/** * Behavior for bhvTTCPendulum. This is not the pendulum inside the clock in the * castle, but rather the one in TTC itself. */ /** * Initial angle acceleration. */ static f32 sTTCPendulumInitialAccels[] = { /* TTC_SPEED_SLOW */ 13.0f, /* TTC_SPEED_FAST */ 22.0f, /* TTC_SPEED_RANDOM */ 13.0f, /* TTC_SPEED_STOPPED */ 0.0f, }; /** * Init function for bhvTTCPendulum. */ void bhv_ttc_pendulum_init(void) { if (gTTCSpeedSetting != TTC_SPEED_STOPPED) { o->oTTCPendulumAngleAccel = sTTCPendulumInitialAccels[gTTCSpeedSetting]; o->oTTCPendulumAngle = 6500.0f; } else { o->oTTCPendulumAngle = 6371.5557f; } } /** * Update function for bhvTTCPendulum. */ void bhv_ttc_pendulum_update(void) { if (gTTCSpeedSetting != TTC_SPEED_STOPPED) { UNUSED f32 startVel = o->oTTCPendulumAngleVel; // Play sound if (o->oTTCPendulumSoundTimer != 0) { if (--o->oTTCPendulumSoundTimer == 0) { cur_obj_play_sound_2(SOUND_GENERAL_PENDULUM_SWING); } } // Stay still for a while if (o->oTTCPendulumDelay != 0) { o->oTTCPendulumDelay -= 1; } else { // Accelerate in the direction that moves angle to zero if (o->oTTCPendulumAngle * o->oTTCPendulumAccelDir > 0.0f) { o->oTTCPendulumAccelDir = -o->oTTCPendulumAccelDir; } o->oTTCPendulumAngleVel += o->oTTCPendulumAngleAccel * o->oTTCPendulumAccelDir; // Ignoring floating point imprecision, angle vel should always be // a multiple of angle accel, and so it will eventually reach zero //! If the pendulum is moving fast enough, the vel could fail to // be a multiple of angle accel, and so the pendulum would continue // oscillating forever if (o->oTTCPendulumAngleVel == 0.0f) { if (gTTCSpeedSetting == TTC_SPEED_RANDOM) { // Select a new acceleration //! By manipulating this, we can cause the pendulum to reach // extreme angles and speeds if (RandomU16() % 3 != 0) { o->oTTCPendulumAngleAccel = 13.0f; } else { o->oTTCPendulumAngleAccel = 42.0f; } // Pick a random delay if (RandomU16() % 2 == 0) { o->oTTCPendulumDelay = random_linear_offset(5, 30); } } // Play the sound 15 frames after beginning to move o->oTTCPendulumSoundTimer = o->oTTCPendulumDelay + 15; } o->oTTCPendulumAngle += o->oTTCPendulumAngleVel; } } else { } o->oFaceAngleRoll = (s32) o->oTTCPendulumAngle; // Note: no platform displacement }