/** * Behavior for bhvWigglerHead and bhvWigglerBody. * The bhvWigglerHead object controls the wiggler's behavior, and physically manifests * as the wiggler's head. The bhvWigglerBody objects represent the 3 tail body * parts, numbered 1 closest to the head, and 3 at the end of the tail. * Processing order is bhvWigglerHead, then bhvWigglerBody 1, 2, then 3. */ /** * Hitbox for wiggler's non-head body parts. */ static struct ObjectHitbox sWigglerBodyPartHitbox = { /* interactType: */ INTERACT_BOUNCE_TOP, /* downOffset: */ 0, /* damageOrCoinValue: */ 3, /* health: */ 99, // never decreases /* numLootCoins: */ 0, /* radius: */ 20, /* height: */ 20, /* hurtboxRadius: */ 20, /* hurtboxHeight: */ 10, }; /** * Hitbox for wiggler's head. */ static struct ObjectHitbox sWigglerHitbox = { /* interactType: */ INTERACT_BOUNCE_TOP, /* downOffset: */ 0, /* damageOrCoinValue: */ 3, /* health: */ 4, /* numLootCoins: */ 0, /* radius: */ 60, /* height: */ 50, /* hurtboxRadius: */ 30, /* hurtboxHeight: */ 40, }; /** * Attack handler for wiggler while in the walking action. */ static u8 sWigglerAttackHandlers[] = { /* ATTACK_PUNCH: */ ATTACK_HANDLER_KNOCKBACK, /* ATTACK_KICK_OR_TRIP: */ ATTACK_HANDLER_KNOCKBACK, /* ATTACK_FROM_ABOVE: */ ATTACK_HANDLER_SPECIAL_WIGGLER_JUMPED_ON, /* ATTACK_GROUND_POUND_OR_TWIRL: */ ATTACK_HANDLER_SPECIAL_WIGGLER_JUMPED_ON, /* ATTACK_FAST_ATTACK: */ ATTACK_HANDLER_KNOCKBACK, /* ATTACK_FROM_BELOW: */ ATTACK_HANDLER_KNOCKBACK, }; /** * Target speed while walking when wiggler has health 1, 2, 3, and 4. */ static f32 sWigglerSpeeds[] = { 2.0f, 40.0f, 30.0f, 16.0f }; /** * Update function for bhvWigglerBody. * Set object position and angle based on wiggler segment data and avoid falling * through the floor. * Tangible if the wiggler is not in the shrinking action, but does nothing on * attack. */ void bhv_wiggler_body_part_update(void) { f32 dx; f32 dy; f32 dz; f32 dxz; struct ChainSegment *segment = &o->parentObj->oWigglerSegments[o->oBehParams2ndByte]; f32 posOffset; obj_scale(o->parentObj->header.gfx.scale[0]); o->oFaceAnglePitch = segment->pitch; o->oFaceAngleYaw = segment->yaw; // TODO: What is this for? posOffset = -37.5f * o->header.gfx.scale[0]; dy = posOffset * coss(o->oFaceAnglePitch) - posOffset; dxz = posOffset * sins(o->oFaceAnglePitch); dx = dxz * sins(o->oFaceAngleYaw); dz = dxz * coss(o->oFaceAngleYaw); o->oPosX = segment->posX + dx; o->oPosY = segment->posY + dy; o->oPosZ = segment->posZ + dz; if (o->oPosY < o->parentObj->oWigglerFallThroughFloorsHeight) { //! Since position is recomputed each frame, tilting the wiggler up // while on the ground could cause the tail segments to clip through // the floor o->oPosY += -30.0f; obj_update_floor_height(); if (o->oFloorHeight > o->oPosY) // TODO: Check ineq swap { o->oPosY = o->oFloorHeight; } } segment->posY = o->oPosY; // Inherit walking animation speed from wiggler func_8029ED98(0, o->parentObj->oWigglerWalkAnimSpeed); if (o->parentObj->oWigglerWalkAnimSpeed == 0.0f) { func_8029F6F0(); } if (o->parentObj->oAction == WIGGLER_ACT_SHRINK) { obj_become_intangible(); } else { obj_check_attacks(&sWigglerBodyPartHitbox, o->oAction); } } /** * Initialize the segment data and spawn the