#include #include "sm64.h" #include "prevent_bss_reordering.h" #include "behavior_actions.h" #include "engine/behavior_script.h" #include "camera.h" #include "display.h" #include "engine/math_util.h" #include "object_helpers.h" #include "mario_actions_cutscene.h" #include "behavior_data.h" #include "mario.h" #include "engine/surface_collision.h" #include "obj_behaviors_2.h" #include "audio/external.h" #include "seq_ids.h" #include "dialog_ids.h" #include "level_update.h" #include "memory.h" #include "platform_displacement.h" #include "rendering_graph_node.h" #include "engine/surface_load.h" #include "obj_behaviors.h" #include "object_constants.h" #include "interaction.h" #include "object_list_processor.h" #include "spawn_sound.h" #include "geo_misc.h" #include "save_file.h" #include "room.h" #include "level_table.h" extern struct Animation *wiggler_seg5_anims_0500C874[]; extern struct Animation *spiny_egg_seg5_anims_050157E4[]; extern struct ObjectNode *gObjectLists; extern u8 jrb_seg7_trajectory_unagi_1[]; extern u8 jrb_seg7_trajectory_unagi_2[]; extern u8 dorrie_seg6_collision_0600FBB8[]; extern u8 dorrie_seg6_collision_0600F644[]; extern u8 ssl_seg7_collision_070284B0[]; extern u8 ssl_seg7_collision_07028274[]; extern u8 ssl_seg7_collision_07028370[]; extern u8 ssl_seg7_collision_070282F8[]; extern u8 ccm_seg7_trajectory_penguin_race[]; extern u8 bob_seg7_trajectory_koopa[]; extern u8 thi_seg7_trajectory_koopa[]; extern u8 rr_seg7_collision_07029038[]; extern u8 ccm_seg7_collision_070163F8[]; extern u8 checkerboard_platform_seg8_collision_0800D710[]; extern u8 bitfs_seg7_collision_070157E0[]; extern u8 rr_seg7_trajectory_0702EC3C[]; extern u8 rr_seg7_trajectory_0702ECC0[]; extern u8 ccm_seg7_trajectory_0701669C[]; extern u8 bitfs_seg7_trajectory_070159AC[]; extern u8 hmc_seg7_trajectory_0702B86C[]; extern u8 lll_seg7_trajectory_0702856C[]; extern u8 lll_seg7_trajectory_07028660[]; extern u8 rr_seg7_trajectory_0702ED9C[]; extern u8 rr_seg7_trajectory_0702EEE0[]; extern u8 bitdw_seg7_collision_0700F70C[]; extern u8 bits_seg7_collision_0701ADD8[]; extern u8 bits_seg7_collision_0701AE5C[]; extern u8 bob_seg7_collision_bridge[]; extern u8 bitfs_seg7_collision_07015928[]; extern u8 rr_seg7_collision_07029750[]; extern u8 rr_seg7_collision_07029858[]; extern u8 vcutm_seg7_collision_0700AC44[]; extern u8 bits_seg7_collision_0701ACAC[]; extern u8 bits_seg7_collision_0701AC28[]; extern u8 bitdw_seg7_collision_0700F7F0[]; extern u8 bitdw_seg7_collision_0700F898[]; extern u8 ttc_seg7_collision_07014F70[]; extern u8 ttc_seg7_collision_07015008[]; extern u8 ttc_seg7_collision_070152B4[]; extern u8 ttc_seg7_collision_070153E0[]; extern u8 ttc_seg7_collision_07015584[]; extern u8 ttc_seg7_collision_07015650[]; extern u8 ttc_seg7_collision_07015754[]; extern u8 ttc_seg7_collision_070157D8[]; extern u8 bits_seg7_collision_0701A9A0[]; extern u8 bits_seg7_collision_0701AA0C[]; extern u8 bitfs_seg7_collision_07015714[]; extern u8 bitfs_seg7_collision_07015768[]; extern u8 rr_seg7_collision_070295F8[]; extern u8 rr_seg7_collision_0702967C[]; extern u8 bitdw_seg7_collision_0700F688[]; extern u8 bits_seg7_collision_0701AA84[]; extern u8 rr_seg7_collision_07029508[]; extern u8 bits_seg7_collision_0701B734[]; extern u8 bits_seg7_collision_0701B59C[]; extern u8 bits_seg7_collision_0701B404[]; extern u8 