package ui import ( "fmt" "" "" ) // Window is a frame with a title bar. type Window struct { BaseWidget Title string // Title bar colors. Sensible defaults are chosen in NewWindow but you // may customize after the fact. ActiveTitleBackground render.Color ActiveTitleForeground render.Color InactiveTitleBackground render.Color InactiveTitleForeground render.Color // Private widgets. style *style.Window body *Frame titleBar *Frame titleLabel *Label titleButtons []*Button content *Frame // Configured title bar buttons. buttonsEnabled int // Window manager controls. dragging bool startDragAt render.Point // cursor position when drag began dragOrigPoint render.Point // original position of window at drag start focused bool managed bool // window is managed by Supervisor maximized bool // toggled by MaximizeButton origPoint render.Point // placement before a maximize origSize render.Rect // size before a maximize engine render.Engine // hang onto the render engine, for Maximize support. } // NewWindow creates a new window. func NewWindow(title string) *Window { w := &Window{ Title: title, body: NewFrame("body:" + title), // Default title bar colors. ActiveTitleBackground: render.Blue, ActiveTitleForeground: render.White, InactiveTitleBackground: render.DarkGrey, InactiveTitleForeground: render.Grey, } w.IDFunc(func() string { return fmt.Sprintf("Window<%s %+v>", w.Title, w.focused, ) }) // Title bar widget. titleBar, titleLabel := w.setupTitleBar() w.body.Pack(titleBar, Pack{ Side: N, Fill: true, }) w.titleBar = titleBar w.titleLabel = titleLabel // Window content frame. content := NewFrame("content:" + title) content.Configure(Config{ Background: render.Grey, }) w.body.Pack(content, Pack{ Side: N, Fill: true, }) w.content = content // Set up parent/child relationships w.body.SetParent(w) w.SetStyle(Theme.Window) return w } // SetStyle sets the window style. func (w *Window) SetStyle(v *style.Window) { if v == nil { v = &style.DefaultWindow } = v w.body.Configure(Config{ Background:, BorderSize: 2, BorderStyle: BorderRaised, }) if w.focused { w.titleBar.SetBackground( w.titleLabel.Font.Color = } else { w.titleBar.SetBackground( w.titleLabel.Font.Color = } } // setupTitlebar creates the title bar frame of the window. func (w *Window) setupTitleBar() (*Frame, *Label) { frame := NewFrame("Titlebar for Window: " + w.Title) frame.Configure(Config{ Background: w.ActiveTitleBackground, }) // Title label. label := NewLabel(Label{ TextVariable: &w.Title, Font: render.Text{ Color: w.ActiveTitleForeground, Size: 10, Stroke: w.ActiveTitleBackground.Darken(40), Padding: 2, }, }) frame.Pack(label, Pack{ Side: W, }) // Window buttons. var buttons = []struct { If bool Label string Event Event }{ { Label: "×", Event: CloseWindow, }, { Label: "+", Event: MaximizeWindow, }, { Label: "_", Event: MinimizeWindow, }, } w.titleButtons = make([]*Button, len(buttons)) for i, cfg := range buttons { cfg := cfg btn := NewButton( fmt.Sprintf("Title Button %d for Window: %s", i, w.Title), NewLabel(Label{ Text: cfg.Label, Font: render.Text{ // Color: w.ActiveTitleForeground, Size: 8, Padding: 2, }, }), ) btn.SetBorderSize(0) btn.Handle(Click, func(ed EventData) error { w.Event(cfg.Event, ed) return ErrStopPropagation // TODO: doesn't work :( }) btn.Hide() w.titleButtons[i] = btn frame.Pack(btn, Pack{ Side: E, }) } return frame, label } // SetButtons sets the title bar buttons to show in the window. // // The value should be the OR of CloseButton, MaximizeButton and MinimizeButton // that you want to be enabled. // // Window buttons only work if the window is managed by Supervisor and you have // called the Supervise() method of the window. func (w *Window) SetButtons(buttons int) { // Show/hide each button based on the value given. var toggle = []struct { Value int Index int }{ { Value: CloseButton, Index: 0, }, { Value: MaximizeButton, Index: 1, }, { Value: MinimizeButton, Index: 2, }, } for _, item := range