Syrus decides to take a look around at his surroundings. He is standing on a four-way intersection. On the dark purple soil are light purple, almost magenta, pathways. One pathway leads to the left, where Syrus can see a lava river coming from the mountain in the center of the island. To the right, the pathway leads into a dense forest. To the north, the pathway goes into the mountain, to a large bright red door. The door appears to be locked. Finally, down the southern pathway, is the guard house area, where Synan is walking towards Syrus. Synan dosen’t seem to notice Syrus at all, and cuts through the field going towards the right. “Synan! Is that you?” Syrus shouts. Synan has dark, messy hair. Syrus’s is blond, kinda messy from sleeping for three days on it. “I see you have some of those ‘Warp Marbles’ as well. We both have ten open marbles now. Let’s have a contest. Let’s see who can capture more monsters. Our meeting place will be at the castle on the other side.” Syrus says, confindently. “I’ll take the right.” Synan says. “I don’t think so, Synan. You’re taking the left, near Hell’s River.” “No fair!” “You want to make something of it?” Synan sighs, “Left it is.” “Good. I thought you’d see it my way.” Syrus begins walking down the pathway to the right. As he nears the forest, he sees a small tower-shaped building. Syrus steps inside. The doors close behind him. A sharp, computerized voice comes on the speakers. “Warp Stone, please.” Syrus dosen’t have a ‘Warp Stone’. He remembers his Ideya Capture, how old man Shady had his name for them, Warp Marbles. Syrus puts an Ideya Marble in the bowl-shaped slot. The voice comes on again. “Insufficient amount of Warp Stone. Please make sure that you have a valid source of the ore, and that the stone is not currupted.” The doors open and let Syrus out. Synan is already long gone. Syrus looks over toward the lava river. Synan and Zoe are sitting on the other side. Syrus continues on walking toward the forest. Syrus enters the forest. ‘Synan took the easy way! He probably already has his first monster! I need to find one!’ Syrus thinks to himself. Syrus looks around the forest. Unlike the rest of the island, the pathway here is brown, normal dirt. There is also a lot of grass growing around here. The trees and bushes are so densely packed together. It was getting late now, and the forest is so dark. Syrus sees a faint glimmer of light, reflecting off the moon. Syrus takes a close look at the light. It is a monkey-like monster with oversized eyeballs. A monster! Syrus throws an ideya marble at it before it knows what happened. The marble bounces off as a blinding light exits from it. The light engulfs the monster into a large ball of light. The light then returns to the Ideya Capture. “These things really work!” Syrus says. Syrus decides he should probably make camp for the night, but he can’t stop finding monsters to capture. He continues on down into the forest. After a while of walking, Syrus gets into such a deep section of the forest. The leaves overhead are covering up all the moon light. Syrus is left in complete darkness. Syrus continues on. He comes to a four-way intersection. He turns to the left. This pathway seems to go back in the opposite direction he was coming from. It goes straight into a solid wall of the mountain. A child is standing here at the end of the path. He is about ten years old. He looks suspiciously like Synan. “Hey! Thought you’d cheat and follow me, did you? Nice try!” The boy answers, “Who are you? You obviously are mistaking me for someone else. My name is Kail.” “Kail, huh? What are you doing out here?” “I am searching for my brother Sage. Have you seen him?” “Sage? No, I haven’t seen him.” Syrus answers. “Oh, okay. Do you know Synan?” Kail asks. “Synan? Yeah, he’s here on this island.” “Oh, that’s not good. This is all wrong. Synan isn’t supposed to be here!” “Why? What’s wrong with Synan?” Kail ignores Syrus and runs down the pathway and disappears into the darkness. Syrus chases after him. “Wait! Kail, come back!” Syrus runs into the four-way intersection and crashes into somebody, knocking both of them down. Syrus gets up quickly. “Kail! What made you stop?” “Kail? What do you want with Kail?!” The person stands up. In the faint moonlight Syrus sees that this person is a girl. She is around 12 or 13. Syrus obviously just mobbed the wrong person.