# sm64pc OpenGL adaptation of [n64decomp/sm64](https://github.com/n64decomp/sm64). ## Building ### On Linux #### 1. Copy baserom(s) for asset extraction For each version (jp/us/eu) that you want to build a ROM for, put an existing ROM at `./baserom..z64` for asset extraction. #### 2. Install build dependencies The build system has the following package requirements: * python3 >= 3.6 * libsdl2-dev * [audiofile](https://audiofile.68k.org/) * libglew-dev * git __Debian / Ubuntu - targeting 32 bits__ ``` sudo apt install build-essential git python3 libaudiofile-dev libglew-dev:i386 libsdl2-dev:i386 ``` __Debian / Ubuntu - targeting 64 bits__ ``` sudo apt install build-essential git python3 libaudiofile-dev libglew-dev libsdl2-dev ``` ## Current issues * Support for the EU version is still experimental. * There seems to be savedata-related problems on some 64-bits builds.