
# dumpsms - Dump the SMS logs saved by "SMS Backup & Restore" into friendly
# readable HTML files!
# Usage: dumpsms <sms-dump.xml>
# Ex:    dumpsms sms-20120629202942.xml
# It will create a folder "./sms" if it doesn't exist, and output all the logs
# into that folder. It saves HTML files after the contact name, if available.
# Logs are opened in append mode, so if you run the script multiple times the
# logs get appended to the end of the file!
# --Kirsle
# http://sh.kirsle.net/

use 5.14.0;
use strict;
use warnings;
use autodie;
use XML::Simple;

my $xml = shift or die "$0 <*.xml>";

mkdir("sms") unless -d "sms";
my $ref = XMLin($xml);

foreach my $sms (@{$ref->{sms}}) {
	my $num = $sms->{address};

	my $color = $sms->{type} eq "1" ? "receive" : "send";
	my $dir   = $sms->{type} eq "1" ? "From" : "Sent to";

	my $file = "./sms/$sms->{contact_name}.html";
	if (!-f $file) {
		open (my $fh, ">", $file);
		print {$fh} "<!DOCTYPE html>\n"
			. "<html>\n"
			. "<head>\n"
			. "<title>Conversation with $sms->{contact_name}</title>\n"
			. "<style>\n"
			. "body {\n"
			. " font-family: Verdana,Arial,sans-serif;\n"
			. " font-size: small;\n"
			. " color: #000000;\n"
			. "}\n"
			. ".receive {\n"
			. " color: #0000FF;\n"
			. "}\n"
			. ".send {\n"
			. " color: #FF0000;\n"
			. "}\n"
			. "</style>\n"
			. "</head>\n"
			. "<body>\n\n";

	open (my $fh, ">>:utf8", "./sms/$sms->{contact_name}.html");
	print {$fh} "<strong class='$color'>$sms->{readable_date}</strong><br>\n"
		. "<strong>$dir</strong> $sms->{contact_name} - $num\n"
		. "<blockquote>$sms->{body}</blockquote>\n"
		. "<hr>\n";

say "Wrote logs to ./sms";