LNR Worlds Help

This is the Help File for LNR Worlds

Log-In/Sign Up

Signing Up
      In order to log-in, you will need to sign up for an LNR Worlds account. Click the "Sign-Up" button and fill out the fields there.

After you fill out this form, your information will all be saved, which includes your items, money, monsters, wins, losses, etc.

Logging In
      After you have signed up, you will be taken back to the main log-in screen. Enter your LNR Worlds screen name and password. Right after you sign up, you'll click "Log In" after you enter your password. When you return, you may need to click "Log In" twice (first it loads your info, and then it checks your password).

LNR Worlds Index

About the Index
      The Index is the main screen of your LNR Worlds account. It contains all the links, a tournament button, and the LNR Worlds News.

Enter Codes

What do you mean by "Codes?"
      LNR Worlds has a secret group of codes, called "Mystery Codes." You find these codes and enter them into the Codes text field. The codes can get you new monsters, extra money, secret items, etc.

How do you get Mystery Codes?
Most of the Mystery Codes can be acquired by playing some of LNR Universe's games, like Sage's Quest, or the Synan's Story Quiz. You know when you'll get a code if the game is based on LNR Universe. The games like Simple Tetris and Bubble Puzzle will not get you Mystery Codes, as they have no direct relation to LNR Universe.


How to "Explore" The Land of No Return
      To walk around on The Land of No Return, you need to use the keyboard. Here are all the keys:
Key Function
Up Arrow Walk Forward
Left Arrow Walk Left
Right Arrow Walk Right
Down Arrow Walk Backward
i Use an Ideya Capture
g Use a Greater Ideya
s Use a Spirit Ideya
m Use a Master Ideya
b Battle a Monster

Tips while Exploring
  1. Try to walk in EVERY direction on EVERY screen. You never know what you might miss!
  2. To make Capture easier, battle your enemy untill his life is below 50%. Then, capture is 100% guaranteed!

Your Profile

About the Profile
      The name of this button is your LNR Worlds Screen Name. This screen shows all your information, like your screen name, e-mail address, your monsters, ideyas, money, and special items.

Monsters - This shows your list of monsters
Ideyas - Gives you the number of all your Ideya Captures
Money - How much money you have
Special Items - All your special items, like Membership Card.

LNR Worlds Shop

How the Shop Works
      In the shop, you click the item that you want to buy. If you cannot afford the item, nothing will happen. If you can, it will add that item and decrease your money. To see the script of what makes this happen, click


The activities are hosted on an online web page.


About Forums
      LNR Worlds has a forum branch in the main LNR Universe Message Board.


The Help Link displays This Page

Save/Log Out

      The Save button saves your information. When you click this button, your data will be saved and you won't be logged out.
Log Out
      This button saves your information and then logs you out.

Known Bugs

Impossible Money Bug
Here is all I know about this bug: When you sign up/log in for the first time, go to Explore before you buy anything at the shop. Get to Orb Lake, or another monster area, and press "b" to battle. Win the battle (the monsters have a disadvantage, unlike Trainer battles), and the money you win will be added to the END of what you already had. For example, if you start with $12 and you win 32, your money will go to $1232. To calm this bug, you are only allowed to shop with a 4-digit number of money. So, if you have $123256, your money will be dropped $1,000 at a time untill it's only 4-digits long. This bug existed up untill LNR Worlds 1.3 - it is fixed now

This is a bug that I'm stuck on: Since you start with 10 Ideya Captures and no other Ideyas, it works like the money bug above when you buy a different Ideya. So, when you buy your first Greater Ideya, your number will be 01 instead of 1, and then 011 instead of 2. This bug existed up untill LNR Worlds 1.3 - it is fixed now

Trainers have a slight advantage
In the trainer battles, I set it so that you and the enemy both have a fair fight, but for some reason, the trainers almost ALWAYS win! This bug never existed - it was the result of a slight miscalculation

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