bits_seg7_collision_0701B26C[]; extern u8 bits_seg7_collision_0701B0D4[]; extern u8 bitdw_seg7_collision_0700FD9C[]; extern u8 bitdw_seg7_collision_0700FC7C[]; extern u8 bitdw_seg7_collision_0700FB5C[]; extern u8 bitdw_seg7_collision_0700FA3C[]; extern u8 bitdw_seg7_collision_0700F91C[]; extern u8 rr_seg7_collision_0702A6B4[]; extern u8 rr_seg7_collision_0702A32C[]; extern u8 rr_seg7_collision_07029FA4[]; extern u8 rr_seg7_collision_07029C1C[]; extern u8 rr_seg7_collision_07029924[]; extern u8 bits_seg7_collision_0701AD54[]; extern u8 bitfs_seg7_collision_070157E0[]; extern u8 bitfs_seg7_collision_07015124[]; extern struct Animation *spiny_seg5_anims_05016EAC[]; #define POS_OP_SAVE_POSITION 0 #define POS_OP_COMPUTE_VELOCITY 1 #define POS_OP_RESTORE_POSITION 2 #define o gCurrentObject f32 sObjSavedPosX; f32 sObjSavedPosY; f32 sObjSavedPosZ; void shelled_koopa_attack_handler(s32 attackType); void wiggler_jumped_on_attack_handler(void); void huge_goomba_weakly_attacked(void); static s32 obj_is_rendering_enabled(void) { if (o->header.gfx.node.flags & GRAPH_RENDER_ACTIVE) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } static s16 obj_get_pitch_from_vel(void) { return -atan2s(o->oForwardVel, o->oVelY); } /** * Show dialog proposing a race. * If the player accepts the race, then leave time stop enabled and mario in the * text action so that the racing object can wait before starting the race. * If the player declines the race, then disable time stop and allow mario to * move again. */ static s32 obj_update_race_proposition_dialog(s16 dialogID) { s32 dialogResponse = obj_update_dialog_with_cutscene(2, DIALOG_UNK2_FLAG_0 | DIALOG_UNK2_LEAVE_TIME_STOP_ENABLED, CUTSCENE_DIALOG_2, dialogID); if (dialogResponse == 2) { set_mario_npc_dialog(0); disable_time_stop_including_mario(); } return dialogResponse; } static void obj_set_dist_from_home(f32 distFromHome) { o->oPosX = o->oHomeX + distFromHome * coss(o->oMoveAngleYaw); o->oPosZ = o->oHomeZ + distFromHome * sins(o->oMoveAngleYaw); } static s32 obj_is_near_to_and_facing_mario(f32 maxDist, s16 maxAngleDiff) { if (o->oDistanceToMario < maxDist && abs_angle_diff(o->oMoveAngleYaw, o->oAngleToMario) < maxAngleDiff) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static void obj_perform_position_op(s32 op) { switch (op) { case POS_OP_SAVE_POSITION: sObjSavedPosX = o->oPosX; sObjSavedPosY = o->oPosY; sObjSavedPosZ = o->oPosZ; break; case POS_OP_COMPUTE_VELOCITY: o->oVelX = o->oPosX - sObjSavedPosX; o->oVelY = o->oPosY - sObjSavedPosY; o->oVelZ = o->oPosZ - sObjSavedPosZ; break; case POS_OP_RESTORE_POSITION: o->oPosX = sObjSavedPosX; o->oPosY = sObjSavedPosY; o->oPosZ = sObjSavedPosZ; break; } } static void platform_on_track_update_pos_or_spawn_ball(s32 ballIndex, f32 x, f32 y, f32 z) { struct Object *trackBall; struct Waypoint *initialPrevWaypoint; struct Waypoint *nextWaypoint; struct Waypoint *prevWaypoint; UNUSED s32 unused; f32 amountToMove; f32 dx; f32 dy; f32 dz; f32 distToNextWaypoint; if (ballIndex == 0 || ((u16)(o->oBehParams >> 16) & 0x0080)) { initialPrevWaypoint = o->oPlatformOnTrackPrevWaypoint; nextWaypoint = initialPrevWaypoint; if (ballIndex != 0) { amountToMove = 300.0f * ballIndex; } else { obj_perform_position_op(POS_OP_SAVE_POSITION); o->oPlatformOnTrackPrevWaypointFlags = 0; amountToMove = o->oForwardVel; } do { prevWaypoint = nextWaypoint; nextWaypoint += 1; if (nextWaypoint->flags == WAYPOINT_FLAGS_END) { if (ballIndex == 0) { o->oPlatformOnTrackPrevWaypointFlags = WAYPOINT_FLAGS_END; } if (((u16)(o->oBehParams >> 16) & PLATFORM_ON_TRACK_BP_RETURN_TO_START)) { nextWaypoint = o->oPlatformOnTrackStartWaypoint; } else { return; } } dx = nextWaypoint->pos[0] - x; dy = nextWaypoint->pos[1] - y; dz = nextWaypoint->pos[2] - z; distToNextWaypoint = sqrtf(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz); // Move directly to the next waypoint, even if it's farther away // than amountToMove amountToMove -= distToNextWaypoint; x += dx; y += dy; z += dz; } while (amountToMove > 0.0f); // If we moved farther than amountToMove, move in the opposite direction // No risk of near-zero division: If distToNextWaypoint is close to // zero, then that means we didn't cross a waypoint this frame (since // otherwise distToNextWaypoint would equal the distance between two // waypoints, which should never be that small). But this implies that // amountToMove - distToNextWaypoint <= 0, and amountToMove is at least // 0.1 (from platform on track behavior). distToNextWaypoint = amountToMove / distToNextWaypoint; x += dx * distToNextWaypoint; y += dy * distToNextWaypoint; z += dz * distToNextWaypoint; if (ballIndex != 0) { trackBall = spawn_object_relative(o->oPlatformOnTrackBaseBallIndex + ballIndex, 0, 0, 0, o, MODEL_TRAJECTORY_MARKER_BALL, bhvTrackBall); if (trackBall != NULL) { trackBall->oPosX = x; trackBall->oPosY = y; trackBall->oPosZ = z; } } else { if (prevWaypoint != initialPrevWaypoint) { if (o->oPlatformOnTrackPrevWaypointFlags == 0) { o->oPlatformOnTrackPrevWaypointFlags = initialPrevWaypoint->flags; } o->oPlatformOnTrackPrevWaypoint = prevWaypoint; } o->oPosX = x; o->oPosY = y; o->oPosZ = z; obj_perform_position_op(POS_OP_COMPUTE_VELOCITY); o->oPlatformOnTrackPitch = atan2s(sqrtf(o->oVelX * o->oVelX + o->oVelZ * o->oVelZ), -o->oVelY); o->oPlatformOnTrackYaw = atan2s(o->oVelZ, o->oVelX); } } } static void func_802F8D78(f32 arg0, f32 arg1) { f32 val24; f32 val20; f32 val1C; f32 c; f32 s; f32 val10; f32 val0C; f32 val08; f32 val04; f32 val00; if (o->oForwardVel == 0.0f) { val24 = val20 = val1C = 0.0f; if (o->oMoveFlags & OBJ_MOVE_IN_AIR) { val20 = 50.0f; } else { if (o->oFaceAnglePitch < 0) { val1C = -arg0; } else if (o->oFaceAnglePitch > 0) { val1C = arg0; } if (o->oFaceAngleRoll < 0) { val24 = -arg1; } else if (o->oFaceAngleRoll > 0) { val24 = arg1; } } c = coss(o->oFaceAnglePitch); s = sins(o->oFaceAnglePitch); val08 = val1C * c + val20 * s; val0C = val20 * c - val1C * s; c = coss(o->oFaceAngleRoll); s = sins(o->oFaceAngleRoll); val04 = val24 * c + val0C * s; val0C = val0C * c - val24 * s; c = coss(o->oFaceAngleYaw); s = sins(o->oFaceAngleYaw); val10 = val04 * c - val08 * s; val08 = val08 * c + val04 * s; val04 = val24 * c - val1C * s; val00 = val1C * c + val24 * s; o->oPosX = o->oHomeX - val04 + val10; o->oGraphYOffset = val20 - val0C; o->oPosZ = o->oHomeZ + val00 - val08; } } static void obj_rotate_yaw_and_bounce_off_walls(s16 targetYaw, s16 turnAmount) { if (o->oMoveFlags & OBJ_MOVE_HIT_WALL) { targetYaw = obj_reflect_move_angle_off_wall(); } obj_rotate_yaw_toward(targetYaw, turnAmount); } static s16 obj_get_pitch_to_home(f32 latDistToHome) { return atan2s(latDistToHome, o->oPosY - o->oHomeY); } static void obj_compute_vel_from_move_pitch(f32 