#!/usr/bin/perl -w =head1 NAME podwrap - Word wrapper for (not only) POD document files. =head1 USAGE podwrap [options] <file.pod> =head1 DESCRIPTION This script is for applying word wrapping to a POD document file. This should B<not> be used on a Perl module; only POD text. It will (re)format all the paragraphs in the POD document to apply a word wrap at whatever character width you want (default is 80 characters). It could also be applied to plain text documents, but is primarily meant for POD documents. =head1 OPTIONS =over 4 =item --width, -w <width> Specify the character width to wrap words at; default is 80. =item --save, -s Save changes back to the source file. By default the changes are printed to STDOUT and not saved to the source file. =back =head1 AUTHOR Noah Petherbridge, http://sh.kirsle.net/ =cut use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Long; # Get command line options. my %o = ( width => 80, save => undef, help => undef, ); GetOptions ( 'width|w=i' => \$o{width}, 'save|s' => \$o{save}, 'help|h|?' => \$o{help}, ); # Help and Usage if ($o{help}) { exec("perldoc $0"); } elsif (scalar(@ARGV) == 0) { print "Usage: podwrap [options] <filename.pod>\n" . "See: podwrap --help for help\n"; exit(1); } # Read the file. my $source = shift(@ARGV); if (!-e $source) { print "Can't read source file $source: not found\n"; exit(1); } open (READ, $source) or die "Can't open $source: $!"; my @pod = <READ>; close (READ); chomp @pod; # Parse it a paragraph at a time. my @paragraph = (); my @output = (); my $inParagraph = 0; foreach my $line (@pod) { $line =~ s/[\x0A\x0D]//g; if (length $line == 0) { push (@output,""); $inParagraph = 0; push (@output, wordWrap($o{width}, @paragraph)); @paragraph = (); next; } elsif (length $line > 0 && $inParagraph == 0) { $inParagraph = 1; } if ($inParagraph) { push (@paragraph, $line); } } if (scalar(@paragraph) > 0) { push(@output, wordWrap($o{width}, @paragraph)); } if ($o{save}) { open (WRITE, ">$source") or die "Can't write $source: $!"; print WRITE join("\n",@output); close (WRITE); print "Wrote: $source\n"; } else { print join("\n",@output); } sub wordWrap { my ($width,@lines) = @_; # Don't apply wrapping for verbatim paragraphs. if ($lines[0] =~ /^\s+/) { return (@lines); } my @words = split(/\s+/, join(" ",@lines)); my $wrapped = ""; my $w = 0; for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@words); $i++) { my $wlen = length($words[$i]); if (($w + $wlen + 1) > $width) { $wrapped .= "\n"; $w = 0; } $wrapped .= "$words[$i] "; $w += $wlen + 1; } return split(/\n/, $wrapped); }