# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import unicode_literals, absolute_import """Blog models.""" from flask import g import time import re import glob import os import sys if sys.version_info[0] > 2: def unicode(s): return s from rophako.settings import Config import rophako.jsondb as JsonDB from rophako.log import logger def get_index(drafts=False): """Get the blog index. The index is the cache of available blog posts. It has the format: ``` { 'post_id': { fid: Friendly ID for the blog post (for URLs) time: epoch time of the post sticky: the stickiness of the post (shows first on global views) author: the author user ID of the post categories: [ list of categories ] privacy: the privacy setting subject: the post subject }, ... } ``` Args: drafts (bool): Whether to allow draft posts to be included in the index (for logged-in users only). """ # Index doesn't exist? if not JsonDB.exists("blog/index"): return rebuild_index() db = JsonDB.get("blog/index") # Filter out posts that shouldn't be visible (draft/private) posts = list(db.keys()) for post_id in posts: privacy = db[post_id]["privacy"] # Drafts are hidden universally so they can't be seen on any of the # normal blog routes. if privacy == "draft": if drafts is False or not g.info["session"]["login"]: del db[post_id] # Private posts are only visible to logged in users. elif privacy == "private" and not g.info["session"]["login"]: del db[post_id] return db def get_drafts(): """Get the draft blog posts. Drafts are hidden from all places of the blog, just like private posts are (for non-logged-in users), so get_index() skips drafts and therefore resolve_id, etc. does too, making them invisible on the normal blog pages. This function is like get_index() except it *only* returns the drafts. """ # Index doesn't exist? if not JsonDB.exists("blog/index"): return rebuild_index() db = JsonDB.get("blog/index") # Filter out only the draft posts. return { key: data for key, data in db.items() if data["privacy"] == "draft" } def get_private(): """Get only the private blog posts. Since you can view only drafts, it made sense to have an easy way to view only private posts, too. This function is like get_index() except it *only* returns the private posts. It doesn't check for logged-in users, because the routes that view all private posts are login_required anyway. """ # Index doesn't exist? if not JsonDB.exists("blog/index"): return rebuild_index() db = JsonDB.get("blog/index") # Filter out only the draft posts. return { key: data for key, data in db.items() if data["privacy"] == "private" } def rebuild_index(): """Rebuild the index.json if it goes missing.""" index = {} entries = JsonDB.list_docs("blog/entries") for post_id in entries: db = JsonDB.get("blog/entries/{}".format(post_id)) update_index(post_id, db, index, False) JsonDB.commit("blog/index", index) return index def update_index(post_id, post, index=None, commit=True): """Update a post's meta-data in the index. This is also used for adding a new post to the index for the first time. * post_id: The ID number for the post * post: The DB object for a blog post * index: If you already have the index open, you can pass it here * commit: Write the DB after updating the index (default True)""" if index is None: index = get_index(drafts=True) index[post_id] = dict( fid = post["fid"], time = post["time"] or int(time.time()), categories = post["categories"], sticky = post["sticky"], author = post["author"], privacy = post["privacy"] or "public", subject = post["subject"], ) if commit: JsonDB.commit("blog/index", index) def get_categories(): """Get the blog categories and their popularity.""" index = get_index() # Group by tags. tags = {} for post, data in index.items(): for tag in data["categories"]: if not tag in tags: tags[tag] = 0 tags[tag] += 1 return tags def get_entry(post_id): """Load a full blog entry.""" if not JsonDB.exists("blog/entries/{}".format(post_id)): return None db = JsonDB.get("blog/entries/{}".format(post_id)) # If no FID, set it to the ID. if len(db["fid"]) == 0: db["fid"] = str(post_id) # If no "format" option, set it to HTML (legacy) if db.get("format", "") == "": db["format"] = "html" return db def post_entry(post_id, fid, epoch, author, subject, avatar, categories, privacy, ip, emoticons, sticky, comments, format, body): """Post (or update) a blog entry.""" # Fetch the index. index = get_index(drafts=True) # Editing an existing post? if not post_id: post_id = get_next_id(index) logger.debug("Posting blog post ID {}".format(post_id)) # Get a unique friendly ID. if not fid: # The default friendly ID = the subject. fid = subject.lower() fid = re.sub(r'[^A-Za-z0-9]', '-', fid) fid = re.sub(r'\-+', '-', fid) fid = fid.strip("-") logger.debug("Chosen friendly ID: {}".format(fid)) # Make sure the friendly ID is unique! if len(fid): test = fid loop = 1 logger.debug("Verifying the friendly ID is unique: {}".format(fid)) while True: collision = False for k, v in index.items(): # Skip the same post, for updates. if k == post_id: continue if v["fid"] == test: # Not unique. loop += 1 test = fid + "_" + unicode(loop) collision = True logger.debug("Collision with existing post {}: {}".format(k, v["fid"])) break # Was there a collision? if collision: continue # Try again. # Nope! break fid = test # DB body for the post. db = dict( fid = fid, ip = ip, time = epoch or int(time.time()), categories = categories, sticky = sticky, comments = comments, emoticons = emoticons, avatar = avatar, privacy = privacy or "public", author = author, subject = subject, format = format, body = body, ) # Write the post. JsonDB.commit("blog/entries/{}".format(post_id), db) # Update the index cache. update_index(post_id, db, index) return post_id, fid def delete_entry(post_id): """Remove a blog entry.""" # Fetch the blog information. index = get_index(drafts=True) post = get_entry(post_id) if post is None: logger.warning("Can't delete post {}, it doesn't exist!".format(post_id)) # Delete the post. JsonDB.delete("blog/entries/{}".format(post_id)) # Update the index cache. del index[str(post_id)] # Python JSON dict keys must be strings, never ints JsonDB.commit("blog/index", index) def resolve_id(fid, drafts=False): """Resolve a friendly ID to the blog ID number. Args: drafts (bool): Whether to allow draft IDs to be resolved (for logged-in users only). """ index = get_index(drafts=drafts) # If the ID is all numeric, it's the blog post ID directly. if re.match(r'^\d+$', fid): if fid in index: return int(fid) else: logger.error("Tried resolving blog post ID {} as an EntryID, but it wasn't there!".format(fid)) return None # It's a friendly ID. Scan for it. for post_id, data in index.items(): if data["fid"] == fid: return int(post_id) logger.error("Friendly post ID {} wasn't found!".format(fid)) return None def list_avatars(): """Get a list of all the available blog avatars.""" avatars = set() paths = [ # Load avatars from both locations. We check the built-in set first, # so if you have matching names in your local site those will override. "rophako/www/static/avatars/*.*", os.path.join(Config.site.site_root, "static", "avatars", "*.*"), ] for path in paths: for filename in glob.glob(path): filename = filename.split("/")[-1] avatars.add(filename) return sorted(avatars, key=lambda x: x.lower()) def get_next_id(index): """Get the next free ID for a blog post.""" logger.debug("Getting next available blog ID number") sort = sorted(index.keys(), key=lambda x: int(x)) next_id = 1 if len(sort) > 0: next_id = int(sort[-1]) + 1 logger.debug("Highest post ID is: {}".format(next_id)) # Sanity check! if next_id in index: raise Exception("Failed to get_next_id for the blog. Chosen ID is still in the index!") return next_id