speed) { o->oForwardVel = speed * coss(o->oMoveAnglePitch); o->oVelY = speed * -sins(o->oMoveAnglePitch); } static s32 clamp_s16(s16 *value, s16 minimum, s16 maximum) { if (*value <= minimum) { *value = minimum; } else if (*value >= maximum) { *value = maximum; } else { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static s32 clamp_f32(f32 *value, f32 minimum, f32 maximum) { if (*value <= minimum) { *value = minimum; } else if (*value >= maximum) { *value = maximum; } else { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static void func_802F927C(s32 arg0) { set_obj_animation_and_sound_state(arg0); func_8029F728(); } static s32 func_802F92B0(s32 arg0) { set_obj_animation_and_sound_state(arg0); return func_8029F788(); } static s32 func_802F92EC(s32 arg0, s32 arg1) { set_obj_animation_and_sound_state(arg0); return obj_check_anim_frame(arg1); } static s32 func_802F932C(s32 arg0) { if (func_8029F828()) { set_obj_animation_and_sound_state(arg0); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static s32 func_802F9378(s8 arg0, s8 arg1, u32 sound) { s32 val04; if ((val04 = o->header.gfx.unk38.animAccel / 0x10000) <= 0) { val04 = 1; } if (obj_check_anim_frame_in_range(arg0, val04) || obj_check_anim_frame_in_range(arg1, val04)) { PlaySound2(sound); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static s16 obj_turn_pitch_toward_mario(f32 targetOffsetY, s16 turnAmount) { s16 targetPitch; o->oPosY -= targetOffsetY; targetPitch = obj_turn_toward_object(o, gMarioObject, O_MOVE_ANGLE_PITCH_INDEX, turnAmount); o->oPosY += targetOffsetY; return targetPitch; } static s32 approach_f32_ptr(f32 *px, f32 target, f32 delta) { if (*px > target) { delta = -delta; } *px += delta; if ((*px - target) * delta >= 0) { *px = target; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static s32 obj_forward_vel_approach(f32 target, f32 delta) { return approach_f32_ptr(&o->oForwardVel, target, delta); } static s32 obj_y_vel_approach(f32 target, f32 delta) { return approach_f32_ptr(&o->oVelY, target, delta); } static s32 obj_move_pitch_approach(s16 target, s16 delta) { o->oMoveAnglePitch = approach_s16_symmetric(o->oMoveAnglePitch, target, delta); if ((s16) o->oMoveAnglePitch == target) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static s32 obj_face_pitch_approach(s16 targetPitch, s16 deltaPitch) { o->oFaceAnglePitch = approach_s16_symmetric(o->oFaceAnglePitch, targetPitch, deltaPitch); if ((s16) o->oFaceAnglePitch == targetPitch) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static s32 obj_face_yaw_approach(s16 targetYaw, s16 deltaYaw) { o->oFaceAngleYaw = approach_s16_symmetric(o->oFaceAngleYaw, targetYaw, deltaYaw); if ((s16) o->oFaceAngleYaw == targetYaw) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static s32 obj_face_roll_approach(s16 targetRoll, s16 deltaRoll) { o->oFaceAngleRoll = approach_s16_symmetric(o->oFaceAngleRoll, targetRoll, deltaRoll); if ((s16) o->oFaceAngleRoll == targetRoll) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static s32 obj_smooth_turn(s16 *angleVel, s32 *angle, s16 targetAngle, f32 targetSpeedProportion, s16 accel, s16 minSpeed, s16 maxSpeed) { s16 currentSpeed; s16 currentAngle = (s16)(*angle); *angleVel = approach_s16_symmetric(*angleVel, (targetAngle - currentAngle) * targetSpeedProportion, accel); currentSpeed = absi(*angleVel); clamp_s16(¤tSpeed, minSpeed, maxSpeed); *angle = approach_s16_symmetric(*angle, targetAngle, currentSpeed); return (s16)(*angle) == targetAngle; } static void obj_roll_to_match_yaw_turn(s16 targetYaw, s16 maxRoll, s16 rollSpeed) { s16 targetRoll = o->oMoveAngleYaw - targetYaw; clamp_s16(&targetRoll, -maxRoll, maxRoll); obj_face_roll_approach(targetRoll, rollSpeed); } static s16 random_linear_offset(s16 base, s16 range) { return base + (s16)(range * RandomFloat()); } static s16 random_mod_offset(s16 base, s16 step, s16 mod) { return base + step * (RandomU16() % mod); } static s16 obj_random_fixed_turn(s16 delta) { return o->oMoveAngleYaw + (s16) RandomSign() * delta; } /** * Begin by increasing the object's scale by *scaleVel, and slowly decreasing * scaleVel. Once the object starts to shrink, wait a bit, and then begin to * scale the object toward endScale. The first time it reaches below * shootFireScale during this time, return 1. * Return -1 once it's reached endScale. */ static s32 obj_grow_then_shrink(f32 *scaleVel, f32 shootFireScale, f32 endScale) { if (o->oTimer < 2) { o->header.gfx.scale[0] += *scaleVel; if ((*scaleVel -= 0.01f) > -0.03f) { o->oTimer = 0; } } else if (o->oTimer > 10) { if (approach_f32_ptr(&o->header.gfx.scale[0], endScale, 0.05f)) { return -1; } else if (*scaleVel != 0.0f && o->header.gfx.scale[0] < shootFireScale) { *scaleVel = 0.0f; return 1; } } return 0; } static s32 oscillate_toward(s32 *value, f32 *vel, s32 target, f32 velCloseToZero, f32 accel, f32 slowdown) { s32 startValue = *value; *value += (s32) *vel; if (*value == target || ((*value - target) * (startValue - target) < 0 && *vel > -velCloseToZero && *vel < velCloseToZero)) { *value = target; *vel = 0.0f; return TRUE; } else { if (*value >= target) { accel = -accel; } if (*vel * accel < 0.0f) { accel *= slowdown; } *vel += accel; } return FALSE; } static void obj_update_blinking(s32 *blinkTimer, s16 baseCycleLength, s16 cycleLengthRange, s16 blinkLength) { if (*blinkTimer != 0) { *blinkTimer -= 1; } else { *blinkTimer = random_linear_offset(baseCycleLength, cycleLengthRange); } if (*blinkTimer > blinkLength) { o->oAnimState = 0; } else { o->oAnimState = 1; } } static s32 obj_resolve_object_collisions(s32 *targetYaw) { struct Object *otherObject; f32 dx; f32 dz; s16 angle; f32 radius; f32 otherRadius; f32 relativeRadius; f32 newCenterX; f32 newCenterZ; if (o->numCollidedObjs != 0) { otherObject = o->collidedObjs[0]; if (otherObject != gMarioObject) { //! If one object moves after collisions are detected and this code // runs, the objects can move toward each other (transport cloning) dx = otherObject->oPosX - o->oPosX; dz = otherObject->oPosZ - o->oPosZ; angle = atan2s(dx, dz); //! This should be atan2s(dz, dx) radius = o->hitboxRadius; otherRadius = otherObject->hitboxRadius; relativeRadius = radius / (radius + otherRadius); newCenterX = o->oPosX + dx * relativeRadius; newCenterZ = o->oPosZ + dz * relativeRadius; o->oPosX = newCenterX - radius * coss(angle); o->oPosZ = newCenterZ - radius * sins(angle); otherObject->oPosX = newCenterX + otherRadius * coss(angle); otherObject->oPosZ = newCenterZ + otherRadius * sins(angle); if (targetYaw != NULL && abs_angle_diff(o->oMoveAngleYaw, angle) < 0x4000) { // Bounce off object (or it would, if the above atan2s bug // were fixed) *targetYaw = (s16)(angle - o->oMoveAngleYaw + angle + 