package main import ( "" "" "" ) func init() { sdl.DefaultFontFilename = "../DejaVuSans.ttf" } func main() { mw, err := ui.NewMainWindow("Tooltip Demo", 800, 600) if err != nil { panic(err) } mw.SetBackground(render.White) CreateButtons(mw, mw.Frame()) btn := ui.NewButton("Test", ui.NewLabel(ui.Label{ Text: "Click me", Font: render.Text{ Size: 32, }, })) mw.Place(btn, ui.Place{ Center: true, Middle: true, }) ui.NewTooltip(btn, ui.Tooltip{ Text: "Hello world\nGoodbye mars!\nBlah blah blah...\nLOL", Edge: ui.Right, }) mw.MainLoop() } // CreateButtons creates a set of Placed buttons around all the edges and // center of the parent frame. func CreateButtons(window *ui.MainWindow, parent *ui.Frame) { // Draw buttons around the edges of the window. buttons := []struct { Label string Edge ui.Edge Place ui.Place }{ { Label: "Top Left", Edge: ui.Right, Place: ui.Place{ Point: render.NewPoint(12, 12), }, }, { Label: "Top Middle", Edge: ui.Bottom, Place: ui.Place{ Top: 12, Center: true, }, }, { Label: "Top Right", Edge: ui.Left, Place: ui.Place{ Top: 12, Right: 12, }, }, { Label: "Left Middle", Edge: ui.Right, Place: ui.Place{ Left: 12, Middle: true, }, }, { Label: "Center", Edge: ui.Bottom, Place: ui.Place{ Center: true, Middle: true, }, }, { Label: "Right Middle", Edge: ui.Left, Place: ui.Place{ Right: 12, Middle: true, }, }, { Label: "Bottom Left", Edge: ui.Right, Place: ui.Place{ Left: 12, Bottom: 12, }, }, { Label: "Bottom Center", Edge: ui.Top, Place: ui.Place{ Bottom: 12, Center: true, }, }, { Label: "Bottom Right", Edge: ui.Left, Place: ui.Place{ Bottom: 12, Right: 12, }, }, } for _, setting := range buttons { setting := setting button := ui.NewButton(setting.Label, ui.NewLabel(ui.Label{ Text: setting.Label, Font: render.Text{ FontFilename: "../DejaVuSans.ttf", Size: 12, Color: render.Black, }, })) // When clicked, change the window title to ID this button. button.Handle(ui.Click, func(ed ui.EventData) error { window.SetTitle(parent.Name + ": " + setting.Label) return nil }) // Tooltip for it. ui.NewTooltip(button, ui.Tooltip{ Text: setting.Label + " Tooltip", Edge: setting.Edge, }) parent.Place(button, setting.Place) window.Add(button) } }