#!/usr/bin/perl -w # dodos2unix - A stupid-simple recursive dos2unix front end. # # This script starts recursively scanning the current working directory (.) and # runs dos2unix on every text file (extensions PL, PHP, CGI, HTM, HTML, TXT, # INC, and PM). # # --Kirsle # http://sh.kirsle.net/ use strict; use warnings; &scanDir ("."); sub scanDir { my $dir = shift; opendir (DIR, $dir); foreach my $file (sort(grep(!/^\./, readdir(DIR)))) { if (-d "$dir/$file") { &scanDir ("$dir/$file"); } else { if ($file =~ /\.(pl|php|cgi|htm|html|txt|inc|pm|cml)$/i) { print "dos2unix $dir/$file\n"; `dos2unix $dir/$file`; } } } closedir (DIR); }