__version__ = '0.01' from flask import Flask, g, request, session, render_template, send_file, abort import jinja2 import os.path import time import config import rophako.utils app = Flask(__name__, static_url_path="/.static", ) app.DEBUG = config.DEBUG app.secret_key = config.SECRET_KEY # Load all the blueprints! from rophako.modules.admin import mod as AdminModule from rophako.modules.account import mod as AccountModule from rophako.modules.blog import mod as BlogModule from rophako.modules.photo import mod as PhotoModule from rophako.modules.comment import mod as CommentModule from rophako.modules.emoticons import mod as EmoticonsModule from rophako.modules.contact import mod as ContactModule app.register_blueprint(AdminModule) app.register_blueprint(AccountModule) app.register_blueprint(BlogModule) app.register_blueprint(PhotoModule) app.register_blueprint(CommentModule) app.register_blueprint(EmoticonsModule) app.register_blueprint(ContactModule) # Custom Jinja handler to support custom- and default-template folders for # rendering templates. app.jinja_loader = jinja2.ChoiceLoader([ jinja2.FileSystemLoader("site/www"), # Site specific. jinja2.FileSystemLoader("rophako/www"), # Default ]) app.jinja_env.globals["csrf_token"] = rophako.utils.generate_csrf_token app.jinja_env.globals["include_page"] = rophako.utils.include # Preload the emoticon data. import rophako.model.emoticons as Emoticons Emoticons.load_theme() @app.before_request def before_request(): """Called before all requests. Initialize global template variables.""" # CSRF protection. if request.method == "POST": token = session.pop("_csrf", None) if not token or str(token) != str(request.form.get("token")): abort(403) # Default template vars. g.info = { "time": time.time(), "app": { "name": "Rophako", "version": __version__, "author": "Noah Petherbridge", "photo_url": config.PHOTO_ROOT_PUBLIC, }, "uri": request.path.split("/")[1:], "session": { "login": False, # Not logged in, until proven otherwise. "username": "guest", "uid": 0, "name": "Guest", "role": "user", } } # Default session vars. if not "login" in session: session.update(g.info["session"]) # Refresh their login status from the DB. if session["login"]: import rophako.model.user as User if not User.exists(uid=session["uid"]): # Weird! Log them out. from rophako.modules.account import logout logout() return db = User.get_user(uid=session["uid"]) session["username"] = db["username"] session["name"] = db["name"] session["role"] = db["role"] # Copy session params into g.info. The only people who should touch the # session are the login/out pages. for key in session: g.info["session"][key] = session[key] @app.context_processor def after_request(): """Called just before render_template. Inject g.info into the template vars.""" return g.info @app.route("/") def catchall(path): """The catch-all path handler. If it exists in the www folders, it's sent, otherwise we give the 404 error page.""" # Search for this file. for root in ["site/www", "rophako/www"]: abspath = os.path.abspath("{}/{}".format(root, path)) if os.path.isfile(abspath): return send_file(abspath) elif not "." in path and os.path.isfile(abspath + ".html"): return rophako.utils.template(path + ".html") elif not "." in path and os.path.isfile(abspath + "/index.html"): return rophako.utils.template(path + "/index.html") return not_found("404") @app.route("/") def index(): return catchall("index") @app.errorhandler(404) def not_found(error): return render_template('errors/404.html', **g.info), 404 # Domain specific endpoints. if config.SITE_NAME == "kirsle.net": import rophako.modules.kirsle_legacy