# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Endpoints for the web blog.""" from flask import Blueprint, g, request, redirect, url_for, session, flash import re import datetime import calendar import rophako.model.user as User import rophako.model.blog as Blog from rophako.utils import template, pretty_time, admin_required from rophako.log import logger from config import * mod = Blueprint("blog", __name__, url_prefix="/blog") @mod.route("/") def index(): return template("blog/index.html") @mod.route("/category/") def category(category): g.info["url_category"] = category return template("blog/index.html") @mod.route("/entry/") def entry(fid): """Endpoint to view a specific blog entry.""" # Resolve the friendly ID to a real ID. post_id = Blog.resolve_id(fid) if not post_id: flash("That blog post wasn't found.") return redirect(url_for(".index")) # Look up the post. post = Blog.get_entry(post_id) post["post_id"] = post_id # Get the author's information. post["profile"] = User.get_user(uid=post["author"]) # Pretty-print the time. post["pretty_time"] = pretty_time(BLOG_TIME_FORMAT, post["time"]) # TODO: count the comments for this post post["comment_count"] = 0 g.info["post"] = post return template("blog/entry.html") @mod.route("/entry") @mod.route("/index") def dummy(): return redirect(url_for(".index")) @mod.route("/update", methods=["GET", "POST"]) @admin_required def update(): """Post/edit a blog entry.""" # Get our available avatars. g.info["avatars"] = Blog.list_avatars() # Default vars. g.info.update(dict( post_id="", fid="", author=g.info["session"]["uid"], subject="", body="", avatar="", categories="", privacy=BLOG_DEFAULT_PRIVACY, emoticons=True, comments=BLOG_ALLOW_COMMENTS, month="", day="", year="", hour="", min="", sec="", preview=False, )) # Editing an existing post? post_id = request.args.get("id", None) if post_id: post_id = Blog.resolve_id(post_id) if post_id: logger.info("Editing existing blog post {}".format(post_id)) post = Blog.get_entry(post_id) g.info["post_id"] = post_id g.info["post"] = post # Copy fields. for field in ["author", "fid", "subject", "body", "avatar", "categories", "privacy", "emoticons", "comments"]: g.info[field] = post[field] # Dissect the time. date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(post["time"]) g.info.update(dict( month="{:02d}".format(date.month), day="{:02d}".format(date.day), year=date.year, hour="{:02d}".format(date.hour), min="{:02d}".format(date.minute), sec="{:02d}".format(date.second), )) # Are we SUBMITTING the form? if request.method == "POST": action = request.form.get("action") # Get all the fields from the posted params. g.info["post_id"] = request.form.get("id") for field in ["fid", "subject", "body", "avatar", "categories", "privacy"]: g.info[field] = request.form.get(field) for boolean in ["emoticons", "comments"]: print "BOOL:", boolean, request.form.get(boolean) g.info[boolean] = True if request.form.get(boolean, None) == "true" else False print g.info[boolean] for number in ["author", "month", "day", "year", "hour", "min", "sec"]: g.info[number] = int(request.form.get(number, 0)) # What action are they doing? if action == "preview": g.info["preview"] = True elif action == "publish": # Publishing! Validate inputs first. invalid = False if len(g.info["body"]) == 0: invalid = True flash("You must enter a body for your blog post.") if len(g.info["subject"]) == 0: invalid = True flash("You must enter a subject for your blog post.") # Make sure the times are valid. date = None try: date = datetime.datetime( g.info["year"], g.info["month"], g.info["day"], g.info["hour"], g.info["min"], g.info["sec"], ) except ValueError, e: invalid = True flash("Invalid date/time: " + str(e)) # Format the categories. tags = [] for tag in g.info["categories"].split(","): tags.append(tag.strip()) # Okay to update? if invalid is False: # Convert the date into a Unix time stamp. epoch = float(date.strftime("%s")) new_id, new_fid = Blog.post_entry( post_id = g.info["post_id"], epoch = epoch, author = g.info["author"], subject = g.info["subject"], fid = g.info["fid"], avatar = g.info["avatar"], categories = tags, privacy = g.info["privacy"], ip = request.remote_addr, emoticons = g.info["emoticons"], comments = g.info["comments"], body = g.info["body"], ) return redirect(url_for(".entry", fid=new_fid)) if type(g.info["categories"]) is list: g.info["categories"] = ", ".join(g.info["categories"]) return template("blog/update.html") @mod.route("/delete", methods=["GET", "POST"]) @admin_required def delete(): """Delete a blog post.""" post_id = request.args.get("id") # Resolve the post ID. post_id = Blog.resolve_id(post_id) if not post_id: flash("That blog post wasn't found.") return redirect(url_for(".index")) if request.method == "POST": confirm = request.form.get("confirm") if confirm == "true": Blog.delete_entry(post_id) flash("The blog entry has been deleted.") return redirect(url_for(".index")) # Get the entry's subject. post = Blog.get_entry(post_id) g.info["subject"] = post["subject"] g.info["post_id"] = post_id return template("blog/delete.html") def partial_index(): """Partial template for including the index view of the blog.""" # Get the blog index. index = Blog.get_index() pool = {} # The set of blog posts to show. category = g.info.get("url_category", None) # Are we narrowing by category? if category: # Narrow down the index to just those that match the category. for post_id, data in index.iteritems(): if not category in data["categories"]: continue pool[post_id] = data # No such category? if len(pool) == 0: flash("There are no posts with that category.") return redirect(url_for(".index")) else: pool = index # Separate the sticky posts from the normal ones. sticky, normal = set(), set() for post_id, data in pool.iteritems(): if data["sticky"]: sticky.add(post_id) else: normal.add(post_id) # Sort the blog IDs by published time. posts = [] posts.extend(sorted(sticky, key=lambda x: pool[x]["time"], reverse=True)) posts.extend(sorted(normal, key=lambda x: pool[x]["time"], reverse=True)) # Handle pagination. offset = request.args.get("skip", 0) try: offset = int(offset) except: offset = 0 # Handle the offsets, and get those for the "older" and "earlier" posts. # "earlier" posts count down (towards index 0), "older" counts up. g.info["offset"] = offset g.info["earlier"] = offset - BLOG_ENTRIES_PER_PAGE if offset > 0 else 0 g.info["older"] = offset + BLOG_ENTRIES_PER_PAGE if g.info["earlier"] < 0: g.info["earlier"] = 0 if g.info["older"] < 0 or g.info["older"] > len(posts): g.info["older"] = 0 g.info["count"] = 0 # Can we go to other pages? g.info["can_earlier"] = True if offset > 0 else False g.info["can_older"] = False if g.info["older"] == 0 else True # Load the selected posts. selected = [] stop = offset + BLOG_ENTRIES_PER_PAGE if stop > len(posts): stop = len(posts) for i in range(offset, stop): post_id = posts[i] post = Blog.get_entry(post_id) post["post_id"] = post_id # Get the author's information. post["profile"] = User.get_user(uid=post["author"]) post["pretty_time"] = pretty_time(BLOG_TIME_FORMAT, post["time"]) # TODO: count the comments for this post post["comment_count"] = 0 selected.append(post) g.info["count"] += 1 g.info["category"] = category g.info["posts"] = selected return template("blog/index.inc.html")