# Main Page Welcome to the Kirsle.net Wiki! This mostly just serves as a place for me to quickly write down random ideas and make quick pages that I can edit from my website's front-end. It's like the GitHub Wikis, except it's hosted on my own server and I wrote the code for it myself. ;) See [the index](/wiki/_pages) for the list of all available pages in this wiki. # Technical How-To's * [Python cocos2d Installation](/wiki/Python-cocos2d-Installation) * [Fedora on Macbook](/wiki/Fedora-on-Macbook) * [nginx configs](/wiki/nginx-configs) # Ideas and Notes * [Minecraft Clone](/wiki/Minecraft-Clone) * [Minecraft vs Terraria Account Models](/wiki/Minecraft-vs-Terraria-Account-Models) * [Things Learned with jQuery Mobile](/wiki/Things-Learned-with-jQuery-Mobile) * [Built with RiveScript](/wiki/Built-with-RiveScript) - Collection of known RiveScript projects * [Protocol Buffers Protocol](/wiki/Protocol-Buffers-Protocol) * [Optimize RiveScript](/wiki/Optimize-RiveScript) - So it can support Alice-sized brains # Personal Reference * [Publishing RiveScript Modules](/wiki/Publishing-RiveScript-Modules)