#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# mp3rename - Rename MP3 files based on their IDv3 tags.
# Usage: mp3rename [opts] <mp3s>
# Examples:
# mp3rename --format '{artist} - {title}' $HOME/Music/*.mp3
# This script has POD documentation, so `perldoc mp3rename`
# --Kirsle
# http://sh.kirsle.net/

=head1 NAME

mp3rename - Rename MP3 files based on their IDv3 tags.

=head1 USAGE

  mp3rename [opts] <mp3s>

=head1 OPTIONS

  --format <format>

    Specify the format to output the files in. Doesn't need to include
    the .mp3 extension. Example: --format "{artist} - {title}"

    Format tags include:
    {artist} - Artist
    {album}  - Album
    {title}  - Song title
    {track}  - Track number

    Default is: {artist} - {title}

  --output <directory>

    Specify a directory to putput the files to. Default is the current
    working directory.


    Recursively descend into any directories included in the arguments.
    By default, directories will just be skipped over.


    Copy, don't rename.


    Show what the files would be renamed to, but don't actually rename


    Show this documentation.

=head1 AUTHOR

Noah Petherbridge, http://www.kirsle.net/


use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Basename;
use File::Path qw(mkpath);
use File::Copy;
use Getopt::Long;
use MP3::Info;

# Get command-line arguments.
my %o = (
	format    => '{artist} - {title}',
	output    => '.',
	copy      => 0,
	recursive => 0,
	test      => 0,
	help      => 0,
GetOptions (
	'format|f=s'  => \$o{format},
	'output|o=s'  => \$o{output},
	'recursive|r' => \$o{recursive},
	'copy|c'      => \$o{copy},
	'test|t'      => \$o{test},
	'help|h|?'    => \$o{help},

# Help?
&help() if $o{help};

# Get the file list.
my @files = @ARGV;
if (scalar(@files) == 0) {

foreach my $file (@files) {
	if (-d $file && $o{recursive}) {
	elsif (-d $file) {

sub crawldir {
	my $dir = shift;

	opendir (DIR, $dir) or die "Can't crawl into directory $dir: $!";
	foreach my $file (sort(grep(!/^\./, readdir(DIR)))) {
		next if -l "$dir/$file"; # Don't follow links.
		if (-d "$dir/$file") {
		elsif (-f "$dir/$file") {

sub rename {
	my $file = shift;

	return unless -f $file;
	my $mp3 = get_mp3tag($file);
	return unless $mp3;

	my $artist = $mp3->{ARTIST} || "Unknown";
	my $album  = $mp3->{ALBUM} || "Unknown";
	my $title  = $mp3->{TITLE} || basename($file, ".mp3");
	my $track  = $mp3->{TRACKNUM} || "";

	# Make the new file name.
	my $rename = $o{format};
	$rename .= ".mp3" unless $rename =~ /\.mp3$/i;
	$rename =~ s/{artist}/$artist/ig;
	$rename =~ s/{album}/$album/ig;
	$rename =~ s/{title}/$title/ig;
	$rename =~ s/{track}/$track/ig;

	my $basename = basename($file);

	# Just testing?
	if ($o{test}) {
		print "$basename -> $rename\n";

	# Make the output directory?
	if (!-d $o{output}) {
		warn "Creating output directory: $o{output}";
		mkpath($o{output}) or die "Can't create $o{output}: $!";

	# Rename it. Or copy?
	if ($o{copy}) {
		print "COPY: $basename -> $o{output}/$rename\n";
	else {
		print "RENAME: $basename -> $o{output}/$rename\n";
		rename($file, "$o{output}/$rename");

sub help {
	exec("perldoc $0");