package render import ( "math" "" ) // IterLine is a generator that returns the X,Y coordinates to draw a line. // func IterLine(p1 Point, p2 Point) chan Point { var ( x1 = p1.X y1 = p1.Y x2 = p2.X y2 = p2.Y ) generator := make(chan Point) go func() { var ( dx = float64(x2 - x1) dy = float64(y2 - y1) ) var step float64 if math.Abs(dx) >= math.Abs(dy) { step = math.Abs(dx) } else { step = math.Abs(dy) } dx = dx / step dy = dy / step x := float64(x1) y := float64(y1) for i := 0; i <= int(step); i++ { generator <- Point{ X: int32(x), Y: int32(y), } x += dx y += dy } close(generator) }() return generator } // IterRect loops through all the points forming a rectangle between the // top-left point and the bottom-right point. func IterRect(p1, p2 Point) chan Point { generator := make(chan Point) go func() { var ( TopLeft = p1 BottomRight = p2 TopRight = Point{ X: BottomRight.X, Y: TopLeft.Y, } BottomLeft = Point{ X: TopLeft.X, Y: BottomRight.Y, } dedupe = map[Point]interface{}{} ) // Trace all four edges and yield it. var edges = []struct { A Point B Point }{ {TopLeft, TopRight}, {TopLeft, BottomLeft}, {BottomLeft, BottomRight}, {TopRight, BottomRight}, } for _, edge := range edges { for pt := range IterLine(edge.A, edge.B) { if _, ok := dedupe[pt]; !ok { generator <- pt dedupe[pt] = nil } } } close(generator) }() return generator } // IterEllipse is a generator that draws out the pixels of an ellipse. func IterEllipse(rx, ry, xc, yc float32) chan Point { generator := make(chan Point) mkPoint := func(x, y float32) Point { return NewPoint(int32(x), int32(y)) } go func() { var ( dx float32 dy float32 d1 float32 d2 float32 x float32 y = ry ) d1 = (ry * ry) - (rx * rx * ry) + (0.25 * rx * rx) dx = 2 * ry * ry * x dy = 2 * rx * rx * y // For region 1 for dx < dy { // Yields points based on 4-way symmetry. for _, point := range []Point{ mkPoint(x+xc, y+yc), mkPoint(-x+xc, y+yc), mkPoint(x+xc, -y+yc), mkPoint(-x+xc, -y+yc), } { generator <- point } if d1 < 0 { x++ dx = dx + (2 * ry * ry) d1 = d1 + dx + (ry * ry) } else { x++ y-- dx = dx + (2 * ry * ry) dy = dy - (2 * rx * rx) d1 = d1 + dx - dy + (ry * ry) } } d2 = ((ry * ry) + ((x + 0.5) * (x + 0.5))) + ((rx * rx) * ((y - 1) * (y - 1))) - (rx * rx * ry * ry) // Region 2 for y >= 0 { // Yields points based on 4-way symmetry. for _, point := range []Point{ mkPoint(x+xc, y+yc), mkPoint(-x+xc, y+yc), mkPoint(x+xc, -y+yc), mkPoint(-x+xc, -y+yc), } { generator <- point } if d2 > 0 { y-- dy = dy - (2 * rx * rx) d2 = d2 + (rx * rx) - dy } else { y-- x++ dx = dx + (2 * ry * ry) dy = dy - (2 * rx * rx) d2 = d2 + dx - dy + (rx * rx) } } close(generator) }() return generator } // IterEllipse2 iterates an Ellipse using two Points as the top-left and // bottom-right corners of a rectangle that encompasses the ellipse. func IterEllipse2(A, B Point) chan Point { var ( // xc = float32(A.X+B.X) / 2 // yc = float32(A.Y+B.Y) / 2 xc = float32(B.X) yc = float32(B.Y) rx = float32(B.X - A.X) ry = float32(B.Y - A.Y) ) if rx < 0 { rx = -rx } if ry < 0 { ry = -ry } log.Info("Ellipse btwn=%s-%s radius=%f,%f at center %f,%f", A, B, rx, ry, xc, yc) return IterEllipse(rx, ry, xc, yc) }