### # Common shell functions/aliases between bash and zsh. ### # Notify to update the dotfiles. dfm check-update ################################################################################ ## Functions ################################################################################ # Poor Man's ngrok. https://www.kirsle.net/blog/entry/poor-mans-ngrok tunup() { port=${1:-5000} echo "Forwarding kirsle.net:5000 to local port $port" ssh -R 5000:$port kirsle } # Recursively traverse directory tree for git repositories, run git command # e.g. # rgit status # rgit diff # # Credit: # http://chr4.org/blog/2014/09/10/gittree-bash-slash-zsh-function-to-run-git-commands-recursively/ rgit() { if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then echo "Usage: rgit " return 1 fi for gitdir in $(find . -type d -name .git); do # Display repository name in bold orange text. repo=$(dirname $gitdir) echo -e "\e[1;38;5;208m$repo\e[0m" # Run git command in the repository's directory cd $repo && git $@ ret=$? # Return to calling directory (ignore output) cd - >/dev/null # Abort if cd or git command fails if [ $ret -ne 0 ]; then return 1 fi echo done } # Push and pull my KeePass DB from remote storage. pw-push() { rsync -av ~/.config/pwdb/kirsle.kdbx kirsle:/mnt/volume/pwdb/ } pw-pull() { rsync -av kirsle:/mnt/volume/pwdb/kirsle.kdbx ~/.config/pwdb/ } # Generate a random UUID4 string. uuid4() { python -c "import uuid; print(str(uuid.uuid4()))" }