0x8000); return TRUE; } } } return FALSE; } static s32 obj_bounce_off_walls_edges_objects(s32 *targetYaw) { if (o->oMoveFlags & OBJ_MOVE_HIT_WALL) { *targetYaw = obj_reflect_move_angle_off_wall(); } else if (o->oMoveFlags & OBJ_MOVE_HIT_EDGE) { *targetYaw = (s16)(o->oMoveAngleYaw + 0x8000); } else if (!obj_resolve_object_collisions(targetYaw)) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static s32 obj_resolve_collisions_and_turn(s16 targetYaw, s16 turnSpeed) { obj_resolve_object_collisions(NULL); if (obj_rotate_yaw_toward(targetYaw, turnSpeed)) { return FALSE; } else { return TRUE; } } static void obj_die_if_health_non_positive(void) { if (o->oHealth <= 0) { if (o->oDeathSound == 0) { func_802A3034(SOUND_OBJ_DEFAULT_DEATH); } else if (o->oDeathSound > 0) { func_802A3034(o->oDeathSound); } else { func_802A3004(); } if (o->oNumLootCoins < 0) { spawn_object(o, MODEL_BLUE_COIN, bhvMrIBlueCoin); } else { spawn_object_loot_yellow_coins(o, o->oNumLootCoins, 20.0f); } // This doesn't do anything spawn_object_loot_yellow_coins(o, o->oNumLootCoins, 20.0f); if (o->oHealth < 0) { obj_hide(); obj_become_intangible(); } else { mark_object_for_deletion(o); } } } static void obj_unused_die(void) { o->oHealth = 0; obj_die_if_health_non_positive(); } static void obj_set_knockback_action(s32 attackType) { switch (attackType) { case ATTACK_KICK_OR_TRIP: case ATTACK_FAST_ATTACK: o->oAction = OBJ_ACT_VERTICAL_KNOCKBACK; o->oForwardVel = 20.0f; o->oVelY = 50.0f; break; default: o->oAction = OBJ_ACT_HORIZONTAL_KNOCKBACK; o->oForwardVel = 50.0f; o->oVelY = 30.0f; break; } o->oFlags &= ~OBJ_FLAG_SET_FACE_YAW_TO_MOVE_YAW; o->oMoveAngleYaw = angle_to_object(gMarioObject, o); } static void obj_set_squished_action(void) { PlaySound2(SOUND_OBJ_STOMPED); o->oAction = OBJ_ACT_SQUISHED; } static s32 obj_die_if_above_lava_and_health_non_positive(void) { if (o->oMoveFlags & OBJ_MOVE_UNDERWATER_ON_GROUND) { if (o->oGravity + o->oBuoyancy > 0.0f || find_water_level(o->oPosX, o->oPosZ) - o->oPosY < 150.0f) { return FALSE; } } else if (!(o->oMoveFlags & OBJ_MOVE_ABOVE_LAVA)) { if (o->oMoveFlags & OBJ_MOVE_ENTERED_WATER) { if (o->oWallHitboxRadius < 200.0f) { PlaySound2(SOUND_OBJ_DIVING_INTO_WATER); } else { PlaySound2(SOUND_OBJ_DIVING_IN_WATER); } } return FALSE; } obj_die_if_health_non_positive(); return TRUE; } static s32 obj_handle_attacks(struct ObjectHitbox *hitbox, s32 attackedMarioAction, u8 *attackHandlers) { s32 attackType; set_object_hitbox(o, hitbox); //! Die immediately if above lava if (obj_die_if_above_lava_and_health_non_positive()) { return 1; } else if (o->oInteractStatus & INT_STATUS_INTERACTED) { if (o->oInteractStatus & INT_STATUS_ATTACKED_MARIO) { if (o->oAction != attackedMarioAction) { o->oAction = attackedMarioAction; o->oTimer = 0; } } else { attackType = o->oInteractStatus & INT_STATUS_ATTACK_MASK; switch (attackHandlers[attackType - 1]) { case ATTACK_HANDLER_NOP: break; case ATTACK_HANDLER_DIE_IF_HEALTH_NON_POSITIVE: obj_die_if_health_non_positive(); break; case ATTACK_HANDLER_KNOCKBACK: obj_set_knockback_action(attackType); break; case ATTACK_HANDLER_SQUISHED: obj_set_squished_action(); break; case ATTACK_HANDLER_SPECIAL_KOOPA_LOSE_SHELL: shelled_koopa_attack_handler(attackType); break; case ATTACK_HANDLER_SET_SPEED_TO_ZERO: obj_set_speed_to_zero(); break; case ATTACK_HANDLER_SPECIAL_WIGGLER_JUMPED_ON: