/** * Behavior file for bhvTweester and bhvTweesterSandParticle * Tweester swaps between twhree action- an idle action, a chasing * Mario action, and an action that hides it. At certain times the * Tweester spawns the sand particles also in this file. */ struct ObjectHitbox sTweesterHitbox = { /* interactType: */ INTERACT_TORNADO, /* downOffset: */ 0, /* damageOrCoinValue: */ 0, /* health: */ 0, /* numLootCoins: */ 0, /* radius: */ 1500, /* height: */ 4000, /* hurtboxRadius: */ 0, /* hurtboxHeight: */ 0, }; /** * Controls the scaling of the tweester as well as * its forward velocity. */ void tweester_scale_and_move(f32 preScale) { s16 dYaw = 0x2C00; f32 scale = preScale * 0.4; o->header.gfx.scale[0] = (( coss(o->oTweesterScaleTimer) + 1.0) * 0.5 * 0.3 + 1.0) * scale; o->header.gfx.scale[1] = ((-coss(o->oTweesterScaleTimer) + 1.0) * 0.5 * 0.5 + 0.5) * scale; o->header.gfx.scale[2] = (( coss(o->oTweesterScaleTimer) + 1.0) * 0.5 * 0.3 + 1.0) * scale; o->oTweesterScaleTimer += 0x200; o->oForwardVel = 14.0f; o->oFaceAngleYaw += dYaw; } /** * Tweester's idle action. Basically stays in active until Mario enters a 1500 * radius, at which point it appears and grows for 60 frames at which point it * it enters the chasing action. */ void tweester_act_idle(void) { if (o->oSubAction == TWEESTER_SUB_ACT_WAIT) { cur_obj_become_tangible(); cur_obj_set_pos_to_home(); cur_obj_scale(0); // Hard to have any idea of this purpose, only set here. o->oTweesterUnused = 0; // If Mario is within range, change to the growth sub-action. if (o->oDistanceToMario < 1500.0f) o->oSubAction++; o->oTimer = 0; } else { cur_obj_play_sound_1(SOUND_ENV_WIND1); tweester_scale_and_move(o->oTimer / 60.0f); if (o->oTimer > 59) o->oAction = TWEESTER_ACT_CHASE; } } /** * Action where the tweester "chases" Mario. * After Mario is twirling, then return home. */ void tweester_act_chase(void) { f32 activationRadius = o->oBehParams2ndByte * 100; o->oAngleToHome = cur_obj_angle_to_home(); cur_obj_play_sound_1(SOUND_ENV_WIND1); if (cur_obj_lateral_dist_from_mario_to_home() < activationRadius && o->oSubAction == TWEESTER_SUB_ACT_CHASE) { o->oForwardVel = 20.0f; cur_obj_rotate_yaw_toward(o->oAngleToMario, 0x200); print_debug_top_down_objectinfo("off ", 0); if (gMarioStates->action == ACT_TWIRLING) o->oSubAction++; } else { o->oForwardVel = 20.0f; cur_obj_rotate_yaw_toward(o->oAngleToHome, 0x200); if (cur_obj_lateral_dist_to_home() < 200.0f) o->oAction = TWEESTER_ACT_HIDE; } if (o->oDistanceToMario > 3000.0f) o->oAction = TWEESTER_ACT_HIDE; cur_obj_update_floor_and_walls(); if (o->oMoveFlags & OBJ_MOVE_HIT_WALL) o->oMoveAngleYaw = o->oWallAngle; cur_obj_move_standard(60); tweester_scale_and_move(1.0f); spawn_object(o, MODEL_SAND_DUST, bhvTweesterSandParticle); } /** * Shrinks the tweester until it is invisible, then returns to the idle * action if Mario is 2500 units away or 12 seconds passed. */ void tweester_act_hide(void) { f32 shrinkTimer = 60.0f - o->oTimer; if (shrinkTimer >= 0.0f) tweester_scale_and_move(shrinkTimer / 60.0f); else { cur_obj_become_intangible(); if (cur_obj_lateral_dist_from_mario_to_home() > 2500.0f) o->oAction = TWEESTER_ACT_IDLE; if (o->oTimer > 360) o->oAction = TWEESTER_ACT_IDLE; } } // Array of Tweester action functions. void (*sTweesterActions[])(void) = { tweester_act_idle, tweester_act_chase, tweester_act_hide }; /** * Loop behavior for Tweester. * Loads the hitbox and calls its relevant action. */ void bhv_tweester_loop(void) { obj_set_hitbox(o, &sTweesterHitbox); cur_obj_call_action_function(sTweesterActions); o->oInteractStatus = 0; } /** * Loop behavior for the particles Tweesters create. * Floats upwards semi-randomly. */ void bhv_tweester_sand_particle_loop(void) { o->oMoveAngleYaw += 0x3700; o->oForwardVel += 15.0f; o->oPosY += 22.0f; cur_obj_scale(RandomFloat() + 1.0); if (o->oTimer == 0) { obj_translate_xz_random(o, 100.0f); o->oFaceAnglePitch = RandomU16(); o->oFaceAngleYaw = RandomU16(); } if (o->oTimer > 15) obj_mark_for_deletion(o); }