toggle { if buttons&item.Value == item.Value { w.titleButtons[item.Index].Show() } else { w.titleButtons[item.Index].Hide() } } } // Supervise enables the window to be dragged around by its title bar by // adding its relevant event hooks to your Supervisor. func (w *Window) Supervise(s *Supervisor) { // Add a click handler to the title bar to enable dragging. w.titleBar.Handle(MouseDown, func(ed EventData) error { w.startDragAt = ed.Point w.dragOrigPoint = w.Point() s.DragStartWidget(w) return nil }) // Clicking anywhere in the window focuses the window. w.Handle(MouseDown, func(ed EventData) error { s.FocusWindow(w) return nil }) // Window as a whole receives DragMove events while being dragged. w.Handle(DragMove, func(ed EventData) error { // Get the delta of movement from where we began. delta := w.startDragAt.Compare(ed.Point) if delta != render.Origin { moveTo := w.dragOrigPoint moveTo.Add(delta) w.MoveTo(moveTo) } return nil }) // Window button handlers. w.Handle(CloseWindow, func(ed EventData) error { w.Hide() return nil }) w.Handle(MaximizeWindow, func(ed EventData) error { w.SetMaximized(!w.maximized) return nil }) // Add the title bar to the supervisor. s.Add(w.titleBar) for _, btn := range w.titleButtons { s.Add(btn) } s.Add(w) // Add the window to the focus list of the supervisor. s.addWindow(w) } // Focused returns whether the window is focused. func (w *Window) Focused() bool { return w.focused } // SetFocus sets the window's focus value. Note: if you're using the Supervisor // to manage the windows, do NOT call this method -- window focus is managed // by the Supervisor. func (w *Window) SetFocus(v bool) { w.focused = v // Update the title bar colors. var ( bg = fg = ) if !w.focused { bg = fg = } w.titleBar.SetBackground(bg) w.titleLabel.Font.Color = fg w.titleLabel.Font.Stroke = bg.Darken(40) } // Maximized returns whether the window is maximized. func (w *Window) Maximized() bool { return w.maximized } // SetMaximized sets the state of the maximized window. // Must have called Compute() once before so the window can hang on to the // render.Engine, to calculate the size of the parent window. func (w *Window) SetMaximized(v bool) { w.maximized = v if v && w.engine != nil { w.origPoint = w.Point() w.origSize = w.Size() w.MoveTo(render.Origin) w.Resize(render.NewRect(w.engine.WindowSize())) w.Compute(w.engine) } else if w.engine != nil { w.MoveTo(w.origPoint) w.Resize(w.origSize) w.Compute(w.engine) } } // Close the window, hiding it from display and calling its CloseWindow handler. func (w *Window) Close() { w.Hide() w.Event(CloseWindow, EventData{}) } // Children returns the window's child widgets. func (w *Window) Children() []Widget { return []Widget{ w.body, } } // Pack a child widget into the window's main frame. func (w *Window) Pack(child Widget, config ...Pack) { w.content.Pack(child, config...) } // Place a child widget into the window's main frame. func (w *Window) Place(child Widget, config Place) { w.content.Place(child, config) } // TitleBar returns the title bar widget. func (w *Window) TitleBar() *Frame { return w.titleBar } // Configure the widget. Color and style changes are passed down to the inner // content frame of the window. func (w *Window) Configure(C Config) { w.BaseWidget.Configure(C) w.body.Configure(C) // Don't pass dimensions down any further than the body. C.Width = 0 C.Height = 0 w.content.Configure(C) } // ConfigureTitle configures the title bar widget. func (w *Window) ConfigureTitle(C Config) { w.titleBar.Configure(C) } // Compute the window. func (w *Window) Compute(e render.Engine) { w.engine = e // hang onto it in case of maximize w.body.Compute(e) // Call the BaseWidget Compute in case we have subscribers. w.BaseWidget.Compute(e) } // Present the window. func (w *Window) Present(e render.Engine, P render.Point) { w.body.Present(e, P) // Call the BaseWidget Present in case we have subscribers. w.BaseWidget.Present(e, P) }