# Kirsle.net ![Kirsle](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kirsle/kirsle.net/master/www/solar/kirsle.png) This is the source code of my personal website, [Kirsle.net](http://www.kirsle.net/). It runs on top of my Python CMS called [Rophako](https://github.com/kirsle/rophako). This Git repo only contains templates and design files for the main Kirsle.net website. This means only the files that are served directly by the Python CMS (all pages with the "solar" web design) are here; but there are a decently large number of static files and one-off CGI scripts that get served directly by nginx instead. For example the `projects/` folder where I keep downloads of my various software projects, and the `creativity/` and `wizards` folders. So, feel free to look around in this repo, but you won't find anything too interesting in here. It's mostly just Jinja2 HTML templates and the odd web design file (CSS, JS, and some images).