--- title: "Skills" date: 2023-09-13T15:08:12-07:00 draft: false ---


For pretty much all of my career (apart from some retail jobs early on while I went to college) I've worked as a software engineer (professionally since 2008). I taught myself to program since I was a young teenager (having learned HTML and created my first website at 12 years old), and then my first 'real' language was Perl which I first learned because I wanted to build my own chatbots for AOL Instant Messenger.

I soon found out Perl could be used for server-side website scripting (and would greatly empower my personal websites, which were limited to HTML and JavaScript so far) and was already building my own whole web apps (such as blogs, custom forums and MySpace-style social networking sites!) all before I even graduated high school. After not even a year into college, I got my first software development job (at a Perl shop) and the rest is history (and a story for my LinkedIn).

For the most part I have worked for small startup companies (as I love to write new code and have a big impact on the product). I'm not currently looking for work, but in the future will plan to give freelance work a try.

Web Development

I call myself a "full stack" web developer and have a varied skillset to tackle both front-end and back-end concerns of web applications. I am most at home on the back-end side (everything from developing the app itself to getting it deployed on a server or cloud provider) but have also been known to create a nice front-end web design or Single Page App (SPA) from time to time.

Back-end (server side)


Go, Python, JavaScript, Perl


GORM, Negroni, Gin
Flask, Tornado, SQLAlchemy


Docker, GitHub, Linux, RESTful API, server-side templates, DevOps/systems administration, Amazon AWS (EC2, S3, SQS, SES, EKS, Elastic Beanstalk)

Front-end (web design)


HTML, CSS, JavaScript


Vue.js, Angular, React, Knockout, vanilla
Bootstrap, Bulma, Tailwind


Ajax, WebSockets, WebRTC, responsive design (mobile friendly), Progressive Web Apps (PWAs), Single Page Apps (SPAs), localStorage, Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)

Technical Skills

Example Projects

See my Portfolio page for some of my biggest and actively maintained projects. I also have a variety of stuff on my GitHub page but here are some interesting projects in particular: