#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Import a Tumblr blog. This is written in Python because the Tumblr JSON is too hairy for Go (dynamic keys and such). Usage: tumblr-import.py --root /path/to/blog/root example.tumblr.com It initializes your blog settings with the metadata (title/description), then starts crawling all of your blog posts from oldest to newest, creating blog posts in the new Blog CMS. This way post ID #1 matches with your first Tumblr post! All images referenced in photo posts are downloaded to ``/static/photos/`` with their original ``tumblr_XXXXXXX.jpg`` file names. The blog entries simply list these images with ```` tags. """ import argparse from datetime import datetime import json import logging import os import re import requests logging.basicConfig() log = logging.getLogger("*") log.setLevel(logging.INFO) def main(tumblr, root, scheme): log.info("Starting tumblr-import from blog: %s", tumblr) API_ROOT = "{}://{}/api/read/json".format(scheme, tumblr) log.info("Root Tumblr API URL: %s", API_ROOT) try: r = api_get(API_ROOT) except Exception as e: log.info("Failed to get Tumblr API root at %s: %s", API_ROOT, e) exit(1) # Ingest the site settings from the first page of results. SiteSettings = { "site": { "title": r["tumblelog"]["title"], "description": r["tumblelog"]["description"], }, } log.info("Blog title: %s", SiteSettings["site"]["title"]) log.info("Description: %s", SiteSettings["site"]["description"]) write_db(root, "app/settings", SiteSettings) posts_total = r["posts-total"] # n log.info("Total Posts: %d", posts_total) # Go to the last page and work backwards. per_page = 50 posts_start = posts_total - per_page if posts_start < 0: posts_start = 0 POST_ID = 0 while posts_start >= 0: log.info("GET PAGE start=%d num=%d\n", posts_start, per_page) r = api_get(API_ROOT, start=posts_start, num=per_page) with open("tumblr-import.json", "w") as fh: fh.write(json.dumps(r, indent=4)) # Ingest the posts in reverse order. for post in r["posts"][::-1]: log.info("{id}: {type} [{date_gmt}]".format( id=post["id"], type=post["type"], date_gmt=post["date-gmt"], )) timestamp = datetime.fromtimestamp(post["unix-timestamp"]) timestamp = timestamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") slug = post.get("slug") if not slug: slug = re.sub(r'.*{}/'.format(tumblr), '', post.get("url-with-slug")) # Post model to build up from this. POST_ID += 1 Post = dict( id=POST_ID, title="", fragment=slug, contentType="html", author=1, body="", privacy="public", sticky=False, enableComments=True, tags=post.get("tags", []), created=timestamp, updated=timestamp, ) # Photo posts if post["type"] == "photo": # Search it for the best quality image. images = _download_images(root, _all_photos(post)) img_tags = "\n".join([ '

\n'.format(i) for i in images ]) Post["body"] = ( '{}\n\n{}' .format(img_tags, post.get("photo-caption")) .strip() ) elif post["type"] == "answer": Post["body"] = ( '
Anonymous asked:\n' '


\n' '
\n\n{answer}' .format(question=post.get("question"), answer=post.get("answer")) ) elif post["type"] == "regular": Post["title"] = post["regular-title"] Post["body"] = post["regular-body"] elif post["type"] == "video": log.error("No support for video posts!") else: print("UNKNOWN TYPE OF POST!") print(json.dumps(post, indent=2)) input() # Add an import notice suffix. Post["body"] += ( "\n\n" 'Imported from Tumblr where it had {} notes.' .format(post.get("note-count")) ) write_db(root, "blog/posts/{}".format(Post["id"]), Post) write_db(root, "blog/fragments/{}".format(Post["fragment"]), dict( id=Post["id"], )) if posts_start == 0: break posts_start -= per_page if posts_start < 0: posts_start = 0 def write_db(root, path, data): """ Write JSON data to a DB path in the Blog DB. Parameters: path (str): DB path like `blog/posts/123` data (dict): dict of JSON serializable data to write. """ dirs, filename = path.rsplit("/", 1) dirs = os.path.join(root, ".private", dirs) if not os.path.isdir(dirs): log.info("CREATE DIRECTORY: %s", dirs) os.makedirs(dirs) with open(os.path.join(dirs, filename+".json"), "w") as fh: fh.write(json.dumps(data, indent=4)) def api_get(root, start=0, num=20): url = root + "?start={}&num={}".format(start, num) log.info("API GET: %s", url) r = requests.get(url) if r.ok: body = r.content.decode() m = re.match(r'var tumblr_api_read = (.+);', body) if m: return json.loads(m.group(1)) raise Exception("didn't get expected JSON wrapped response") def _all_photos(data): """Extract all photos from a photo post.""" main_photo = _best_resolution(data) result = [ main_photo ] if "photos" in data: for photo in data["photos"]: best = _best_resolution(photo) result.append(best) return result def _best_resolution(data): """Find the best image resolution from post json.""" highest = 0 best = "" for k, v in data.items(): m = re.match(r'^photo-url-(\d+)$', k) if m: width = int(m.group(1)) if width > highest: highest = width best = v return best def _download_images(root, images): """Download an array of images. Return array of file paths.""" result = [] if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(root, "static/photos")): os.makedirs(os.path.join(root, "static/photos")) for i, url in enumerate(images): log.info("DOWNLOAD: %s", url) filename = url.rsplit("/", 1)[-1] r = requests.get(url) if r.ok: filename = "static/photos/"+filename if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(root, filename)): continue with open(os.path.join(root, filename), "wb") as fh: fh.write(r.content) result.append("/"+filename) else: result.append(url) return result if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("Tumblr importer") parser.add_argument("--root", help="Output website root for the blog.", type=str, required=True, ) parser.add_argument("--nossl", help="Don't use SSL when connecting to the tumblr site", action="store_true", ) parser.add_argument("tumblr", help="Tumblr blog name, in username.tumblr.com format.", ) args = parser.parse_args() main( tumblr=args.tumblr, root=args.root, scheme="http" if args.nossl else "https", )