================================================================================ bindata ================================================================================ This tool converts any file into managable Go source code. Useful for embedding binary data into a go program. The file data is gzip compressed before being converted to a raw byte slice. If gofmt is available on the system, bindata will invoke it to format the generated go file. ================================================================================ DEPENDENCIES ================================================================================ n/a ================================================================================ USAGE ================================================================================ $ goinstall github.com/jteeuwen/go-bindata The simplest invocation is to pass it only the input file name. The output file and code settings are inferred from this automatically. $ bindata -i testdata/gophercolor.png [w] No output file specified. Using 'testdata/gophercolor.png.go'. [w] No package name specified. Using 'main'. [w] No function name specified. Using 'gophercolor_png'. [i] Done. This creates the "testdata/gophercolor.png.go" file which has a package declaration with name 'main' and one function named 'gophercolor_png'. It looks like this: func gophercolor_png() ([]byte, os.Error) { var gz *gzip.Decompressor var err os.Error if gz, err = gzip.NewReader(bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{ ... })); err != nil { return nil, err } var b bytes.Buffer io.Copy(&b, gz) gz.Close() return b.Bytes(), nil } You can now simply include the new .go file in your program and call gophercolor_png() to get the uncompressed image data. Invoke the program with the -h flag for more options.