNodeBackground *graphNode; graphNode = init_graph_node_background( gGraphNodePool, NULL, cur_geo_cmd_s16(0x02), // background ID, or RGBA5551 color if asm function is null (GraphNodeFunc) cur_geo_cmd_ptr(0x04), // asm function 0); register_scene_graph_node(&graphNode->fnNode.node); gGeoLayoutCommand += 0x04 + sizeof(void *); } // 0x1A: No operation void geo_layout_cmd_nop(void) { gGeoLayoutCommand += 0x08; } /* 0x1B: Copy the shared children from the object parent from a specific view to a newly created object parent node. cmd+0x02: s16 index (of gGeoViews) */ void geo_layout_cmd_copy_view(void) { struct GraphNodeObjectParent *graphNode; struct GraphNode *node = NULL; s16 index = cur_geo_cmd_s16(0x02); if (index >= 0) { node = gGeoViews[index]; if (node->type == GRAPH_NODE_TYPE_OBJECT_PARENT) { node = ((struct GraphNodeObjectParent *) node)->sharedChild; } else { node = NULL; } } graphNode = init_graph_node_object_parent(gGraphNodePool, NULL, node); register_scene_graph_node(&graphNode->node); gGeoLayoutCommand += 0x04; } /* 0x1C: Create a held object scene graph node cmd+0x01: u8 unused cmd+0x02: s16 offsetX cmd+0x04: s16 offsetY cmd+0x06: s16 offsetZ cmd+0x08: GraphNodeFunc nodeFunc */ void geo_layout_cmd_node_held_obj(void) { struct GraphNodeHeldObject *graphNode; Vec3s offset; read_vec3s(offset, (s16 *) &gGeoLayoutCommand[0x02]); graphNode = init_graph_node_held_object( gGraphNodePool, NULL, NULL, offset, (GraphNodeFunc) cur_geo_cmd_ptr(0x08), cur_geo_cmd_u8(0x01)); register_scene_graph_node(&graphNode->fnNode.node); gGeoLayoutCommand += 0x08 + sizeof(void *); } /* 0x20: Create a scene graph node that specifies for an object the radius that is used for frustum culling. cmd+0x02: s16 cullingRadius */ void geo_layout_cmd_node_culling_radius(void) { struct GraphNodeCullingRadius *graphNode; graphNode = init_graph_node_culling_radius(gGraphNodePool, NULL, cur_geo_cmd_s16(0x02)); register_scene_graph_node(&graphNode->node); gGeoLayoutCommand += 0x04; } struct GraphNode *process_geo_layout(struct AllocOnlyPool *pool, void *segptr) { // set by register_scene_graph_node when gCurGraphNodeIndex is 0 // and gCurRootGraphNode is NULL gCurRootGraphNode = NULL; gGeoNumViews = 0; // number of entries in gGeoViews gCurGraphNodeList[0] = 0; gCurGraphNodeIndex = 0; // incremented by cmd_open_node, decremented by cmd_close_node gGeoLayoutStackIndex = 2; gGeoLayoutReturnIndex = 2; // stack index is often copied here? gGeoLayoutCommand = segmented_to_virtual(segptr); gGraphNodePool = pool; gGeoLayoutStack[0] = 0; gGeoLayoutStack[1] = 0; while (gGeoLayoutCommand != NULL) { GeoLayoutJumpTable[gGeoLayoutCommand[0x00]](); } return gCurRootGraphNode; }