# SiikirPerl How to install the Perl Siikir CMS. # Perlbrew Recommended to install a custom Perl w/ perlbrew instead of using your vendor version of Perl. I made a dedicated user, `bob` that "owns" the Perl installation. ```bash [bob]$ sudo mkdir /opt/perl5 && chown bob:bob /opt/perl5 [bob]$ export PERLBREW_ROOT="/opt/perl5" [bob]$ wget -O - http://install.perlbrew.pl | bash [bob]$ perlbrew init [bob]$ perlbrew install perl-5.18.0 [bob]$ perlbrew switch perl-5.18.0 ``` After installing Perl, make a symlink so that `/opt/perl` points to the Perl root, for example: ```bash /opt/perl -> /opt/perl5/perls/perl-5.18.0 ``` So that `/opt/perl/bin/perl` exists. # Apache Configuration You'll need `mod_fcgid`, `mod_rewrite`, and probably `mod_suexec`. On Debian, install the package `apache2-suexec-custom` so that you can change suexec to use `/home` as its root (not needed if you plan to put your site under `/var/www`). The suexec config file is usually at `/etc/apache2/suexec/www-data`. Typical VirtualHost configuration for mod\_fcgid: ```apache ServerName www.yoursite.com DocumentRoot /home/www/public_html CustomLog /home/www/logs/access_log combined ErrorLog /home/www/logs/error_log SuexecUserGroup www www Options Indexes FollowSymLinks ExecCGI AllowOverride All Order allow,deny Allow from all SetHandler fcgid-script Options +ExecCGI AllowOverride All Order allow,deny Allow from all ``` Follow that up with a `.htaccess` in your document root: ```apache RewriteEngine on RewriteBase / RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule . /fcgi/index.cgi [L] RewriteRule ^$ /fcgi/index.cgi [L] ``` # Perl Modules The typical Siikir installation requires these modules. Install them using cpanminus as your Perl user (`bob` in my case). ```bash $ cpan App::cpanminus ``` The required modules (install each with `cpanm $NAME`): * CGI::Fast * FCGI * JSON * JSON::XS * Image::Magick* * LWP::UserAgent * Mail::Sendmail * Template* * Digest::SHA1 * Net::DNS You'll __need__ JSON::XS. JSON::PP doesn't quite cut it. A couple modules have special cases and might not be installable via `cpanm`: ## Image::Magick Because of Image::Magick's ties with the C ImageMagick library, they need to be installed by hand. You'll need to download and build ImageMagick from imagemagick.org (it includes the Perl module, so you don't need to deal with CPAN at all for this one). ```bash $ wget http://www.imagemagick.org/download/ImageMagick.tar.gz $ tar -xzvf ImageMagick.tar.gz $ cd ImageMagick-*/ $ ./configure --with-perl $ make $ make perl-sources $ sudo make install $ sudo ldconfig /usr/local/lib $ cd PerlMagick $ perl Makefile.PL $ make $ make test $ make install ``` __Note:__ If your site ever starts crashing (particularly after a software update) saying it can't find `libmagick.so` or something, run `sudo ldconfig /usr/local/lib` to rebuild the library cache. ### Misc Notes You'll need `libperl-dev` installed on the system (if you get an error like "`can't find -lperl`" when building). ## Template I sometimes have problems installing Template::Toolkit through cpanm because the test suite doesn't pass completely (35 out of several thousand tests fail). You can just download and install this module by hand and it works.