wiggler_jumped_on_attack_handler(); break; case ATTACK_HANDLER_SPECIAL_HUGE_GOOMBA_WEAKLY_ATTACKED: huge_goomba_weakly_attacked(); break; case ATTACK_HANDLER_SQUISHED_WITH_BLUE_COIN: o->oNumLootCoins = -1; obj_set_squished_action(); break; } o->oInteractStatus = 0; return attackType; } } o->oInteractStatus = 0; return 0; } static void obj_act_knockback(UNUSED f32 baseScale) { obj_update_floor_and_walls(); if (o->header.gfx.unk38.curAnim != NULL) { func_8029F728(); } //! Dies immediately if above lava if ((o->oMoveFlags & (OBJ_MOVE_MASK_ON_GROUND | OBJ_MOVE_MASK_IN_WATER | OBJ_MOVE_HIT_WALL | OBJ_MOVE_ABOVE_LAVA)) || (o->oAction == OBJ_ACT_VERTICAL_KNOCKBACK && o->oTimer >= 9)) { obj_die_if_health_non_positive(); } obj_move_standard(-78); } static void obj_act_squished(f32 baseScale) { f32 targetScaleY = baseScale * 0.3f; obj_update_floor_and_walls(); if (o->header.gfx.unk38.curAnim != NULL) { func_8029F728(); } if (approach_f32_ptr(&o->header.gfx.scale[1], targetScaleY, baseScale * 0.14f)) { o->header.gfx.scale[0] = o->header.gfx.scale[2] = baseScale * 2.0f - o->header.gfx.scale[1]; if (o->oTimer >= 16) { obj_die_if_health_non_positive(); } } o->oForwardVel = 0.0f; obj_move_standard(-78); } static s32 obj_update_standard_actions(f32 scale) { if (o->oAction < 100) { return TRUE; } else { obj_become_intangible(); switch (o->oAction) { case OBJ_ACT_HORIZONTAL_KNOCKBACK: case OBJ_ACT_VERTICAL_KNOCKBACK: obj_act_knockback(scale); break; case OBJ_ACT_SQUISHED: obj_act_squished(scale); break; } return FALSE; } } static s32 obj_check_attacks(struct ObjectHitbox *hitbox, s32 attackedMarioAction) { s32 attackType; set_object_hitbox(o, hitbox); //! Dies immediately if above lava if (obj_die_if_above_lava_and_health_non_positive()) { return 1; } else if (o->oInteractStatus & INT_STATUS_INTERACTED) { if (o->oInteractStatus & INT_STATUS_ATTACKED_MARIO) { if (o->oAction != attackedMarioAction) { o->oAction = attackedMarioAction; o->oTimer = 0; } } else { attackType = o->oInteractStatus & INT_STATUS_ATTACK_MASK; obj_die_if_health_non_positive(); o->oInteractStatus = 0; return attackType; } } o->oInteractStatus = 0; return 0; } static s32 obj_move_for_one_second(s32 endAction) { obj_update_floor_and_walls(); func_8029F728(); if (o->oTimer > 30) { o->oAction = endAction; return TRUE; } obj_move_standard(-78); return FALSE; } /** * If we are far from home (> threshold away), then set oAngleToMario to the * angle to home and oDistanceToMario to 25000. * If we are close to home, but Mario is far from us (> threshold away), then * keep oAngleToMario the same and set oDistanceToMario to 20000. * If we are close to both home and Mario, then keep both oAngleToMario and * oDistanceToMario the same. * * The point of this function is to avoid having to write extra code to get * the object to return to home. When mario is far away and the object is far * from home, it could theoretically re-use the "approach mario" logic to approach * its home instead. * However, most objects that use this function handle the far-from-home case * separately anyway. * This function causes seemingly erroneous behavior in some objects that try to * attack mario (e.g. fly guy shooting fire or lunging), especially when combined * with partial updates. */ static void treat_far_home_as_mario(f32 threshold) { f32 dx = o->oHomeX - o->oPosX; f32 dy = o->oHomeY - o->oPosY; f32 dz = o->oHomeZ - o->oPosZ; f32 distance = sqrtf(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz); if (distance > threshold) { o->oAngleToMario = atan2s(dz, dx); o->oDistanceToMario = 25000.0f; } else { dx = o->oHomeX - gMarioObject->oPosX; dy = o->oHomeY - gMarioObject->oPosY; dz = o->oHomeZ - gMarioObject->oPosZ; distance = sqrtf(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz); if (distance > threshold) { o->oDistanceToMario = 20000.0f; } } } #include "behaviors/koopa.inc.c" // TODO: Text arg field name #include "behaviors/pokey.inc.c" #include "behaviors/swoop.inc.c" #include "behaviors/fly_guy.inc.c" #include "behaviors/goomba.inc.c" #include "behaviors/chain_chomp.inc.c" // TODO: chain_chomp_sub_act_lunge documentation #include "behaviors/wiggler.inc.c" // TODO #include "behaviors/spiny.inc.c" #include "behaviors/enemy_lakitu.inc.c" // TODO #include "behaviors/cloud.inc.c" #include "behaviors/camera_lakitu.inc.c" // TODO: 104 label, follow cam documentation #include "behaviors/monty_mole.inc.c" // TODO #include "behaviors/platform_on_track.inc.c" #include "behaviors/seesaw_platform.inc.c" #include "behaviors/ferris_wheel.inc.c" #include "behaviors/water_bomb.inc.c" // TODO: Shadow position #include "behaviors/ttc_rotating_solid.inc.c" #include "behaviors/ttc_pendulum.inc.c" #include "behaviors/ttc_treadmill.inc.c" // TODO #include "behaviors/ttc_moving_bar.inc.c" #include "behaviors/ttc_cog.inc.c" #include "behaviors/ttc_pit_block.inc.c" #include "behaviors/ttc_elevator.inc.c" #include "behaviors/ttc_2d_rotator.inc.c" #include "behaviors/ttc_spinner.inc.c" #include "behaviors/mr_blizzard.inc.c" #include "behaviors/sliding_platform_2.inc.c" #include "behaviors/rotating_octagonal_plat.inc.c" #include "behaviors/animated_floor_switch.inc.c" #include "behaviors/activated_bf_plat.inc.c" #include "behaviors/recovery_heart.inc.c" #include "behaviors/water_bomb_cannon.inc.c" #include "behaviors/unagi.inc.c" #include "behaviors/dorrie.inc.c" #include "behaviors/haunted_chair.inc.c" #include "behaviors/mad_piano.inc.c" #include "behaviors/flying_bookend_switch.inc.c" /** * Used by fly guy, piranha plant, and fire spitters. */ void obj_spit_fire(s16 relativePosX, s16 relativePosY, s16 relativePosZ, f32 scale, s32 model, f32 startSpeed, f32 endSpeed, s16 movePitch) { struct Object *sp2C; sp2C = spawn_object_relative_with_scale(1, relativePosX, relativePosY, relativePosZ, scale, o, model, bhvSmallPiranhaFlame); if (sp2C != NULL) { sp2C->oSmallPiranhaFlameUnkF4 = startSpeed; sp2C->oSmallPiranhaFlameUnkF8 = endSpeed; sp2C->oSmallPiranhaFlameUnkFC = model; sp2C->oMoveAnglePitch = movePitch; } } #include "behaviors/fire_piranha_plant.inc.c" #include "behaviors/fire_spitter.inc.c" #include "behaviors/flame.inc.c" #include "behaviors/snufit.inc.c" #include "behaviors/horizontal_grindel.inc.c" #include "behaviors/eyerok.inc.c" #include "behaviors/klepto.inc.c" #include "behaviors/bird.inc.c" #include "behaviors/racing_penguin.inc.c" #include "behaviors/coffin.inc.c" #include "behaviors/clam.inc.c" #include "behaviors/skeeter.inc.c" #include "behaviors/swing_platform.inc.c" #include "behaviors/donut_platform.inc.c" #include "behaviors/ddd_pole.inc.c" #include "behaviors/reds_star_marker.inc.c" #include "behaviors/triplet_butterfly.inc.c" #include "behaviors/bubba.inc.c"