SHELL := /bin/bash VERSION=$(shell grep -e 'Version' blog.go | head -n 1 | cut -d '"' -f 2) BUILD=$(shell git describe --always) CURDIR=$(shell pwd) # Inject the build version (commit hash) into the executable. LDFLAGS := -ldflags "-X main.Build=$(BUILD)" # `make setup` to set up a new environment, pull dependencies, etc. .PHONY: setup setup: clean go get -u ./... # `make build` to build the binary. .PHONY: build build: gofmt -w . go build $(LDFLAGS) -i -o bin/blog cmd/blog/main.go # `make bindata` to make the bindata module. # `make bindata-dev` for debug mode module for editing files locally. .PHONY: bindata bindata-dev bindata: go-bindata -pkg root -prefix root/ -o src/root/bundle.go root/... bindata-dev: go-bindata -debug -pkg root -prefix root/ -o src/root/bundle.go root/... # `make run` to run it in debug mode. .PHONY: run run: ./go-reload cmd/blog/main.go -debug user-root # `make test` to run unit tests. .PHONY: test test: go test ./... # `make clean` cleans everything up. .PHONY: clean clean: rm -rf bin dist # `make hardclean` cleans EVERY THING, including root/.private, resetting # your database in the local dev environment. Be careful! .PHONY: hardclean hardclean: clean rm -rf root/.private # `make` to build the Docker image .PHONY: docker build -t blog . # `make` to run the docker image .PHONY: docker run --rm --name blog_debug -p 8000:80 -v "$(CURDIR)/user-root:/data/www:z" blog