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// Package null implements a dummy audio driver that doesn't play any audio.
package null
// Engine is a null audio engine.
type Engine struct{}
// Playable is a null music or sound effect.
type Playable struct{}
// New creates a null engine.
func New() *Engine {
return &Engine{}
// Setup the null engine (do nothing).
func (e *Engine) Setup() error {
return nil
// Teardown the null engine (do nothing).
func (e *Engine) Teardown() error {
return nil
// Playing returns false.
func (e *Engine) Playing() bool {
return false
// PlayingMusic returns false.
func (e *Engine) PlayingMusic() bool {
return false
// PlayingSound returns false.
func (e *Engine) PlayingSound() bool {
return false
// StopAll does nothing.
func (e *Engine) StopAll() {}
// StopMusic does nothing.
func (e *Engine) StopMusic() {}
// StopSounds does nothing.
func (e *Engine) StopSounds() {}
// LoadMusic loads nothing.
func (e *Engine) LoadMusic(filename string) (Playable, error) {
return Playable{}, nil
// LoadMusicBin loads nothing.
func (e *Engine) LoadMusicBin(data []byte) (Playable, error) {
return Playable{}, nil
// LoadSound loads nothing.
func (e *Engine) LoadSound(filename string) (Playable, error) {
return Playable{}, nil
// LoadSoundBin loads nothing.
func (e *Engine) LoadSoundBin(data []byte) (Playable, error) {
return Playable{}, nil
// Play nothing.
func (p Playable) Play(loops int) error {
return nil
// Pause nothing
func (p Playable) Pause() error {
return nil
// Stop nothing.
func (p Playable) Stop() error {
return nil
// Destroy nothing.
func (p Playable) Destroy() error {
return nil