package main // See the MakeTabFrame() function just below for the meat of this example. import ( "fmt" "os" "" "" "" "" "" ) // Program globals. var ( // Size of the MainWindow. Width = 1024 Height = 768 // Cascade offset for creating multiple windows. Cascade = render.NewPoint(10, 32) CascadeStep = render.NewPoint(24, 24) CascadeLoops = 1 // Colors for each window created. WindowColors = []render.Color{ render.Blue, render.Red, render.DarkYellow, render.DarkGreen, render.DarkCyan, render.DarkBlue, render.DarkRed, } WindowID int OpenWindows int TabFont = render.Text{ Size: 10, Color: render.Black, Padding: 4, } ) func init() { sdl.DefaultFontFilename = "../DejaVuSans.ttf" } // MakeTabFrame is the example use of the TabFrame widget. // The rest of this file is basically a copy of the eg/windows // demo, except each window embeds the TabFrame. func MakeTabFrame(mw *ui.MainWindow) *ui.TabFrame { notebook := ui.NewTabFrame("Example") // AddTab gives you the Frame to populate for that tab. // First Tab contents. tab1 := notebook.AddTab("Tab 1", ui.NewLabel(ui.Label{ Text: "First Tab", Font: TabFont, })) { label := ui.NewLabel(ui.Label{ Text: "Hello world", Font: render.Text{ Size: 24, Color: render.SkyBlue, }, }) tab1.Pack(label, ui.Pack{ Side: ui.N, }) label2 := ui.NewLabel(ui.Label{ Text: "This is the text content of the first\n" + "of the three tab frames.", Font: render.Text{ Size: 10, Color: render.SkyBlue.Darken(40), }, }) tab1.Pack(label2, ui.Pack{ Side: ui.N, PadY: 8, }) } // Second Tab. tab2 := notebook.AddTab("Tab 2", ui.NewLabel(ui.Label{ Text: "Second", Font: TabFont, })) { label := ui.NewLabel(ui.Label{ Text: "Goodbye Mars", Font: render.Text{ Size: 24, Color: render.Orange, }, }) tab2.Pack(label, ui.Pack{ Side: ui.N, }) label2 := ui.NewLabel(ui.Label{ Text: "This is the text content of the second\n" + "of the three tab frames.\n\nIt has longer text\nin it!", Font: render.Text{ Size: 10, Color: render.Orange.Darken(20), }, }) tab2.Pack(label2, ui.Pack{ Side: ui.N, PadY: 8, }) } // Third Tab. tab3 := notebook.AddTab("Tab 3", ui.NewLabel(ui.Label{ Text: "Third", Font: TabFont, })) { label := ui.NewLabel(ui.Label{ Text: "The Third Tab", Font: render.Text{ Size: 24, Color: render.Pink, }, }) tab3.Pack(label, ui.Pack{ Side: ui.N, }) label2 := ui.NewLabel(ui.Label{ Text: "This is the text content of the third\n" + "of the tab frames.", Font: render.Text{ Size: 10, Color: render.Pink.Darken(40), }, }) tab3.Pack(label2, ui.Pack{ Side: ui.N, PadY: 8, }) } notebook.Supervise(mw.Supervisor()) // notebook.SetBackground(render.DarkGrey) return notebook } func main() { mw, err := ui.NewMainWindow("TabFrame Example", Width, Height) if err != nil { panic(err) } // Dark theme. // ui.Theme = theme.DefaultDark // Menu bar. menu := ui.NewMenuBar("Main Menu") file := menu.AddMenu("UI Theme") file.AddItem("Default", func() { ui.Theme = theme.Default addWindow(mw) }) file.AddItem("DefaultFlat", func() { ui.Theme = theme.DefaultFlat addWindow(mw) }) file.AddItem("DefaultDark", func() { ui.Theme = theme.DefaultDark addWindow(mw) }) file.AddSeparator() file.AddItem("Close all windows", func() { OpenWindows -= mw.Supervisor().CloseAllWindows() }) menu.Supervise(mw.Supervisor()) menu.Compute(mw.Engine) mw.Pack(menu, menu.PackTop()) // Add some windows to play with. addWindow(mw) addWindow(mw) mw.SetBackground(render.White) mw.OnLoop(func(e *event.State) { if e.Escape { os.Exit(0) } }) mw.MainLoop() } // Add a new child window. func addWindow(mw *ui.MainWindow) { var ( color = WindowColors[WindowID%len(WindowColors)] title = fmt.Sprintf("Window %d (%s)", WindowID+1, ui.Theme.Name) ) WindowID++ win1 := ui.NewWindow(title) win1.SetButtons(ui.CloseButton) win1.ActiveTitleBackground = color win1.InactiveTitleBackground = color.Darken(60) win1.InactiveTitleForeground = render.Grey win1.Configure(ui.Config{ Width: 320, Height: 240, }) win1.Compute(mw.Engine) win1.Supervise(mw.Supervisor()) // Re-open a window when the last one is closed. OpenWindows++ win1.Handle(ui.CloseWindow, func(ed ui.EventData) error { OpenWindows-- if OpenWindows <= 0 { addWindow(mw) } return nil }) // Default placement via cascade. win1.MoveTo(Cascade) Cascade.Add(CascadeStep) if Cascade.Y > Height-240-64 { CascadeLoops++ Cascade.Y = 32 Cascade.X = 24 * CascadeLoops } // Add the TabFrame. tabframe := MakeTabFrame(mw) win1.Pack(tabframe, ui.Pack{ Side: ui.W, Expand: true, }) // Add a window duplicator button. btn2 := ui.NewButton(title+":Button2", ui.NewLabel(ui.Label{ Text: "New Window", })) btn2.Handle(ui.Click, func(ed ui.EventData) error { addWindow(mw) return nil }) btn2.Compute(mw.Engine) mw.Add(btn2) win1.Compute(mw.Engine) win1.Place(btn2, ui.Place{ Bottom: 12, Right: 12, }) }