package main import ( "math" "math/rand" "time" "" "" ) // Config variables. var ( Filename = "photo.jpg" Width = 640 Height = 480 Quality = 4 // computed. Size = Width * Height ) // Runtime variables. var ( app *App mw render.Engine TargetFPS = 1000 / 60 // run at 60fps ) func main() { setup() mainloop() } // setup the applet func setup() { // Seed the random number generator. rand.Seed(time.Now().UnixNano()) // Create SDL2 window. mw = sdl.New("Ripple effect", Width, Height) if err := mw.Setup(); err != nil { panic(err) } // Load the jpeg image. var err error photo, err := render.OpenImage(Filename) if err != nil { panic(err) } app = New(mw, photo) } // loop runs the applet logic for each loop. func loop() bool { app.Ripple() mw.Clear(render.White) // Poll events. ev, err := mw.Poll() if err != nil { panic(err) } // Escape key closes the program. if ev.Escape { mw.Teardown() return false } // Is mouse over the drawing? if ev.CursorX >= 0 && ev.CursorX < Width && ev.CursorY >= 0 && ev.CursorY < Width { app.Disturb(ev.CursorX, ev.CursorY, 15000) } // rain app.Disturb( int(math.Floor(rand.Float64()*float64(Width))), int(math.Floor(rand.Float64()*float64(Height))), int(rand.Float64()*10000), ) app.Present() return true } // mainloop runs a loop of loop() while maintaing the frame rate. func mainloop() { var ( start time.Time elapsed time.Duration ok bool ) for { // Record how long the frame takes. start = time.Now() ok = loop() // Delay to maintain target frames per second. var delay uint32 elapsed = time.Now().Sub(start) / time.Millisecond if TargetFPS-int(elapsed) > 0 { delay = uint32(TargetFPS - int(elapsed)) } mw.Delay(delay) if !ok { break } } }