# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from flask import g, session, request, render_template, flash, redirect, url_for
from functools import wraps
import codecs
import uuid
import datetime
import time
import re
import importlib
import smtplib
import markdown
import json
import urlparse
from rophako.log import logger
from config import *
def login_required(f):
"""Wrapper for pages that require a logged-in user."""
def decorated_function(*args, **kwargs):
if not g.info["session"]["login"]:
session["redirect_url"] = request.url
flash("You must be logged in to do that!")
return redirect(url_for("account.login"))
return f(*args, **kwargs)
return decorated_function
def admin_required(f):
"""Wrapper for admin-only pages. Implies login_required."""
def decorated_function(*args, **kwargs):
if not g.info["session"]["login"]:
# Not even logged in?
session["redirect_url"] = request.url
flash("You must be logged in to do that!")
return redirect(url_for("account.login"))
if g.info["session"]["role"] != "admin":
logger.warning("User tried to access an Admin page, but wasn't allowed!")
return redirect(url_for("index"))
return f(*args, **kwargs)
return decorated_function
def ajax_response(status, msg):
"""Return a standard JSON response."""
status = "ok" if status else "error"
return json.dumps(dict(
def template(name, **kwargs):
"""Render a template to the browser."""
html = render_template(name, **kwargs)
# Get the elapsed time for the request.
time_elapsed = "%.03f" % (time.time() - g.info["time"])
html = re.sub(r'\%time_elapsed\%', time_elapsed, html)
return html
def markdown_template(path):
"""Render a Markdown page to the browser.
The first line in the Markdown page should be an H1 header beginning with
the # sign. This will set the page's
to match the header value.
Pages can include lines that begin with the keyword `:meta` to apply
meta information to control the Markdown parser. Supported meta lines
and examples:
To 'blacklist' extensions, i.e. to turn off line breaks inside a paragraph
getting translated into a
tag (the key is the minus sign):
:meta extensions -nl2br
To add an extension, i.e. the abbreviations from PHP Markdown Extra:
:meta extensions abbr"""
# The path is the absolute path to the Markdown file, so open it directly.
fh = codecs.open(path, "r", "utf-8")
body = fh.read()
# Look for meta information in the file.
lines = body.split("\n")
content = list() # New set of lines, without meta info.
extensions = set()
blacklist = set() # Blacklisted extensions
for line in lines:
if line.startswith(":meta"):
parts = line.split(" ")
if len(parts) >= 3:
# Supported meta commands.
if parts[1] == "extensions":
# Extension toggles.
for extension in parts[2:]:
if extension.startswith("-"):
extension = extension[1:]
# Extract a title from the first line.
first = content[0]
if first.startswith("#"):
first = first[1:].strip()
rendered = render_markdown("\n".join(content),
return template("markdown.inc.html",
def render_markdown(body, html_escape=True, extensions=None, blacklist=None):
"""Render a block of Markdown text.
This will default to escaping literal HTML characters. Set
`html_escape=False` to trust HTML.
* extensions should be a set() of extensions to add.
* blacklist should be a set() of extensions to blacklist."""
args = dict(
lazy_ol=False, # If a numbered list starts at e.g. 4, show the there
"fenced_code", # GitHub style code blocks
"tables", # http://michelf.ca/projects/php-markdown/extra/#table
"smart_strong", # Handles double__underscore better.
"codehilite", # Code highlighting with Pygment!
"nl2br", # Line breaks inside a paragraph become
"sane_lists", # Make lists less surprising
"codehilite": {
"linenums": False,
if html_escape:
args["safe_mode"] = "escape"
# Additional extensions?
if extensions is not None:
for ext in extensions:
if blacklist is not None:
for ext in blacklist:
return markdown.markdown(body, **args)
def send_email(to, subject, message, sender=None, reply_to=None):
"""Send an e-mail out."""
if sender is None:
sender = MAIL_SENDER
if type(to) != list:
to = [to]
logger.info("Send email to {}".format(to))
if MAIL_METHOD == "smtp":
# Send mail with SMTP.
for email in to:
# Construct the mail headers.
headers = [
"From: {}".format(sender),
"To: {}".format(email),
if reply_to is not None:
headers.append("Reply-To: {}".format(reply_to))
headers.append("Subject: {}".format(subject))
# Prepare the mail for transport.
server = smtplib.SMTP(MAIL_SERVER, MAIL_PORT)
msg = "\n".join(headers) + "\n\n" + message
server.sendmail(sender, email, msg)
def generate_csrf_token():
"""Generator for CSRF tokens."""
if "_csrf" not in session:
session["_csrf"] = str(uuid.uuid4())
return session["_csrf"]
def include(endpoint, *args, **kwargs):
"""Include another sub-page inside a template."""
# The 'endpoint' should be in the format 'module.function', i.e. 'blog.index'.
module, function = endpoint.split(".")
# Dynamically import the module and call its function.
m = importlib.import_module("rophako.modules.{}".format(module))
html = getattr(m, function)(*args, **kwargs)
return html
def remote_addr():
"""Retrieve the end user's remote IP address."""
# TODO: eventually support configurations with X-Forwarded-For, but for
# now at least we're centralizing this in one spot.
return request.remote_addr
def server_name():
"""Get the server's hostname."""
urlparts = list(urlparse.urlparse(request.url_root))
return urlparts[1]
def pretty_time(time_format, unix):
"""Pretty-print a time stamp."""
date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(unix)
return date.strftime(time_format)
def sanitize_name(name):
"""Sanitize a name that may be used in the filesystem.
Only allows numbers, letters, and some symbols."""
return re.sub(r'[^A-Za-z0-9 .\-_]+', '', name)