#ifndef _MATH_UTIL_H_ #define _MATH_UTIL_H_ /* * The sine and cosine tables overlap, but "#define gCosineTable (gSineTable + * 0x400)" doesn't give expected codegen; gSineTable and gCosineTable need to * be different symbols for code to match. Most likely the tables were placed * adjacent to each other, and gSineTable cut short, such that reads overflow * into gCosineTable. * * These kinds of out of bounds reads are undefined behavior, and break on * e.g. GCC (which doesn't place the tables next to each other, and probably * exploits array sizes for range analysis-based optimizations as well). * Thus, for non-IDO compilers we use the standard-compliant version. */ extern f32 gSineTable[]; #ifdef AVOID_UB #define gCosineTable (gSineTable + 0x400) #else extern f32 gCosineTable[]; #endif #define sins(x) gSineTable[(u16) (x) >> 4] #define coss(x) gCosineTable[(u16) (x) >> 4] #define min(a, b) ((a) <= (b) ? (a) : (b)) #define max(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b)) #define sqr(x) ((x) * (x)) void *vec3f_copy(Vec3f dest, Vec3f src); void *vec3f_set(Vec3f dest, f32 x, f32 y, f32 z); void *vec3f_add(Vec3f dest, Vec3f a); void *vec3f_sum(Vec3f dest, Vec3f a, Vec3f b); void *vec3s_copy(Vec3s dest, Vec3s src); void *vec3s_set(Vec3s dest, s16 x, s16 y, s16 z); void *vec3s_add(Vec3s dest, Vec3s a); void *vec3s_sum(Vec3s dest, Vec3s a, Vec3s b); void *vec3s_sub(Vec3s dest, Vec3s a); void *vec3s_to_vec3f(Vec3f dest, Vec3s a); void *vec3f_to_vec3s(Vec3s dest, Vec3f a); void *find_vector_perpendicular_to_plane(Vec3f dest, Vec3f a, Vec3f b, Vec3f c); void *vec3f_cross(Vec3f dest, Vec3f a, Vec3f b); void *vec3f_normalize(Vec3f dest); void mtxf_copy(f32 dest[4][4], f32 src[4][4]); void mtxf_identity(f32 mtx[4][4]); void mtxf_translate(f32 a[4][4], Vec3f b); void mtxf_lookat(f32 mtx[4][4], Vec3f b, Vec3f c, s16 d); void mtxf_rotate_zxy_and_translate(f32 mtx[4][4], Vec3f b, Vec3s c); void mtxf_rotate_xyz_and_translate(f32 mtx[4][4], Vec3f b, Vec3s c); void mtxf_billboard(f32 mtx1[4][4], f32 mtx2[4][4], Vec3f c, s16 d); void mtxf_align_terrain_normal(f32 mtx[4][4], Vec3f b, Vec3f c, s16 d); void mtxf_align_terrain_triangle(f32 mtx[4][4], Vec3f b, s16 c, f32 d); void mtxf_mul(f32 dest[4][4], f32 a[4][4], f32 b[4][4]); void mtxf_scale_vec3f(f32 a[4][4], f32 b[4][4], Vec3f c); void mtxf_mul_vec3s(f32 a[4][4], Vec3s b); void mtxf_to_mtx(Mtx *a, f32 b[4][4]); void mtxf_rotate_xy(Mtx *a, s16 b); void get_pos_from_transform_mtx(Vec3f a, f32 b[4][4], f32 c[4][4]); void vec3f_get_dist_and_angle(Vec3f from, Vec3f to, f32 *dist, s16 *pitch, s16 *yaw); void vec3f_set_dist_and_angle(Vec3f a, Vec3f b, f32 c, s16 d, s16 e); s32 approach_s32(s32 a, s32 b, s32 c, s32 d); f32 approach_f32(f32 a, f32 b, f32 c, f32 d); s16 atan2s(f32 a, f32 b); f32 atan2f(f32 a, f32 b); void spline_get_weights(Vec4f a, f32 b, UNUSED s32 c); void anim_spline_init(Vec4s *a); s32 anim_spline_poll(Vec3f a); #endif