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<link rel="StyleSheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="/designs/lavender/screen.css">
<link rel="StyleSheet" type="text/css" media="print" href="/designs/lavender/print.css">

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<a href="aelita/"><small>Don't Click Here</small></a>
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<img src="/designs/lavender/cuvou.gif" alt="Cuvou">

<div class="navstrip">
	<div class="navi">
		<div class="navhead">Cuvou</div>
		&#0187; <a href="#link?module=index">Homepage</a><br>
		&#0187; <a href="#link?module=guestbook">Guestbook</a><br>
		&#0187; <a href="#link?module=map">Site Map</a><br>
		&#0187; <a href="#http://www.project-fearless.com/">Project Fearless</a>

		<div class="navhead">Author</div>
		&#0187; <a href="#link?module=cuvou">Biography</a><br>
		&#0187; <a href="#link?module=pics">Pictures</a><br>
		&#0187; <a href="#link?module=contact">Contact</a>

		<div class="navhead">Creativity</div>
		&#0187; <a href="#link?module=render">3D Rendered</a><br>
		&#0187; <a href="#link?module=flash">Flash Animation</a><br>
		&#0187; <a href="#link?module=fonts">TrueType Fonts</a><br>
		&#0187; <a href="#link?module=philosophy">Philosophy</a>

		<div class="navhead">Software</div>
		&#0187; <a href="#link?module=distro">[Distro Help]</a><br>
		&#0187; <a href="#link?module=pccc">CyanChat Client</a><br>
		&#0187; <a href="#link?module=azulenc">Azulian Encoder</a><br>
		&#0187; <a href="#link?module=errorgen">Error Generator</a><br>
		&#0187; <a href="#link?module=tkcalc">Tk Calculator</a><br>
		&#0187; <a href="#link?module=terminal">Terminal Apps</a><br>
		&#0187; <a href="#link?module=metacity">Metacity</a><br>
		&#0187; <a href="#link?module=apps">Misc. Apps</a>

		<div class="navhead">Articles</div>
		&#0187; <a href="#link?module=ubuntu">To Ubuntu</a><br>
		&#0187; <a href="#link?module=acer">Aspire 5050</a>

		<div class="navhead">Projects</div>
		&#0187; <a href="#link?module=tkhtml">Tk HTML</a><br>
		&#0187; <a href="#perlaim/dev.html">PerlAIM</a>

		<div class="navhead">Web Tools</div>
		&#0187; <a href="/wizards/translator.html">Azulian Web Enc.</a>

		<div class="navhead">E-Mail</div>
		&#0187; <a href="#http://mail.live.com">Check E-Mail</a><br>
		&#0187; <a href="#https://domains.live.com/members/signup.aspx?domain=cuvou.net">Sign Up</a><p>

		&#0187; <a href="#link?module=referer">HTTP Referrers</a><br>
		&#0187; <a href="#link?module=agents">User Agents</a><br>
		&#0187; <a href="#link?module=stats">File Popularity</a>

		<div style="text-align: center">
		<a href="http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=referer">
		<img src="/designs/lavender/html.png" width="88" height="31" alt="HTML 4.01 Strict">

		<a href="http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/">
		<img src="/designs/lavender/css.png" width="88" height="31" alt="Valid CSS">

		<a href="http://www.perl.com/">
		<img src="/designs/lavender/perl.png" width="88" height="31" alt="Powered by Perl">

		<a href="http://www.fedoraproject.org/">
		<img src="/designs/lavender/fedora.png" width="88" height="31" alt="Powered by Fedora">

<div class="wrapper">
	<h1>Cuvou.com Lavender</h1>

	This is the original web design for Cuvou.com, codenamed Lavender. This
	design was later replaced with <a href="/designs/starburst">Starburst</a>.

	<h1>Heading Level 1</h1>

	And some text.

	<h2>Heading Level 2</h2>

	And more text.

	<h3>Heading Level 3</h3>

	And some more text.

	<h4>Heading Level 4</h4>

	And even more text.<p>



<div class="copyright">
All content on this website is original and is copyright &#0169; 2007 Casey Kirsle.<br>
Use content only with permission.

<script type="text/javascript">
   # Hyperlink Editor Script || Copyright 2007 Casey Kirsle #
   # This script makes all offsite links open in a new      #
   # window, and turns all e-mail links in the format of    #
   # "name-at-domain.com" into "name\@domain.com"            #
   # Use content only with permission. Get permission from  #
   # casey "at" cuvou.org                                   #
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// localAddr[0] = "cuvou.com";
// localAddr[1] = "www.cuvou.com";
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