# RiveScript Discussions Links to particularly interesting RiveScript discussions. These are mostly GitHub issues that I wanted to keep track of easily after they're closed. I'll slowly add to this list as I dig up more interesting topics. ## Common Topics These topics are so common that I use GitHub Issue labels to categorize them. ### Unicode (UTF-8) * [JavaScript](https://github.com/aichaos/rivescript-js/issues?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=label%3Aunicode) * [Python](https://github.com/aichaos/rivescript-python/issues?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=label%3Aunicode) * [Perl](https://github.com/aichaos/rivescript-perl/issues?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=label%3Aunicode) See also [Unicode Problems](/wiki/Unicode-Problems) on my wiki. ### Async (JS) Of the programming languages I've ported RiveScript to, JavaScript is the most heavily centered around asynchronous programming. As such it has a lot of discussions on GitHub and even its own wiki page there. * [Promises for user variable functions](https://github.com/aichaos/rivescript-js/issues/146) - lots of backstory on async in RiveScript. * [All Async Issues](https://github.com/aichaos/rivescript-js/issues?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=label%3Aasync%20) * [Asynchronous Support](https://github.com/aichaos/rivescript-js/wiki/Asynchronous-Support) (wiki) ## Performance and Scale * [RiveScript Performance](https://github.com/aichaos/rivescript-js/issues/153) (JS) * @atladmin had success with 20K replies and no performance dips. * Discussion of getting databases involved (RiveScript won't do that). * Compliments on RiveScript being high performance with no moving parts, unlike SuperScript (it depends on MongoDB and other deployment headaches).