package events import ( "net/http" "strconv" "strings" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) func inviteHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { params := mux.Vars(r) id, err := strconv.Atoi(params["id"]) if err != nil { responses.FlashAndRedirect(w, r, "/e/admin/", "Invalid ID") return } // Load the event from its ID. event, err := events.Load(id) if err != nil { responses.FlashAndRedirect(w, r, "/e/admin/", "Can't load event: %s", err) return } // Handle POST requests. if r.Method == http.MethodPost { action := r.FormValue("action") switch action { case "new-contact": c := contacts.NewContact() c.ParseForm(r) err = c.Validate() if err != nil { responses.FlashAndReload(w, r, "Validation error: %s", err) return } err = contacts.Add(&c) if err != nil { responses.FlashAndReload(w, r, "Error when saving address book: %s", err) return } err = event.InviteContactID(c.ID) if err != nil { responses.Flash(w, r, "Error: couldn't invite contact: %s", err) } responses.FlashAndReload(w, r, "Added %s to the address book and added to invite list!", c.Name()) return case "send-invite": log.Error("Send Invite!") r.ParseForm() contactIDs, ok := r.Form["invite"] if !ok { responses.Error(w, r, "Missing: invite (list of IDs)") return } // Invite all the users. var warnings []string for _, strID := range contactIDs { id, _ := strconv.Atoi(strID) err = event.InviteContactID(id) log.Debug("Inviting contact ID %d: err=%s", id, err) if err != nil { warnings = append(warnings, err.Error()) } } if len(warnings) > 0 { responses.Flash(w, r, "Warnings: %s", strings.Join(warnings, "; ")) } responses.FlashAndReload(w, r, "Invites sent!") return case "revoke-invite": idx, _ := strconv.Atoi(r.FormValue("index")) err := event.Uninvite(idx) if err != nil { responses.FlashAndReload(w, r, "Error deleting the invite: %s", err) return } responses.FlashAndReload(w, r, "Invite revoked!") return case "notify": // Notify all the invited users! for _, rsvp := range event.RSVP { if !rsvp.Notified || true { log.Info("Notify RSVP %s about Event %s", rsvp.GetName(), event.Title) notifyUser(event, rsvp) } } responses.FlashAndReload(w, r, "Notification emails and SMS messages sent out!") return } } invited := event.RSVP if err != nil { log.Error("error getting event.Invited: %s", err) } // Map the invited user IDs. invitedMap := map[int]bool{} for _, rsvp := range invited { if rsvp.ContactID != 0 { invitedMap[rsvp.ContactID] = true } } allContacts, err := contacts.All() if err != nil { log.Error("contacts.All() error: %s", err) } v := map[string]interface{}{ "event": event, "invited": invited, "invitedMap": invitedMap, "contacts": allContacts, } render.Template(w, r, "events/invite", v) }