# audio: Simple Audio Engine for Go Package `audio` is a simple audio engine for Go that can play some music and sound files. It currently supports an SDL2 (Mixer) driver suitable for use on desktop systems like Linux, Mac OS and Windows, with support to load and play music files (.ogg and .mp3 format, depending on your system libraries) and sound effects (.wav). ## Example See the `examples/play/main.go` for a simple command-line media player sample that uses the SDL2 engine. ```go package main import ( "time" "git.kirsle.net/go/audio/sdl" ) func main() { sfx, err := sdl.New(mix.INIT_MP3 | mix.INIT_OGG) if err != nil { panic(err) } // Call once at program startup. sfx.Setup() defer sfx.Teardown() // Load a file from disk. music, err := sfx.LoadMusic("filename.mp3") if err != nil { panic(err) } // Play it. music.Play(0) // Wait until done. for sfx.Playing() { time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) } } ``` ## License MIT.