#!/usr/bin/perl -w # flashget - Download Flash videos from any hosting site. # Usage: flashget [output directory default $HOME] # Author: Kirsle # http://sh.kirsle.net/ # This script doesn't care what your flash player is called. It just looks for # any process that owns a /tmp/Flash####### file and copies it. It works for # both the "old style" Netscape Flash plugin (for Firefox and Chromium) and the # Pepper API style used in Google Chrome. use strict; use warnings; use File::Copy; my $home = shift @ARGV || (defined $ENV{HOME} ? $ENV{HOME} : "."); print "flashget - Searching for Flash videos to rip. For best results, make sure\n" . "you FULLY BUFFER the video first in your web browser.\n\n"; my $count = 0; # First, just do a dumb scan of everything in /proc that we have read-access to # and look for Flash files belonging to either Chrome or the Firefox-style Flash # plugin. Note that the Chrome Flash plugin locks us out of its file descriptors # unless we run with root privileges. opendir (my $proc, "/proc"); foreach my $pid (sort { $a <=> $b } (grep(/^\d+$/, readdir($proc)))) { # Skip PID's we can't read from. next unless -r "/proc/$pid/fd"; # Look for flash videos. opendir (my $fd, "/proc/$pid/fd"); foreach my $id (sort(grep(!/^\./, readdir($fd)))) { my $file = "/proc/$pid/fd/$id"; # Make it an abs path. if (-l $file) { my $link = readlink($file); # Look for a Flash video link. $link =~ s/\s*\(deleted\)//g; # Remove the " (deleted)" extensions. if ($link =~ m{^/tmp/((?:Flash|FreshTemp).*?)$} || $link =~ m{Shockwave Flash/\.(.+?)$}) { # Copy it. my $dest = "$home/$1.flv"; print "Recover from PID $pid: $id -> $dest\n"; copy($file, $dest) or print "ERR: Couldn't copy to $dest: $@\n"; $count++; } } } closedir($fd); } closedir ($proc); print "\nRecovered $count Flash video(s).\n"; # Do a quick check for Google Chrome Flash processes that we didn't manage to # get files from, to notify the user that they may want to re-run as root. if ($> != 0) { my $ps = `ps aux | grep ppapi | grep -v grep`; if ($ps) { print "I found a few Google Chrome Flash plugins running, but I need\n" . "root permissions to read those files (unless you saw some files\n" . "named like 'com.google' above). Run this script as root to get\n" . "Flash videos out of Google Chrome.\n"; print "$ps\n"; } }