# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from flask import g, session, request, render_template, flash, redirect, url_for from functools import wraps import codecs import uuid import datetime import time import re import importlib import smtplib import markdown from rophako.log import logger from config import * def login_required(f): """Wrapper for pages that require a logged-in user.""" @wraps(f) def decorated_function(*args, **kwargs): if not g.info["session"]["login"]: session["redirect_url"] = request.url flash("You must be logged in to do that!") return redirect(url_for("account.login")) return f(*args, **kwargs) return decorated_function def admin_required(f): """Wrapper for admin-only pages. Implies login_required.""" @wraps(f) def decorated_function(*args, **kwargs): if not g.info["session"]["login"]: # Not even logged in? session["redirect_url"] = request.url flash("You must be logged in to do that!") return redirect(url_for("account.login")) if g.info["session"]["role"] != "admin": logger.warning("User tried to access an Admin page, but wasn't allowed!") return redirect(url_for("index")) return f(*args, **kwargs) return decorated_function def template(name, **kwargs): """Render a template to the browser.""" html = render_template(name, **kwargs) # Get the elapsed time for the request. time_elapsed = "%.03f" % (time.time() - g.info["time"]) html = re.sub(r'\%time_elapsed\%', time_elapsed, html) return html def markdown_template(path): """Render a Markdown page to the browser. The first line in the Markdown page should be an H1 header beginning with the # sign. This will set the page's to match the header value. Pages can include lines that begin with the keyword `:meta` to apply meta information to control the Markdown parser. Supported meta lines and examples: To 'blacklist' extensions, i.e. to turn off line breaks inside a paragraph getting translated into a <br> tag (the key is the minus sign): :meta extensions -nl2br To add an extension, i.e. the abbreviations from PHP Markdown Extra: :meta extensions abbr""" # The path is the absolute path to the Markdown file, so open it directly. fh = codecs.open(path, "r", "utf-8") body = fh.read() fh.close() # Look for meta information in the file. lines = body.split("\n") content = list() # New set of lines, without meta info. extensions = set() blacklist = set() # Blacklisted extensions for line in lines: if line.startswith(":meta"): parts = line.split(" ") if len(parts) >= 3: # Supported meta commands. if parts[1] == "extensions": # Extension toggles. for extension in parts[2:]: if extension.startswith("-"): extension = extension[1:] blacklist.add(extension) else: extensions.add(extension) else: content.append(line) # Extract a title from the first line. first = content[0] if first.startswith("#"): first = first[1:].strip() rendered = render_markdown("\n".join(content), extensions=extensions, blacklist=blacklist, ) return template("markdown.inc.html", title=first, markdown=rendered, ) def render_markdown(body, html_escape=True, extensions=None, blacklist=None): """Render a block of Markdown text. This will default to escaping literal HTML characters. Set `html_escape=False` to trust HTML. * extensions should be a set() of extensions to add. * blacklist should be a set() of extensions to blacklist.""" args = dict( lazy_ol=False, # If a numbered list starts at e.g. 4, show the <ol> there extensions=[ "fenced_code", # GitHub style code blocks "tables", # http://michelf.ca/projects/php-markdown/extra/#table "smart_strong", # Handles double__underscore better. "codehilite", # Code highlighting with Pygment! "nl2br", # Line breaks inside a paragraph become <br> "sane_lists", # Make lists less surprising ], extension_configs={ "codehilite": { "linenums": False, } } ) if html_escape: args["safe_mode"] = "escape" # Additional extensions? if extensions is not None: for ext in extensions: args["extensions"].append(ext) if blacklist is not None: for ext in blacklist: args["extensions"].remove(str(ext)) return markdown.markdown(body, **args) def send_email(to, subject, message, sender=None): """Send an e-mail out.""" if sender is None: sender = MAIL_SENDER if type(to) != list: to = [to] logger.info("Send email to {}".format(to)) if MAIL_METHOD == "smtp": # Send mail with SMTP. for email in to: server = smtplib.SMTP(MAIL_SERVER, MAIL_PORT) server.set_debuglevel(1) msg = """From: {} To: {} Subject: {} {}""".format(sender, email, subject, message) server.sendmail(sender, email, msg) server.quit() def generate_csrf_token(): """Generator for CSRF tokens.""" if "_csrf" not in session: session["_csrf"] = str(uuid.uuid4()) return session["_csrf"] def include(endpoint, *args, **kwargs): """Include another sub-page inside a template.""" # The 'endpoint' should be in the format 'module.function', i.e. 'blog.index'. module, function = endpoint.split(".") # Dynamically import the module and call its function. m = importlib.import_module("rophako.modules.{}".format(module)) html = getattr(m, function)(*args, **kwargs) return html def pretty_time(time_format, unix): """Pretty-print a time stamp.""" date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(unix) return date.strftime(time_format) def sanitize_name(name): """Sanitize a name that may be used in the filesystem. Only allows numbers, letters, and some symbols.""" return re.sub(r'[^A-Za-z0-9 .\-_]+', '', name)