# Sample config file for Rophako. # # Edit this file and save the copy as "config.py". import os _basedir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) DEBUG = True # Unique name of your site, e.g. "kirsle.net" SITE_NAME = "example.com" # E-mail addresses for site notifications (i.e. new comments). NOTIFY_ADDRESS = ["root@localhost"] # Secret key used for session cookie signing. Make this long and hard to guess. # # Tips for creating a strong secret key: # $ python # >>> import os # >>> os.urandom(24) # '\xfd{H\xe5<\x95\xf9\xe3\x96.5\xd1\x01O" # Emoticon theme used for blog posts and comments. Should exist at the URL # "/static/smileys" from your document root, and have a file named # "emoticons.json" inside. If you add a custom theme to your private site # folder, then also change EMOTICON_ROOT_PRIVATE to look there instead. EMOTICON_THEME = "tango" EMOTICON_ROOT_PRIVATE = os.path.join(_basedir, "rophako", "www", "static", "smileys") ################################################################################ ## Blog Settings ## ################################################################################ BLOG_ENTRIES_PER_PAGE = 5 # Number of entries to show per page BLOG_ENTRIES_PER_RSS = 5 # The same, but for the RSS feed BLOG_DEFAULT_CATEGORY = "Uncategorized" BLOG_DEFAULT_PRIVACY = "public" BLOG_TIME_FORMAT = "%A, %B %d %Y @ %I:%M:%S %p" # "Weekday, Month dd yyyy @ hh:mm:ss AM" BLOG_ALLOW_COMMENTS = True ################################################################################ ## Photo Settings ## ################################################################################ # The path to where uploaded photos will be stored. # The PRIVATE path is from the perspective of the server file system. # The PUBLIC path is from the perspective of the web browser via HTTP. PHOTO_ROOT_PRIVATE = os.path.join(_basedir, "site", "www", "static", "photos") PHOTO_ROOT_PUBLIC = "/static/photos" PHOTO_DEFAULT_ALBUM = "My Photos" # Default/fallback album name. PHOTO_TIME_FORMAT = BLOG_TIME_FORMAT # Photo sizes. PHOTO_WIDTH_LARGE = 800 # Max width of full size photos. PHOTO_WIDTH_THUMB = 256 # Max square width of photo thumbnails. PHOTO_WIDTH_AVATAR = 96 # Square width of photo avatars. ################################################################################ ## Comment Settings ## ################################################################################ COMMENT_TIME_FORMAT = "%A, %B %d %Y @ %I:%M %p" # We use Gravatar for comments if the user provides an e-mail address. Specify # the URL to a fallback image to use in case they don't have a gravatar. COMMENT_DEFAULT_AVATAR = ""