package questions import ( "errors" "net/http" "net/mail" "strconv" "time" "" "" ) // DB is a reference to the parent app's gorm DB. var DB *gorm.DB // UseDB registers the DB from the root app. func UseDB(db *gorm.DB) { DB = db DB.AutoMigrate(&Question{}) } var log *golog.Logger func init() { log = golog.GetLogger("blog") } // Question is a question asked of the blog owner. type Question struct { ID int `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Email string `json:"email"` Question string `json:"question"` Status Status `json:"status"` Created time.Time `json:"created"` Updated time.Time `json:"updated"` } // New creates a blank Question with sensible defaults. func New() *Question { return &Question{ Status: Pending, } } // All returns all the Questions. func All() ([]*Question, error) { result := []*Question{} err := DB.Order("start_time desc").Find(&result).Error return result, err } // ParseForm populates the Question from form values. func (ev *Question) ParseForm(r *http.Request) { id, _ := strconv.Atoi(r.FormValue("id")) ev.ID = id ev.Name = r.FormValue("name") ev.Email = r.FormValue("email") ev.Question = r.FormValue("question") } // parseDateTime parses separate date + time fields into a single time.Time. func parseDateTime(r *http.Request, dateField, timeField string) (time.Time, error) { dateValue := r.FormValue(dateField) timeValue := r.FormValue(timeField) if dateValue != "" && timeValue != "" { datetime, err := time.Parse("2006-01-02 15:04", dateValue+" "+timeValue) return datetime, err } else if dateValue != "" { datetime, err := time.Parse("2006-01-02", dateValue) return datetime, err } else { return time.Time{}, errors.New("no date/times given") } } // Validate makes sure the required fields are all present. func (ev *Question) Validate() error { if ev.Question == "" { return errors.New("question is required") } if ev.Email != "" { if _, err := mail.ParseAddress(ev.Email); err != nil { return err } } return nil } // Load an Question by its ID. func Load(id int) (*Question, error) { ev := &Question{} err := DB.First(ev, id).Error return ev, err } // Save the Question. func (ev *Question) Save() error { if ev.Name == "" { ev.Name = "Anonymous" } // Dates & times. if ev.Created.IsZero() { ev.Created = time.Now().UTC() } if ev.Updated.IsZero() { ev.Updated = ev.Created } // Write the Question. return DB.Save(&ev).Error } // Delete an Question. func (ev *Question) Delete() error { if ev.ID == 0 { return errors.New("Question has no ID") } // Delete the DB files. return DB.Delete(ev).Error }