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2018-07-20 19:08:16 +00:00
# Current Projects
These are the personal projects I'm currently working on.
* [Active Software Projects](#active-software-projects)
* [Open Source](#open-source)
* [Closed Source](#closed-source)
* [Long Term Support](#long-term-support)
* [RiveScript](#rivescript)
## Active Software Projects
### Open Source
2019-05-17 03:36:39 +00:00
* [sonar]( is an alarm clock program that plays
a folder of random music. Mine currently wakes me up to speeches from the
philosopher [Alan Watts](
2018-07-20 19:08:16 +00:00
* [kirsle/blog]( the Go software that currently
powers the back-end of
* [rivescript-js]( the JavaScript port
of RiveScript, see [RiveScript](#rivescript) below.
* [dethnote]( encrypted, zero-knowledge
message storage with time-delayed dead man's switch to unlock messages.
### Closed Source
* doodle: a drawing-based maze game written in Go using SDL2.
## Long Term Support
* [rophako]( the Python blog and content
management system that previously powered
### RiveScript
[RiveScript]( is a chatbot scripting language I
originally programmed in Perl around 2003 during a time when chatbots were
popular (i.e. SmarterChild).
A second wave of chatbots has come and gone around 2016 and interest has been
dropping off again. Most of the implementations of RiveScript are in "long term
support" mode without actively gaining new features.
* [rivescript-js]( work is nearing
completion on **v2.0.0** which brings much needed async support and gets away
from CoffeeScript. After v2.0.0 is stable rivescript-js will return to long
term support.
* [rivescript-python](
* [rivescript-go](
* [rivescript-java]( mostly maintained
by [@marceloverdijk]( nowadays.