Syrus and Unamed have been walking all night. It was all night according to Syrus’s watch, anyway. Time doesn’t seem to fly by in this place. Unamed faces Syrus down one last tunnel. “This is the exit, Syrus. Walk down this tunnel.” Syrus does what he’s told, and slowly walks down the tunnel. Suddenly, a bright flash comes over Syrus, and he appears back in the dark room which he left. “This is the other dimension!” This time, Syrus actually takes time to look around the room. There is a square-shaped hole in the ceiling, allowing a faint red glow from Emerald’s Crater to light up the room. On the wall opposite the portal is a pedestal with a book on top. The book is opened. “Synan and Zoe must have gotten here already.” Syrus puts his hand on the picture and warps into the Book Temple. The sky is back to normal. Syrus can see stars again. This must mean that he is in the other world, where Deity wasn’t wound up. “Syrus!” Sarah is sitting at the desk. “What are you doing here?” “Err, umm...” Syrus clears his throat and talks in his best voice. “My name is King Syrus. I have come from the other dimension to rule over this world!” “Syrus, hello? You’re FROM our dimension!” “What?” “I can tell by looking at you. The humans in this dimension have a slightly different look to them.” “What?? Unamed sent me back to where I came from?” “Oh, so you met Unamed. Yeah, I told him to send you back here.” “Damn incarnation!” Syrus curses. “Swearing won’t help any, Syrus. I know Synan and Zoe can completely handle whatever happens to them.”