{{define "title"}}Frequently Asked Questions{{end}} {{define "content"}}

Frequently Asked Questions

And some that nobody asked

General FAQs

What does certification mean, and what is a "verification selfie"?

This website requires all members to be "certified" or proven to be real human beings on the other side of the keyboard. A "verification selfie" is where you take a picture of yourself holding onto a hand-written note on a sheet of paper to prove that you are a real person (and not just catfishing with somebody else's stolen photos).

Certification helps protect our members from harassment by anonymous trolls or automated spam robots that plague other similar sites.

Do I need to send a "verification selfie"?


Certification is required before you can gain access to the greater community on this website. Pre-certification, you may only access your own profile page and settings, but can not browse the member list, see the site Photo Gallery, or participate on the forums until your profile has been certified.

Photo FAQs

Do I have to post my nudes here?

You must be comfortable with doing so, yes. On some other nudist social websites, many nudists have lamented to me about how often they get messages by anonymous, faceless profiles who slide into their DMs and get all pervy and weird on them. While {{PrettyTitle}} only requires a face pic and verification selfie, other members will feel more comfortable if you post some of your own nudes as well.

Do I have to include my face in my nudes?

You don't have to! I know many nudists are not comfortable with their face appearing in their nudes. You are free to post "headless torso shots" or leave your face covered or censored. But you should have at least one face pic (as your default profile pic) - it can be a G-rated selfie!

If you're only comfortable with posting like close-up dick pics, please mark those pics as "explicit" -- many nudists prefer to see the whole nude body and don't want to see just dick pics everywhere. And don't set those as your default profile pic!

What is considered "explicit" in photos?

On this website, I make a fairly common distinction between what's a "normal nude" and what's an "explicit" photo:

You are permitted to upload explicit content to your profile, just mark which pictures are explicit to help the rest of the community in case someone prefers not to see that. You can enable a setting on your profile if you are comfortable with seeing explicit content from other users -- by default this site is "normal nudes" friendly!
