var guessme=Math.round(Math.random()*(99)+1); var speech='Guess my number (from 1 to 100)'; function process(mystery) { var guess=document.forms.guessquiz.guess.value; var speech='"'+guess+ '" does not make sense to me.'; document.forms.guessquiz.guess.value=''; if (guess==mystery) { document.forms.guessquiz.prompt.value='Congratulations! '+mystery+' is correct!'; alert ('Well done - the mystery number is '+mystery+'! \n\nPress this button to reload the page for another game.'); speech=''; document.location=document.location; } if (mysteryguess) { speech='Greater than '+ guess; } if (guess=='') { speech='You didn\'t guess anything!' } document.forms.guessquiz.prompt.value=speech; document.forms.guessquiz.guess.focus(); }