body part objects. */ static void wiggler_init_segments(void) { s32 i; struct ChainSegment *segments; struct Object *bodyPart; segments = mem_pool_alloc(gObjectMemoryPool, 4 * sizeof(struct ChainSegment)); if (segments != NULL) { // Each segment represents the global position and orientation of each // object. Segment 0 represents the wiggler's head, and segment i>0 // represents body part i. o->oWigglerSegments = segments; for (i = 0; i <= 3; i++) { chain_segment_init(&segments[i]); segments[i].posX = o->oPosX; segments[i].posY = o->oPosY; segments[i].posZ = o->oPosZ; segments[i].pitch = o->oFaceAnglePitch; segments[i].yaw = o->oFaceAngleYaw; } o->header.gfx.unk38.animFrame = -1; // Spawn each body part for (i = 1; i <= 3; i++) { bodyPart = spawn_object_relative(i, 0, 0, 0, o, MODEL_WIGGLER_BODY, bhvWigglerBody); if (bodyPart != NULL) { func_8029EE20(bodyPart, wiggler_seg5_anims_0500C874, 0); bodyPart->header.gfx.unk38.animFrame = (23 * i) % 26 - 1; } } o->oAction = WIGGLER_ACT_WALK; obj_unhide(); } } /** * Update the tail to reflect changes in the head's yaw and pitch, and ensure * that the distance between parts is exactly the intended distance. * Since these positions are completely recomputed each frame, it is not possible * for a body part to get stuck on geometry and separate from the rest of the * body. */ static void wiggler_update_segments(void) { struct ChainSegment *prevBodyPart; struct ChainSegment *bodyPart; f32 dx; f32 dy; f32 dz; s16 dpitch; s16 dyaw; f32 dxz; s32 i; f32 segmentLength; segmentLength = 35.0f * o->header.gfx.scale[0]; for (i = 1; i <= 3; i++) { prevBodyPart = &o->oWigglerSegments[i - 1]; bodyPart = &o->oWigglerSegments[i]; dx = bodyPart->posX - prevBodyPart->posX; dy = bodyPart->posY - prevBodyPart->posY; dz = bodyPart->posZ - prevBodyPart->posZ; // As the head turns, propagate this rotation backward if the difference // is more than 45 degrees dyaw = atan2s(-dz, -dx) - prevBodyPart->yaw; clamp_s16(&dyaw, -0x2000, 0x2000); bodyPart->yaw = prevBodyPart->yaw + dyaw; // As the head tilts, propagate the tilt backward dxz = sqrtf(dx * dx + dz * dz); dpitch = atan2s(dxz, dy) - prevBodyPart->pitch; clamp_s16(&dpitch, -0x2000, 0x2000); bodyPart->pitch = prevBodyPart->pitch + dpitch; // Set the body part's position relative to the previous body part's // position, using the current body part's angles. This means that the // head can rotate up to 45 degrees without the body moving bodyPart->posY = segmentLength * sins(bodyPart->pitch) + prevBodyPart->posY; dxz = segmentLength * coss(bodyPart->pitch); bodyPart->posX = prevBodyPart->posX - dxz * sins(bodyPart->yaw); bodyPart->posZ = prevBodyPart->posZ - dxz * coss(bodyPart->yaw); } } /** * Show text if necessary. Then walk toward mario if not at full health, and * otherwise wander in random directions. * If attacked by mario, enter either the jumped on or knockback action. */ static void wiggler_act_walk(void) { s16 yawTurnSpeed; o->oWigglerWalkAnimSpeed = 0.06f * o->oForwardVel; // Update text if necessary if (o->oWigglerTextStatus < WIGGLER_TEXT_STATUS_COMPLETED_DIALOG) { if (o->oWigglerTextStatus == WIGGLER_TEXT_STATUS_AWAIT_DIALOG) { func_8031FFB4(0, 60, 40); o->oWigglerTextStatus = WIGGLER_TEXT_STATUS_SHOWING_DIALOG; } // If Mario is positioned below the wiggler, assume he entered through the // lower cave entrance, so don't display text. if (gMarioObject->oPosY < o->oPosY || obj_update_dialog_with_cutscene(2, 0, CUTSCENE_DIALOG_1, DIALOG_150) != 0) { o->oWigglerTextStatus = WIGGLER_TEXT_STATUS_COMPLETED_DIALOG; } } else { //! Every object's health is initially 2048, and wiggler's doesn't change // to 4 until after this runs the first time. It indexes out of bounds // and uses the value 113762.3 for one frame on US. This is fixed down // below in bhv_wiggler_update if AVOID_UB is defined. obj_forward_vel_approach(sWigglerSpeeds[o->oHealth - 1], 1.0f); if (o->oWigglerWalkAwayFromWallTimer != 0) { o->oWigglerWalkAwayFromWallTimer -= 1; } else { if (o->oDistanceToMario >= 25000.0f) { // If >1200 away from home, turn to home o->oWigglerTargetYaw = o->oAngleToMario; } if (obj_bounce_off_walls_edges_objects(&o->oWigglerTargetYaw)) { //! If the wiggler could self-intersect, or intersect a different // non-mario object, this could potentially be used to force // the wiggler to walk straight - past his usual radius o->oWigglerWalkAwayFromWallTimer = random_linear_offset(30, 30); } else { if (o->oHealth < 4) { o->oWigglerTargetYaw = o->oAngleToMario; } else if (o->oWigglerTimeUntilRandomTurn != 0) { o->oWigglerTimeUntilRandomTurn -= 1; } else { o->oWigglerTargetYaw = o->oMoveAngleYaw + 0x4000 * (s16) RandomSign(); o->oWigglerTimeUntilRandomTurn = random_linear_offset(30, 50); } } } // If moving at high speeds, could overflow. But can't reach such speeds // in practice yawTurnSpeed = (s16)(30.0f * o->oForwardVel); obj_rotate_yaw_toward(o->oWigglerTargetYaw, yawTurnSpeed); obj_face_yaw_approach(o->oMoveAngleYaw, 2 * yawTurnSpeed); obj_face_pitch_approach(0, 0x320); // For the first two seconds of walking, stay invulnerable if (o->oTimer < 60) { obj_check_attacks(&sWigglerHitbox, o->oAction); } else if (obj_handle_attacks(&sWigglerHitbox, o->oAction, sWigglerAttackHandlers)) { if (o->oAction != WIGGLER_ACT_JUMPED_ON) { o->oAction = WIGGLER_ACT_KNOCKBACK; } o->oWigglerWalkAwayFromWallTimer = 0; o->oWigglerWalkAnimSpeed = 0.0f; } } } /** * Squish and unsquish, then show text and enter either the walking or shrinking * action. */ static void wiggler_act_jumped_on(void) { // Text to show on first, second, and third attack. s32 attackText[3] = { DIALOG_152, DIALOG_168, DIALOG_151 }; // Shrink until the squish speed becomes 0, then unisquish if (approach_f32_ptr(&o->oWigglerSquishSpeed, 0.0f, 0.05f)) { // Note that 4 is the default scale approach_f32_ptr(&o->header.gfx.scale[1], 4.0f, 0.2f); } else { o->header.gfx.scale[1] -= o->oWigglerSquishSpeed; } // Wait for a second after unsquishing, then show text and either shrink (if // defeated) or go back to walking if (o->header.gfx.scale[1] >= 4.0f) { if (o->oTimer > 30) { if (obj_update_dialog_with_cutscene(2, 0, CUTSCENE_DIALOG_1, attackText[o->oHealth - 2]) != 0) { // Because we don't want the wiggler to disappear after being // defeated, we leave its health at 1 if (--o->oHealth == 1) { o->oAction = WIGGLER_ACT_SHRINK; obj_become_intangible(); } else { o->oAction = WIGGLER_ACT_WALK; o->oMoveAngleYaw = o->oFaceAngleYaw; if (o->oHealth == 2) { PlaySound2(SOUND_OBJ_WIGGLER_JUMP); o->oForwardVel = 10.0f; o->oVelY = 70.0f; } } } } } else { o->oTimer = 0; } obj_check_attacks(&sWigglerHitbox, o->oAction); } /** * Decelerate to a stop and then enter the walk action. */ static void wiggler_act_knockback(void) { if (o->oVelY > 0.0f) { o->oFaceAnglePitch -= o->oVelY * 30.0f; } else { obj_face_pitch_approach(0, 0x190); } if (obj_forward_vel_approach(0.0f, 1.0f) && o->oFaceAnglePitch == 0) { o->oAction = WIGGLER_ACT_WALK; o->oMoveAngleYaw = o->oFaceAngleYaw; } obj_check_attacks(&sWigglerHitbox, o->oAction); } /** * Shrink, then spawn the star and enter the fall through floor action. */ static void wiggler_act_shrink(void) { if (o->oTimer >= 20) { if (o->oTimer == 20) { PlaySound2(SOUND_OBJ_ENEMY_DEFEAT_SHRINK); } // 4 is the default scale, so shrink to 1/4 of regular size if (approach_f32_ptr(&o->header.gfx.scale[0], 1.0f, 0.1f)) { create_star(0.0f, 2048.0f, 0.0f); o->oAction = WIGGLER_ACT_FALL_THROUGH_FLOOR; } obj_scale(o->header.gfx.scale[0]); } } /** * Fall through floors until y < 1700, then enter the walking action. */ static void wiggler_act_fall_through_floor(void) { if (o->oTimer == 60) { stop_background_music(SEQUENCE_ARGS(4, SEQ_EVENT_BOSS)); o->oWigglerFallThroughFloorsHeight = 1700.0f; } else if (o->oTimer > 60) { if (o->oPosY < o->oWigglerFallThroughFloorsHeight) { o->oAction = WIGGLER_ACT_WALK; } else { o->oFaceAnglePitch = obj_get_pitch_from_vel(); } obj_move_using_fvel_and_gravity(); } } /** * Attack handler for when wiggler is jumped or ground pounded on. * Stop and enter the jumped on action. */ void wiggler_jumped_on_attack_handler(void) { PlaySound2(SOUND_OBJ_WIGGLER_ATTACKED); o->oAction = WIGGLER_ACT_JUMPED_ON; o->oForwardVel = o->oVelY = 0.0f; o->oWigglerSquishSpeed = 0.4f; } /** * Update function for bhvWigglerHead. */ void bhv_wiggler_update(void) { // PARTIAL_UPDATE if (o->oAction == WIGGLER_ACT_UNINITIALIZED) { #ifdef AVOID_UB // See comment in wiggler_act_walk o->oHealth = 4; #endif wiggler_init_segments(); } else { if (o->oAction == WIGGLER_ACT_FALL_THROUGH_FLOOR) { wiggler_act_fall_through_floor(); } else { treat_far_home_as_mario(1200.0f); // Walking animation and sound func_8029ED98(0, o->oWigglerWalkAnimSpeed); if (o->oWigglerWalkAnimSpeed != 0.0f) { func_802F9378(0, 13, o->oHealth >= 4 ? SOUND_OBJ_WIGGLER_LOW_PITCH : SOUND_OBJ_WIGGLER_HIGH_PITCH); } else { func_8029F6F0(); } obj_update_floor_and_walls(); switch (o->oAction) { case WIGGLER_ACT_WALK: wiggler_act_walk(); break; case WIGGLER_ACT_KNOCKBACK: wiggler_act_knockback(); break; case WIGGLER_ACT_JUMPED_ON: wiggler_act_jumped_on(); break; case WIGGLER_ACT_SHRINK: wiggler_act_shrink(); break; case WIGGLER_ACT_FALL_THROUGH_FLOOR: wiggler_act_fall_through_floor(); break; } obj_move_standard(-78); } // Update segment 0 with data from the wiggler object o->oWigglerSegments[0].posX = o->oPosX; o->oWigglerSegments[0].posY = o->oPosY; o->oWigglerSegments[0].posZ = o->oPosZ; o->oWigglerSegments[0].pitch = o->oFaceAnglePitch; o->oWigglerSegments[0].yaw = o->oFaceAngleYaw; // Update the rest of the segments to follow segment 0 wiggler_update_segments(); } }